Forum suggestion---U2 live recordings forum

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The Fly
Nov 22, 2001
Lawrence, KS ultraviolet_j since March 2001
I know we have the mp3/music on the internet forum here on Interference, but what about a forum strictly for trading live recordings of U2? Along with most traders, I am not a huge fan of mp3's and avoid trading for them like the plague, but I know some people on here are big fans of them. I guess it's just a personal preference though. Anyway, I know many other fans on here are always looking to trade or just looking for a copy of the show they attended. I am not sure if there are any legal issues involved, but I am sure it would generate a lot of interest and lively converstion among fans here on Interference. If anything, it could be a resource for fans in their search for shows and it would be a "trade only" forum, no selling, etc...Any opinions or ideas from other fans about this?

I hit an iceberg in my life
You know I'm still afloat
You lose your balance, lose your wife
In the queue for the lifeboat

"New York" U2

[This message has been edited by Jayhawk (edited 12-10-2001).]
I think it is a good idea also. I pointed out the differences between MP3's and SHN and regular sourced recordings in the MP3/internet music area and people seem to have lost their minds. It was like I killed their dog or something. So a separate forum would be great.

As Jayhawk indicated it is a personal preference. But most people who are serious CDR traders avoid MP3 sourced material.

[This message has been edited by Blue Room (edited 12-10-2001).]
Originally posted by Blue Room:
I think it is a good idea also. I pointed out the differences between MP3's and SHN and regular sourced recordings in the MP3/internet music area and people seem to have lost their minds. It was like I killed their dog or something. So a separate forum would be great.

[This message has been edited by Blue Room (edited 12-10-2001).]

No, this one needs to be on the record. Don't take his word for it, go read the forum for yourself.
We didn't "lose our minds" because you killed our dog, we got a little defensive when you popped your head in and got insulting. Maybe you didn't intend it that way, but it sure was taken that way by the people down there.

I'm all for a separate "collectors" forum, but please don't start dragging our arguments out into this forum.

Good day,


My U2 Bootleg Archive
Insulting???? I agree, please everyone check out the thread and see how insulting I was?? Geez, someone is just a tad sensitive which goes back to what I said above about the overeaction.

Everything I stated was a fact on that thread. I was just trying to share some info that some people might not know about and some people got offended. I was not the one who began using abusive language to make their point on that thread.

Anyway, maybe you are right I shouldnt have mentioned it here. But I think it is a good reason to have a separate forum so that is why I mentioned.

[This message has been edited by Blue Room (edited 12-11-2001).]
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