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Roland of Gilead

Jul 25, 2000
Wife and kids are out of town.

All alone.

Speakers are full blast.

Half way thru a case of Heineken and I begin to see clearly...

I haven't heard an album like this for a good 12 years.

If this album was a woman, I'd be all over her right now... married or not! :wink:
you just convinced me to start drinking. yet, i think the album is bad ass. if i drink a lot, i may end up thinking it's pretty instead.
Oh lordie! Look out! They're on the hootch!
I'm just awaitin' for this to turn into a discussion on how HTDAAB needs more cowbell...:D
Why am I not invited over? Oh yeah and by the way I went out and got the Vertigo singles today....and I forgot how good CD sounds compaired to MP3s....Cant wait to have the album on CD too...ill be listening to it every day for like a year straight I bet...
Vertigo just ripped thru my walls upstairs not too long ago. Yeah, its much nicer than the mp3. I'd invite you over Yahweh, but I'm afraid I'll run out of beer by the time you arrive and there is no way I'm sharing this beautiful woman in the red stripe dress with anyone else. :wink:

Roland of Gilead said:
there is no way I'm sharing this beautiful woman in the red stripe dress with anyone else. :wink:

Why do I get the sudden urge to sing "The Lady In Red"?
I was about to get on here and create a post just like this. I see I don't have to now.

I just finished listenning to this album (again). This thing just gets better and better. And despite what anyone ever tells you from now until the end of time, "Yahweh" is a masterstroke of work.

Every time I get half way through the album I just keep telling myself that it cannot be real...and yet it is!

This is beyond any hope I had. I hope this feeling lasts.
artdirector said:
YES!!! I'm drinking Gueness..fuck can't even spell it I'm so pumped up!!

Ok, you convinced me to have another Guinness. Cheers!
Reggie Thee Dog said:
Where are the damn cowbells when you need them?? Roland is this you at this point....:drool:

You want more cowbell? I'll give ya some cowbell...

looking forward to that first complete album listen (cranked up to 11) while indulging ina many alcoholic beverages - life doesn't get much better than that !:dance: :drunk: :drunk: :dance:
drunk ravings about the new album, the kind of thread perfect for me. But I'll get back and post after tonight. :wink:

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