Forgive me Bono, for I have sinned ... I am an addict

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie
Oct 20, 2004
Cork, Ireland... IM BACK!
I am an U2

No Joke I'm actually scared I'm sleeping 9 hours a day and I still listen to U2 for about 13 hours a day and I have school and everything...unless my exams asked how many versions of Electrical Storm there is, or whats the lyrics to Ultra Violet (Light My Way) then I'm screwed
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well hopefully we're all freaks here, or else I might have to start singing...and when I start singing...people start running for the hills..
"The Lights go down its dark, the jungle is your head, can't rule your heart, I'm feeling so much stronger than I thought..."
We don't consider your addiction to Blue Crack a sin and I don't think the B-man would, either. Slightly scary, perhaps, but not sinful. ;)

Welcome to our twisted little world! :wave:
Well if it weren't for BLUE CRACK I probably wouldn't be so bad... you people are having a bad effect on me!

PennyPyro said:
Ok, could someone explain to me what is the deal with "Blue Crack"? i have seen references to this many times and i dont get it.

Blue Crack is interference. Why? because the background and font are blue, and is as addicting as crack.
You have my deepest sympathy. I’m a U2 aholic too and my life is also turning into a mess because of this recent increase of information around the band. I think that not even my skills in organization and administration will help me on that. Well come.
LostAtMoon said:
You have my deepest sympathy. I’m a U2 aholic too and my life is also turning into a mess because of this recent increase of information around the band. I think that not even my skills in organization and administration will help me on that. Well come.

Are you glad that you found this place? :hyper:
uwwedoogie said:
I am an U2

No Joke I'm actually scared I'm sleeping 9 hours a day and I still listen to U2 for about 13 hours a day and I have school and everything...unless my exams asked how many versions of Electrical Storm there is, or whats the lyrics to Ultra Violet (Light My Way) then I'm screwed

Now if you started sleeping with the music on it might be a bit of a concern....oh, wait, I do THAT!! :ohmy: Honestly, I once listened to a new cd overnight with headphones the morning my ears were bloody!

Turns out the headphones irritated my earrings. So I go different earrings so I could keep the earrings in (I always keep my earrings in) and still listen to the cd player. :)
Hi, I'm Tania and I've been addicted for as long as I can remember...

I've tried the patches....
I have been addicted for 19 years. I need my U2 fix every single day. In fact, I can't go a week without watching Rattle and its entirety.
uwwedoogie said:
I am an U2

No Joke I'm actually scared I'm sleeping 9 hours a day and I still listen to U2 for about 13 hours a day and I have school and everything...unless my exams asked how many versions of Electrical Storm there is, or whats the lyrics to Ultra Violet (Light My Way) then I'm screwed

OMB I SO feel ya man... during GQE testing I had that like 10-second clip of Vertigo from NOVA stuck in my head (this was a couple days before the whole song was released) and I was having problems with the math so I just wrote "Hello hello I'm at a place called vertigo" as one of my answers - on the Graduation Qualifying Exam! :huh: I prolly failed the test but damn was I happy that week, lol.

Last weekend I loaded my entire U2 song catalouge onto my computer and my MP3 Player is 128/128 MB full of nothin' but the lads. Last weekend (it was fall break, 4 day weekend) I also watched all my U2 concerts videos/ order...I'm a U2 geek :D

I swear I'm so addicted. I'm asking people for money and they're like "for what, U2 stuff?" and I'm like "well...yeah..." and they roll their eyes and walk away cause I've asked them 10 times before :D but I need that iPod! and the complete U2! and the boxset! And concert tickets! And...stuff!

they don't understand us, that's why we post here at the blue crack...together we can help each other through our insanity :yes:
I completely zone out when U2 songs are playing... I can't hear what people are saying to me because I am so distracted...sometimes I have to turn it off to have a conversation and then I get annoyed....oh well, this addiction is acutally good for my mental health, at least I think it is, I could be wrong!
I recently have been crying when listening to certain songs, and watching the dvds, because I am remember the Elevation shows and am so excited and happy about next year :huh:

God don't we have it bad...

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