HELP! (toothy-peg prob)

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ONE love, blood, life
May 24, 2001
Angie Jolie lover from Belfast Norn Ireland. I LO
Heres the thing.....year ago, had to have a root canal done due to an infection in the tooth, it was never said as an abscess, but who knows, mighta been at, over a year later, a gumboil has formed in round that tooth......yuk!

But Im confused, when I saw my dentist, he said it just builds then opens of its own natural way....and may have come up due to the tooth.......but why now?

and, then I read that while gumboils form through untreated abscesses.....(he took x-ray, nothing showed!) it supposedly is also due to lack of Silicia..........(a salt tissue)

does anyone here know anything they can help me on? do u think its a deficiency....?

I mean, yea, I have been feelin down recently and dont do great when like that............
But they also say teeth probs can bring ur health down!

Im away


*locks herself in cupboard*


I dont tink anyofucanhelpme!
Ugh dentists.

Have you looked into seeing a periodontist? They specialize in gums and related problems.
daisybean said:
Maddie that sounds like it must hurt awful. I gotta a bad tooth and am taking tons of advil...until Jan. when I can get it pulled....

I hope you feel better


Ouch...I broke a filling back in January of this year. I couldn't get it taken care of until Halloween (what a day to have dental work done lol). I was eating Tylenol until my appointment.

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