For Cat Lovers Only XVIII - Post Pics, Ask Questions, Comments, Etc.

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Shelley will spend half an hour sniffing the washing furiously when Mum brings it in off the line... like she will literally burrow her way into the basket and just sniff. very funny to watch. i wonder why...

c'mon human, scratch my belly !!

Fergus looks so chilled. He definitely is photogenic.
I has a cat!

Long story slightly shorter:
We moved into this neighbourhood back in October and were immediately greeted by a car walking through the door and snooping around as we were moving boxes in. Turns out he was our neighbour across the street's cat named Tigger. She got a new dog that scares Tigger, so he never stays inside. She's a bit of a crackhead too. Anyway, when it started getting a little colder out, he'd show up to our window at 2am meowing, so we'd let him in to sleep for the night (on my bed, no less).... then we started feeding him.... Then before we knew it, we was in the house more than outside. A couple weeks ago, his ear started smelling really bad, so I wanted to take him to the vet, but first I needed cracky's permission. She said she was looking for someone to take the cat (hint hint) because he didn't like staying at her house anymore. So a couple days later, she signed him over to me. His ear infection is all cleared up and he's sleeping peacefully on my pillow at the moment.
He's super cute. If you've ever seen that cat Maru that jumps into boxes on Youtube, he looks a little like that.

Anyway. I has a cat

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy !
here's my Wesley trying to keep warm the other day. He usually greets me at the door when I get home but the other afternoon he was nowhere to be found. I went to our part of the house and saw a big lump on the couch under the covers :cute: He did not approve of my lifting the top blanket up so after I took a picture I put it back down and he slept like this for a good hour. He also sleeps under the covers with me until he gets too warm and then he'll sleep on top of me. It's annoying and cute all at once....

I woke up this morning laying on my back with Wesley laying on top of me, on his back, with his head nuzzled up in my neck doing that cute sideways thing they do with their heads....purring away. We are so in love :heart:
I'm so mad his eyes are closed! Naughty boy! He's pretty much outgrown or given up on all of his previous hot spots to cause trouble other than the kitchen counter. If I'm in the kitchen then he's on the counter :tsk: He's so cute that I can't get mad at him. He's getting to be a big fatty but more to love I guess....

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