How exactly to you get rid of emptiness

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lucky charms

War Child
Nov 28, 2003
I went home last night, the first time after putting down kitty yesterday morning. The thought of him never coming back there. It is such a strange feeling. The silence is rather loud. You walk around going from room to room looking for what exactly, I have no idea. I dont know, it is just wierd and Im not quite sure how to go about this whole thing. Family members, friends Ive lost, but none that I actually lived with in the moment of their passing, none that I saw every morning and every evening. When my mom died, I had my own family to take care of and was removed from her in a way. When you did enter into that environment of going to the house after she died, it was filled with family coping together. There was crying, sharing rememberance, accepting visitors with condolences, etc. You dont really have the time alone to think about it. But with our family pet gone, there really isnt anyone in immediate house that can cope with the loss. It is rather strange and dont quite know how to deal with it exactly. Just real quiet.
I know exactly how you beloved kitty died about a year ago...I had him for 18 years...and to tell you the truth I was thinking about him and cried lastnight:sad:

I have had many many other pet die and the best advise I can give you is get another one. THe new kitty will never take the place of your old one and I wouldn't want it too.....but it is refreshing to have new life in the helps heal the really does:hug: if fills the emptiness.

Think about just going to your local animal shelter to adopt... looking at all those little faces needing homes are hard to resist:heart:
I was thinking about him and bumped your original thread in LS before I saw this - I am so sorry, you guys really tried hard (I read your journal).

There is some truth to the saying that time heals all wounds - but damn it is sure hard in the beginning. I hope you have some peace in that you did absolutely everything you could - a lot more than even my good clients would do. You gave him every chance, and sometimes they still have things that are beyond what we can help. You made the kindest choice in helping him let go, rather than linger when he likely would have suffered.

It's ok to be sad, angry, whatever - there are no wrongs in what you feel in your grief. I'm here if you have questions or want to talk - feel free to PM me or email anytime :hug:
I have a very strong memory of putting one of my first cats down.

It was my first real experience with death, as in, hands on, carrying that was no longer alive. I understood then what the term "dead weight" means, how heavy it can be...

Anyhow, I suppose there really isn't much that you can do. Mourning isn't a bad thing. It is good that you were able to have such a strong bond... I'm sure your pet appreciates it.
I have been through this many times. I know what you are feeling

I'm crying right now thinking about all my fur babies I have had to put to sleep. I'm so sorry you had to go through this and in time it does get a little easier.

There are no words I can say that will make your pain go away. I do understand what you are going through. I had to put two of my kitties to sleep within 4 months of each other a few years ago. I'm facing the fact that the day is coming soon for me to make that decision again on another one of my kitties who is 15 years old now.

For now I will just give you a big cyberspace hug :hug: . You are in my thoughts.
Very sorry for your loss. This will sound like one of those things you're not supposed to say, but sometimes I actually feel closer to certain animals/pets than I do with some people. It's very hard when pets die, as their lives are so much shorter...
This is a poem my vet gave to me when one of my pets died-it made me feel a little better....

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

I can relate, I lost my 3 year old cat ...2 weeks ago
he never returned so I dont even know if hes dead or alive

and im not over it, im still bummed

everytime before opening the front door I hope he'll be there like old times, meowing and purring for attention...or food
thanks for kind words. It is comforting. Most may find us real deranged but we spent the weekend in heaps - crying lots, wondering around aimlessly. You would think we lost our first born or something the way we are acting. We couldnt even bring ourselves to clean up totally because that would be ridding the house of him, and couldnt do it - ya call us strange I guess. We went through all old pictures we could find, scanned them into the computer and we made tshirts - made us feel better. We are going to put his picture up above the couch where he used to lie down. And beside that we will mount a candle and the suspend a brass decanter which will hold his ashes. May sound obsessive, but to us we just miss him alot. Im sure as time goes by it will get easier, better, but for now it is what it is.
thanks for all the thoughts - very much appreciated and I thank you.
lucky charms said:
thanks for kind words. It is comforting. Most may find us real deranged but we spent the weekend in heaps - crying lots, wondering around aimlessly. You would think we lost our first born or something the way we are acting. We couldnt even bring ourselves to clean up totally because that would be ridding the house of him, and couldnt do it - ya call us strange I guess. We went through all old pictures we could find, scanned them into the computer and we made tshirts - made us feel better. We are going to put his picture up above the couch where he used to lie down. And beside that we will mount a candle and the suspend a brass decanter which will hold his ashes. May sound obsessive, but to us we just miss him alot. Im sure as time goes by it will get easier, better, but for now it is what it is.
thanks for all the thoughts - very much appreciated and I thank you.

You don't sound deranged to me. For many people, loosing a pet is like loosing a family member. That is the way I feel and I have spent many days in bed crying after having to make a very hard decision like you did. Never mind what other people about you, you do what you have to get through this time of mourning. I think you ideas are a lovely and I do hope it will get easier for you. :hug:
angelordevil said:
I actually feel closer to certain animals/pets than I do with some people.

I have never been ashamed to admit this. Pets offer an unconditional love that is like no other.

I am so sorry about your kitty.. I know how hard it is and I know how hard you tried to save him. You were a wonderful fur mom and I know he appreciated it. :sad: :hug:
We brought kitty's ashes home yesterday. They gave us a nice ornamental box and they gave us a clay pawprint. Of course we were second guessing whether or not it was even kitty, but we were assured that the hospital takes great care in making sure everything is on the up and up, so we must take their word for it. The doctors that were helping kitty have kept in contact and made sure we knew if we needed anything to call them. That is a nice geture. We wrote each a letter of thanks and we made each a shirt with a little collage of the many faces of kitty as a gesture of thanks.

Anyhow, I posted these 2 pictures in the LS kitty thread, but maybe I should post here to as it was suggested. The picture are a little before and after, an early pic of when kitty first came home, and the later pic is more recent - and his favourite thing, lying in the sunshine. How we like to picture him.

Take care of your kitties everyone, you never know when you wont be together again, so enjoy and protect it.

Caine but a few weeks old

Caine as we remember him
lucky charms :hug:

i still have my cat's and my dog ashes, my mum had them put down between 12 and 7 years ago, although its hard its better than them suffering, they were all put down years ago before she died and i still have them, sometime get them out and talk to them :reject: i miss them like crazy but i'm sure your kitty apprecitaed that you gave her/him alot of love :heart:

your kitty reminds me alot of our 1st cat Whiskey :heart:

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