I break my religion

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The Fly
Nov 24, 2004
A place that must to be belived to be seen
And drunk some wine with my lunch. First time I drink for many days and now I feel empty in the head. I want to keep drinking and to be close with a lady but this is liek a feeling of losing control. I am out of control.

And my point is that alchool is a dangerous drug so be careful. Is more bad from smkoing.
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What the hell? Go preach somewhere else. There is no question smoking is worse. Smoking, even in moderation, is harmful to the person smoking and those around them. Alcohol in moderation may even be good for people.

Just don't drink and drive or get wasted all the time and you'll be fine.
Wait a minute here, if this guy is Muslim, alcohol drinking is a pretty serious sin in that religion unless you are a member of the Bektashi sect, which some Turks are.
verte76 said:
Wait a minute here, if this guy is Muslim, alcohol drinking is a pretty serious sin in that religion unless you are a member of the Bektashi sect, which some Turks are.

True, but "dangerous drug" and "more bad than smoking" sounds like preaching.
Ok, I will give a more helpful response. If you feel that drinking is wrong for religious reasons, you should stay true to your beliefs and not drink. Sounds like you are drinking because some girl you like drinks. Don't change your beliefs for her, she will understand if you don't want to drink. If she doesn't understand, you should find someone else.

I just wanted to point out that alcohol is not dangerous or bad in moderation, at least in terms of health.
verte76 said:
Wait a minute here, if this guy is Muslim, alcohol drinking is a pretty serious sin in that religion unless you are a member of the Bektashi sect, which some Turks are.

well, in turkey, i can say pretty much anything goes:wink:

i dont know which sect people belong to, but everyone is drinking, so no wonder arabs always question our convictions:huh:
Don't give up.

It's hard, but you have to do what you know is right.

Don't loose who you are just to feel good.

You've got to be the hero of your own life
If you want someone to go hardass on you about the drinking, I'll offer my services.....

But I'll just listen for now
this guy is from cyprus, which means he's probably a greek orthodox. he probably can't drink alcohol because of lent.

edit: i wouldn't say alcohol is more dangerous than smoking. alcohol can be drunk in small amounts and be beneficial for one's health. cigarettes, however, aren't healthy in any amount. however, i hope you can make peace with this one way or the other and either stop doing it or stop beating yourself up for doing it.
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unfortunatly, I have a friend who's slipping into both right now...

she had her first cigarette the other day, and she absolutley loved it......

I hope I can influence her to put them down, but I'm not too confident in that..........
For Honor said:
unfortunatly, I have a friend who's slipping into both right now...

she had her first cigarette the other day, and she absolutley loved it......
booze is good though...if you're legal that is. we all know i never had a drop of alcohol until i turned 21! :angel:

alcohol is okay in moderation of course. i've only been drunk twice (one was just me a bit tipsy, the other was me being fucking insane and i couldn't walk, etc.) and i've had my fill of that crap.

cigarettes are :yuck: though. i don't understand why people choose to pick up smoking. the way you feel when you've had a cigarette is the way most people usually feel. the shitty feeling is something you've brought on yourself by picking up this harmful addiction. yeah i know i sound preachy, but it's just one thing i've never managed to wrap my head around, why people choose to pick up smoking. especially in this day and age, when people know damn well the dangers involved and that it is addictive. :stepsoffsoapbox:
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