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Indra what kind of dog is Zeke?

He's an Australian Cattle Dog.

I'm pretty sure he thinks that means he can tell the cats what to do. They don't necessarily agree with him, but it makes him feel good. :)
He's an Australian Cattle Dog.

I'm pretty sure he thinks that means he can tell the cats what to do. They don't necessarily agree with him, but it makes him feel good. :)

that's what I thought. My sister's dog looks similar to Zeke, only she is all black and white. We think she's a Queensland blue heeler but maybe a mix of some sort. My sister's boyfriend has only had heelers so he's convinced she's 100% but my sister has her doubts. Whatever she is, she's the most well behaved, happiest dog I've ever been around. :yes: :heart:
we might, maybe, perhaps, be getting another cat. it depends on whether the husband can agree to one more really not making a difference. we've only got 2, which is not a lot of cats compared to some of you, but this one sounds like she'd be trouble but is quite needy. we made a deal a while ago to only take in cats that were in dire straits, and this one is a 3-4 month old kitten that the bitch owner has simply decided she and her skanky daughter don't want anymore. they haven't named her, she's housetrained and housebound as they have these fucking ugly american pitbulls roaming their yard so the cat is imprisoned. with a little effort they could find her a nice new home, but i have legitimate doubts people such as this would make that effort.
she's a silver tabby, btw, judging by the picture i saw. she sounds like a sweet cat who may not be too late for some human intervention to sweeten right up into a happy house cat.
where can I get the transfer factor stuff?

I get mine here:
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we might, maybe, perhaps, be getting another cat. it depends on whether the husband can agree to one more really not making a difference. we've only got 2, which is not a lot of cats compared to some of you, but this one sounds like she'd be trouble but is quite needy. we made a deal a while ago to only take in cats that were in dire straits, and this one is a 3-4 month old kitten that the bitch owner has simply decided she and her skanky daughter don't want anymore. they haven't named her, she's housetrained and housebound as they have these fucking ugly american pitbulls roaming their yard so the cat is imprisoned. with a little effort they could find her a nice new home, but i have legitimate doubts people such as this would make that effort.
she's a silver tabby, btw, judging by the picture i saw. she sounds like a sweet cat who may not be too late for some human intervention to sweeten right up into a happy house cat.

Save her! :heart:
we might, maybe, perhaps, be getting another cat. it depends on whether the husband can agree to one more really not making a difference. we've only got 2, which is not a lot of cats compared to some of you, but this one sounds like she'd be trouble but is quite needy. we made a deal a while ago to only take in cats that were in dire straits, and this one is a 3-4 month old kitten that the bitch owner has simply decided she and her skanky daughter don't want anymore. they haven't named her, she's housetrained and housebound as they have these fucking ugly american pitbulls roaming their yard so the cat is imprisoned. with a little effort they could find her a nice new home, but i have legitimate doubts people such as this would make that effort.
she's a silver tabby, btw, judging by the picture i saw. she sounds like a sweet cat who may not be too late for some human intervention to sweeten right up into a happy house cat.

Yes, do it--that poor little thing needs you! :hug:
So I went to the pet shop today to get some laxatives for Lemon because it's furball season.

I got into an interesting conversation with the girl at the pet store which was trying to sell me a brand of all natural catfood called Evo (I bought it anyway, $80 a pop). I told her I traditionally use Whiskers to feed the cats but she said that the food was full of by-products.

Now I'm all freaked out :|

Can anyone recommend any good cat food brands or even ones I should avoid?
Eh no need to be freaked out. Our family cat lived to be 19 on Friskies her whole life. But look for foods where the first ingredient is chicken, beef, etc. Anything that lists 'meat by products' or similar is probably not the best brand. Most grocery store brands, whiskas, 9lives, meow mix are all pretty low class foods. Evo is a really good brand but you need to do a 50/50 mix with the old food and slowly switch over.
I prefer to use the human version. It's perfectly safe to give to animals as well.
Hey Sicy, I've thought about the transfer factor stuff and I'm thinking it's probably not going to be much use at this stage, I'm afraid, and the price doesn't really help at the moment. Thanks for telling me about it, though. As for Stimps, I just wrote a blog which contains an update on how he's going and what's going to happen, so you can check that out if you want (didn't want to halt anything here like the last announcement) - anyway, sorry for any downer type stuff. Ben's still okay! Thanks for your support, guys.
we might, maybe, perhaps, be getting another cat. it depends on whether the husband can agree to one more really not making a difference. we've only got 2, which is not a lot of cats compared to some of you, but this one sounds like she'd be trouble but is quite needy. we made a deal a while ago to only take in cats that were in dire straits, and this one is a 3-4 month old kitten that the bitch owner has simply decided she and her skanky daughter don't want anymore. they haven't named her, she's housetrained and housebound as they have these fucking ugly american pitbulls roaming their yard so the cat is imprisoned. with a little effort they could find her a nice new home, but i have legitimate doubts people such as this would make that effort.
she's a silver tabby, btw, judging by the picture i saw. she sounds like a sweet cat who may not be too late for some human intervention to sweeten right up into a happy house cat.

