For the boys...

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Resident Photo Buff
Staff member
Sep 1, 2000
Somewhere in middle America
We can't have a one-sided forum, now can we? :)

Girls can suck just as much if not more than guys.

:slant: Weddings are both uplifting and depressing at the same time for singles
You didn't say it was official...;)

'Why do you think girls suck?"

*thinks*"Whoa...this guy is having lady troubles."

*thinks* "Yes, it's true tho. We DO suck."

But boys suck more

Even if girls do suck we only suck to make you boys happy
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I wanted to fit in...

The_Sweetest_Thing said:
'Why do you think girls suck?"

*thinks*"Whoa...this guy is having lady troubles."

*thinks* "Yes, it's true tho. We DO suck."

Glad you could sort that out.

So as not to dirty the other thread

Boys mess wit yo head :|


Boys ain't got nothin' on girls in terms of messin wit yo head.

Boys=Amateurs at messing with heads
Girls=Grand masters of messing with heads
Diemen said:

Boys=Amateurs at messing with heads
Girls=Grand masters of messing with heads

Girls are direct w/ their feelings but have long explanations

Boys shy away and cant say what they feel for fear of not being MACHO!!!!
Ok, so I'm not as anti-girl as this thread suggests

And for ther record I agree with Manda. It's not really a guy/girl thing so much as a humans-in-general thing. I just had to go with the flow.

adamswildhoney said:
Girls are direct w/ their feelings but have long explanations

Boys shy away and cant say what they feel for fear of not being MACHO!!!!

Only dumb guys give a shit whether their feelings get in the way of them looking macho.

That said, the problem is that there are quite a lot of dumb guys. I know too many guys who don't let having a girlfriend stop them from trying to go after someone else. So yeah. I can see where you girls are coming from. Just keep us nice guys out of it!
Re: i cant control the kiwiporngirl shes a demon inside me

zooropamanda said:
usually they dont complain when we suck

Heh. You can never abandon your kiwipornness.

:silent: Just be careful with the teeth
maybe st's thread should have read "mean boys suck"
diemen, u should know by now that all this kind of venting wouldnt include cool boys like yourself anyhow

although even non dumb boys do worry about telling us their true feelings. i think for them its not a macho thing, more a not wanting to get hurt thing.
we're all the same. some of us are just better at taking risks than others thats all.
flower is going to throw porn kiwi's at you


no teeth!
What the hell are people going to think of us when they read all this tomorrow?

Okay, mean boys suck.

I'm sorry to Diemen and all the nice boys. :( :)

I just had a nice boy fuck w/ my mind 2day. Gah.
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