grey becomes white

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Oct 2, 2000
even NJ loves NY
brilliant gulls over the grey river
they swing low, heaven-sent
on the wind, dipping fleetingly from
their blinding glory to melt
the flatness beneath their wings.

I watch their reflections dance
along the water swiftly running;
they catch the turmoil
and uphold the eddies swirling
momentarily for my closer examination.

what greyness is this?
and how can such beauty exist entwined so
closely with the murky pools below it?
the white splashes against the
sky are free, they can choose
whether or not they want to return to
heaven today;
the water is a slave, it will
run onwards, abiding the call of
some great master until it
reaches the sea and becomes
a part of something even more ordinary.

then my eyes meet the silvered ocean.
what other world is this?
what mystery lies here?

just another ocean-themed thing I wrote while I was on vacation. the first line I stole and modified from a Chinese poet, I like to do that sometimes just to get started

tomorrow's just an excuse away
so I pull my collar up and face the cold, on my own...
brilliant gulls over the grey river
they swing low, heaven-sent
on the wind, dipping fleetingly from
their blinding glory to melt
the flatness beneath their wings

the white splashes against the
sky are free, they can choose
whether or not they want to return to
heaven today

then my eyes meet the silvered ocean.
what other world is this?
what mystery lies here?

love the flow to this one, felt like you were setting the scene for a beautiful watercolour/oil painting

Originally posted by BabyGrace:
the first line I stole and modified from a Chinese poet, I like to do that sometimes just to get started

you need to sometimes..I normally just pick a melody or lyric from a song and work around it and see where it takes me, sometimes try and swing a different perspective over it
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