Woah the poor kitten!!! :hug: I hope your hubby agrees with you that she needs a new house!

Silver Tabby. :love: I wish I could take her in, I love silver tabby's!
Separation pretty much.
i agree. the closest i've ever come to being in a situation like this was when we moved here in 95. on the way, we stopped at my grandparents' place for christmas. they had the sweetest dog ever. we kept our two cats in my room, except one night pud (their dog) tried to follow me into my room as he'd usually sleep outside my room. jonathan was not too pleased with his presence, and tasmania (my two cats) was smart enough to hide. :lol:
Here's my periodic Sammy update.
It's was overcast today, but he still enjoys hanging on the deck and on the beach...he has a rough life.



It's Spazz' turn in my next post.
Do any of you have any experience with nail problems? :(

Last night we were giving all the cats their manis-pedis (they'd been done 3 weeks ago, and all was fine then), and we noticed that one of Toby's nails looked weird. I don't know how to explain it, but the back of his one nail (as in, if his claws were extended, the side of his claw that would be facing toward his body, the inner part of the curve) looked bloody inside, where the quick would be. As I'm sure you all know, cats are squirmy and it's hard to get a really good look, but from what we've seen, the nail looks like it's been split, and the part that the nail extends out of (the shaft? Not sure what it's called) looks a little pinkish. Here's a picture, although it's really hard to get a good picture from the right angle, but maybe you guys can see something?


From that picture, it almost looks like there's dried blood on the fur behind the nail, but when looking at it, we couldn't see anything.

I looked online, and anything I could find said that most nail issues resolve on their own, but to keep an eye on it in case it gets looking worse, and to watch for signs of pain, like they're favouring that paw, and so far he isn't.
^ I'm thinking he probably got it caught somewhere and pulled some of it off when he pulled it free. The do shed part of their nails, but that does look as if more than normal is off. I don't think it's anything you need to be very worried about, but keep an eye on it and if it doesn't heal or gets worse, then you might want to contact your vet.
Thanks Indra! He's generally the calmest cat of all, but for the past few weeks, he's been very hyper. He's been tearing through the house like mad, he's attempted to climb my mini blinds several times, and broken several slats in the process, along with climbing up on a really high shelf, stretching himself upward to the ceiling, and scratching pieces of the plaster off. :huh: Destructive bugger. Maybe he caught it on one of those things? I've moved the shelf so he can't get at the ceiling anymore, and I'll try to watch him around the blinds.
Thanks Indra! He's generally the calmest cat of all, but for the past few weeks, he's been very hyper. He's been tearing through the house like mad, he's attempted to climb my mini blinds several times, and broken several slats in the process, along with climbing up on a really high shelf, stretching himself upward to the ceiling, and scratching pieces of the plaster off. :huh: Destructive bugger. Maybe he caught it on one of those things? I've moved the shelf so he can't get at the ceiling anymore, and I'll try to watch him around the blinds.

Yep, that sounds like the cause to me! :lol:

Some of mine are raising hell with a couple of the walls. I try to be one step ahead of them, but that's not going so well. We are going to have to put up a protective hard board cover on one wall that someone has decided makes an excellent scratching area. Little shit. :angry:
Damned cats! :lol: For a week now, they've been dragging chunks of plaster down from upstairs, usually right after I've vacuumed. I saw the damage on the ceiling, which I suspected may have been from a roof leak or something. I even tried to get any loose plaster down, but none would come off. I'd sweep the room to clear the pieces out, thinking that it was all good, but they'd always bring more down. I was up there a few days ago, and it hit me that the shelf is near there and that maybe the cats were doing it, but I was all "no, that's crazy, they couldn't be!" because it'd be quite a stretch for them from high up, and really awkward. I stood there pondering it for a few minutes, and a few of them came in, and sure enough, Toby got up there, and he could reach it. Little shit, indeed. :angry: I don't know how they do it.
This occurred a few weeks ago, but Grady tried to attack my TV!
I had it on Animal Planet whilst I was falling asleep, and Grady got up and started to walk-up towards me. I figured she was coming to sleep next to me like she does sometimes. Well, her eyes were great big and she just walked right past me, just fixed on my TV. I put my glasses on and looked and there was a bird on the TV, she was in the attack position, then it went to commercial and she left. I really wish it had occurred when I wasn't trying to sleep, I would have tried to tape it!
Aww :cute: Emo cat is emo!

To the nail problem: I agree with Indra, most likely tried to rip his paw loose from something. Just be careful if it turns a different colour or pus comes out. That's a sign to go to the vet!
Otherwise, if the paw doesn't seem painful, it should be okay.
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