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:cute: The shoes pic is really cute!

lol, my new babysit family have two big fat cats. They're really cute and attentionwhorish and the male one is really fond of me. I told my mom about them, her first reaction? Did you take any pics?
:giggle: She'll become a crazy cat lady some day, I'll make sure of that!

Sadly, I forgot to take pics. Perhaps next time.
Kitty pics :love:

I have a question re: moving. Any advice for making it as stress-free for The Mofo as possible?
Long distance or "cross-town"? If long distance, I recommend kitty downers from your vet. If it's local, she'll probably hide for a few days in your new place, then explore.
It's local, just ten minutes from where I am now. I was told to put him in a room with his litter box, toys, etc. for a couple days before I let him explore the whole place :hmm:
It's local, just ten minutes from where I am now. I was told to put him in a room with his litter box, toys, etc. for a couple days before I let him explore the whole place :hmm:

That's exactly what you should do. Although since Mofo seems pretty laid back I think one day would be good enough.

Make sure he is pretty much the last thing you move, so that everything is set up already in the new place. That will make it less stressful for him as he will be familiar with all of your furniture, etc.
That's exactly what you should do. Although since Mofo seems pretty laid back I think one day would be good enough.

Make sure he is pretty much the last thing you move, so that everything is set up already in the new place. That will make it less stressful for him as he will be familiar with all of your furniture, etc.

Aha, ok. I'm thinking the same. He should adapt pretty quickly, but I'll just set him up in the second bedroom for the first day or so. I'm going to move both my boys pretty much last and hope for the best.
:crack: I'm having major anxiety over leaving Lily this week while I'm in Vegas. We live with my parents, who have gotten used to having a cat in their house for the first time so she's in excellent hands. My anti-cat mother scoops Lily up like a pro and snuggles with her everyday when she gets home from work while my dad is home most mornings so I know he sneaks her treats and plays with her. Plus, my sister, Lily's mommy, lives nearby and will be coming over a few extra times this week to be with her. But while in this house, I am the center of Lily's universe so now she'll sleep alone, eat alone, and spend all of her time in a depressed little ball of the fleece blanket on my bed that she loves so much. It's only for 4 days but I've just been a nervous mess over leaving her. I went away for a weekend a few months ago, while living here was still new for both Lily and I, and we both survived just fine. She has a contstant runny eye so I'm always chasing her down to clean it. I hope my parents will take care of that, which I'm sure they will.....

:crazy: I can't imagine how I would be if I had a kid and had to leave it for a few days. This is technically not even my cat and I'm freaking out about leaving her. She's going to be really upset when she realizes I won't be home on Wed night. :(
oh and another you spray your cat with water if they're doing something bad? My sister always has and insists that I do so if Lily is getting into trouble. But I just have a hard time with it. Lily knows the bottle quite well so she'll generally stop what she's doing wrong if I show her the bottle. But every so often she just goes back to doing what she was doing no matter how many times I point the bottle, and sometimes spray her. I just hate using it. I feel like I just beat her up by the way she reacts.
:hug: Aw you're such a cat person now.. concerns and everything. :lol:

I dont spray my cats with water. I dont really think it works to be honest. Its rare that my cats actually do anything bad, but I may shoot a squirt of compressed air at their butt if they're somewhere they're not supposed to be. But again, I dont think it does any good. They will still go where they're not supposed to but if I so much as pick up the can of air they take off :lmao:
:hug: Aw you're such a cat person now.. concerns and everything. :lol:

I dont spray my cats with water. I dont really think it works to be honest. Its rare that my cats actually do anything bad, but I may shoot a squirt of compressed air at their butt if they're somewhere they're not supposed to be. But again, I dont think it does any good. They will still go where they're not supposed to but if I so much as pick up the can of air they take off :lmao:

I know! :reject: She's my little baby. I''m not sure what I'm going to do when my sister moves into a place, probably in a few months, where she can have a cat. If Lily moves out of my parents house before me, I told them to be prepared for a new cat to move in because I'm not going to have a cat-free life ever again! :shifty: However, I am allergic to most cats so it might be difficult for me to find one that doesn't give me an issue. When my sister first got Lily I never could go to her house without having an asthma attack so I'm not sure what happened that I've been able to live with her for the past 2 years.....

I don't think it works, which is why I hate using it, because most of the time she ignores me and goes back to what she was doing. But I do like that she runs off and hides in the morning if I point the bottle at her when she wakes me up too early because she wants to eat. That's about the only time the bottle works.
Haha mine wake me up early all the time. Saki is always purring and wanting to lick my ear. It's too cute to get mad at. :reject:

And I know my cats would really miss me so I am having their 'daddy' stay at my house while I'm in Vegas. I will only be gone 2 days and I still worry lol.
Lily sits on my shoulders and starts to hit me in the face with her paw and whine in my ear :| If I push her off of me then she'll sit on the floor and start batting at my phone cord. She never used to be like this until we moved. When we lived in Phoenix my sister would fill her bowl up before she left for work and try to get Lily up but she would stay in bed with me until I had to get up around 10. But now that I get up at 3:30 in the morning :crack: Lily wants to eat at about 2 am! :scream:
this is something i never thought i'd see:

(clockwise: sunnie, dolemite, tabitha, spice - sorry the photo's kinda crap, i suck using my phone sometimes)

having the last three on my bed isn't a huge deal, but sunnie's suddenly started snoozing on my bed during the evening. in fact, she always lays on that little spot on my bed. :cute: the only other cat she somewhat tolerates is dolemite, either because he's male or because he's so non-threatening. :lmao:
They look so relaxed and comfortable! Looks like they're having fun.

Banana was being michevious the other day, we are renovating the bathroom and the builders keep the back door open so its easier to get their tools. I close off the kitchen door as it leads to the back of the house so that the cats can't get out.

Now they know they're not allowed to go outside. So I'm working at the dinning room table occasionally keeping an eye out for Banana, shes staring at the door, sees me then walks away.

As soon as I turn my back to grab something she bolts for the door, slides it open and runs to freedom! She looked so guilty when I caught her in the back garden!
My cats love that video. And by love, I mean there is one at the front door and one at the back screen, on the lookout with hackles up, watching for this howling cat.


Why do cats wait til you're setting off at a fast pace for the bathroom, ringing phone, etc, to suddenly take off next to you and then wait a few steps in and dart in front and slow down? Abby does this all the time. She'll take off to walk with me, then speed up to cut me off and just stop. Then she looks at me as if to say, "What? Really, WHAT is your problem? Feed me or something. Geez."

:giggle: They're still at the screen doors on the lookout for random kitties howling.
Every morning, when I make my breakfast, Miep jumps on the kitchen table and eyes me sweetly to get something from me. I love how she sits with all four paws lined up and the tip of her tail pointed upwards.

Sicy can you please add this one? :) And can you please delete pic 1,2,3,4,5? Most of the links have died anyway.

And I also found this one, taken a few days ago. Can you add it too Sicy?
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