Has U2 ever inspired you in any way?

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The Fly
Feb 6, 2005
Has U2 ever inspired you in any way?

So has our Irish fab four inspired you in any way, whether it be taking up the guitar, helped you cope with the most horrible times in your life, adopt a new hairstyle/piece of clothing or anything else in particular that U2 inspired you to do?

You know, this may sound a bit corny, but if someone asked me who my most inspiring people are, I would put Bono as one of them. He, and the rest of the band, inspired me to learn about the plight of Africa, send my application to Amnesty International, wear a “Make Poverty History” bracelet around my wrist, volunteer for Oxfam, educate my friends on how we could make poverty history (debt cancellation, fair trade, etc.) and helping me to develop a new passion for social justice.

Thanks to him, I have a new ambition to do humanitarian work in the future, and a dream to possibly lead an aid organization or a human rights group. Heck, I could go so far as to say that Bono inspired me to be a better person!

They've inspired me in my Faith, charity work and keeping myself close to my emotions and what drives me.

So, definately yes!
They have inspired me to be incredibly selective in music, and other things, perhaps. BUt also, liking something even if it is not popular, so, personal strength there, too.

I learned about the ONE campaing through U2.

And I always liked the global perspective that surrounded the group
The line "I can't change the world, But I can change the world in Me" could be seen as quite inspiring...I don't really go round thinking I'm inspired by the band, but I can see why they can inspire others
The song "PRIDE" has inspired me

I hade PRIDE put on the side of my highschool graduation ring. And in art, we were "supposed" to make banners of certain words relating to respect, and of course I got PRIDE. I took it home to work on it, and that's where it is, on my bedroom wall, PRIDE in huge letters.
I'm much more of a philanthropist than before. I take more interest in politics and religion and geography.

Ali prompted me into having braces.

I want to visit Ireland and I will soon.
SOOOO many other trivial things but not as important as these.
Yes, to join Amnesty, to appreciate innocence(more stronger than experience), to see the beauty, to feel that there is someone, like 4 of them, who see what i can see. I feel this incredible connection with early u2 and it will last forever.
Into the heart.
To play guitar and write songs, I would never have started without U2:wink:
of course. it's difficult to explicitly explain how, but i see the nuances of their influence in my life. U2 has most definitely influenced my expectations of music...and their spirituality has made me become more introspective about my own.
corianderstem said:

Me, too. "Walk On" in particular, for those broken-hearted times.

"You've got to leave it behind..." plays in my head whenever I know I need to let something go.
Oh, yeah, they definitely have inspired me, no doubt about that. I've become a hell of a lot more educated about the whole Africa thing as well, along with a few other humanitarian issues that I may not have heard much about before (or may not have heard about at all), and have since then done as much as I could to help out (which, right now, basically consists of writing letters and giving speeches when I was in school on the Africa issue and things along that line, but hey, it's a start, right?).

And they keep their optimism about life intact, which is nice, 'cause it's good to know I'm not alone in that respect. On days when it seems this world's just gone nuts, I hear a U2 song and life is good again, the hope and reassurance that things will get better is still there :). That sounds uber cheesy, I know, but...LOL. Same goes with their religious beliefs...again, it's nice to know that I'm not alone in having some questions regarding religion, and they ask those questions a hell of a lot better than I can, and I've quoted some of those bits sometimes in various conversations and stuff.

And they've inspired some of my writing, too :).

Well, nothing major really, just a few personality features that they have no doubt affected in some way.
And of course, because I have liked them for many years (and Im only 18) and have always been my favourite band, its down to them that I don't just "make like a sheep" like most others my age do and just like whats popular - instead, I listen to the music that I like (no matter what piss taking and criticism I get for my tastes) and not like certain music just because everyone else does.

However, now I finished college I have more time on my hands until the results come, so in the mean time Ive recently started writing my own lyrics/ songs/ poems and am going to get a guitar for my birthday and learn to play it - U2 definately had an influence in me wanting to do that.
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WOW ....

yea U2 has inspired me to become more active in helping out with debt relief and just really helping educate my friends that have no idea what is going on in the world..They have also inspired me to join One and DATA
It's hard to say. My outlook on life changed a lot right about the time I became a U2 fan - I became more politically aware and I started to take more chances in life and pursue some dreams that I had been afraid to pursue before, but I'm not sure if U2 spurred that or it if was a road I was going down anyway and I was attracted to U2 because it seemed to fit in with my frame of mind. It's the old "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" question.
The idealism in U2's music is very inspiring to me. If it were blind optimism, then it would be corny. But it's not, it is idealism with purpose and action to back it up.
Many things -- Most importantly:
They have helped keep me alive in some circumstanses. I have depression and at one stage I came close to ending my own life, but with help from alot of things, (not just U2, but I am certain that they played part) I overcame the desire. (Obviously :wink: )

To join Amnesty and take an active part in what they do.

U2 inspired my interest in medical research which is what I hope to do in the future.

I also wanted to add that U2 were not the only thing that inspired me in any of these things, but they did definately influence my final result.
Yes. I was an atheist before. Now I respect religion and religious people and I have started to think more about faith and Im not quite sure anymore that there`s no God :huh:
And Im going to study politics. Because I have a strong opinion about some things going on in the world and in our own country and I dont want to waste them or just criticize other politicians for their mistakes. I would try my best to make a difference.
And thanks to Bono, I have the courage to do so.

I know it all sounds a little too unreal but....
I had a really horrible experience last fall and Walk On has helped me tremendously. That song makes me hold my head high, look to God, and helps me to know that I can keep going. The past doesn't need to control me.

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