How many does it take?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Mar 28, 2005
Putting the blue in Bono's eye
I don't know wether or not this is the right place to post this but, how many posts does it take for your little status thingy to change?

e.g. from Babyface to The Fly and so on

I suppose one of the moderators will answer this.

You can find it in the FAQ, but here you go. :wave:

Babyface (Minimum Posts: 0)

The Fly (Minimum Posts: 30)

Acrobat (Minimum Posts: 300)

War Child (Minimum Posts: 500)

Refugee (Minimum Posts: 1000)

New Yorker (Minimum Posts: 2500)

Rock n' Roll Doggie (Minimum Posts: 3200)

Rock n' Roll Doggie
Band-aid (Minimum Posts: 4000)

Rock n' Roll Doggie
VIP PASS (Minimum Posts: 5000)

Rock n' Roll Doggie
ALL ACCESS (Minimum Posts: 6660)

Rock n' Roll Doggie
FOB (Minimum Posts: 8000)

love, blood, life (Minimum Posts: 10000)

Blue Crack Addict (Minimum Posts: 15000)
is there a place where we can see average posts per day? because i can remember using a forum extremely similar to this format, which had average posts.
if you click on the profile button it tells you the posts per day

but you have to be a premium member to look at profiles
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