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Litter box question: has anyone tried the sort of box where you lift up the bottom and it automatically sifts through? Not one of the automated ones that clean, one you do yourself but I guess it has a strainer-like piece that sits under the litter so you can clean it in one swoop?

I admit I hate doing the litter. I am not easily grossed out, I have cleaned dog diarrhea off my bed and induced vomiting in my puppy, etc, but for some reason I just really can't stand cleaning the cat box, it gives me a headache and I feel sick. So I probably put it off and don't do it as often as I should. I have three cats and three boxes, two covered and one open. I use Tidy Cat Multi-cat hard clumping scoopable litter. I was thinking if these other boxes really work it would be just three "scoops" rather than sitting there, picking and scooping through three boxes. I haven't changed boxes since I got cats (besides adding boxes) so I could probably use some fresh, clean boxes eventually.
Litter box question: has anyone tried the sort of box where you lift up the bottom and it automatically sifts through? Not one of the automated ones that clean, one you do yourself but I guess it has a strainer-like piece that sits under the litter so you can clean it in one swoop?

I admit I hate doing the litter. I am not easily grossed out, I have cleaned dog diarrhea off my bed and induced vomiting in my puppy, etc, but for some reason I just really can't stand cleaning the cat box, it gives me a headache and I feel sick. So I probably put it off and don't do it as often as I should. I have three cats and three boxes, two covered and one open. I use Tidy Cat Multi-cat hard clumping scoopable litter. I was thinking if these other boxes really work it would be just three "scoops" rather than sitting there, picking and scooping through three boxes. I haven't changed boxes since I got cats (besides adding boxes) so I could probably use some fresh, clean boxes eventually.

This one has really good reviews:

Omega Paw Roll N Clean Litter Box - New Kitten Center - Cat - PetSmart Omega Paw Self-Cleaning Litter Box, Large, Green and Beige: Kitchen & Dining

I don't mind cleaning them (it's not my favourite thing in the world, but it doesn't gross me out, and it only takes like two minutes per box), so I wouldn't bother with the extra expense, but it might be ideal for you.

That's awesome! We went to the site and made several for our kitties. We even made one with a person. :lol:
Litter box question: has anyone tried the sort of box where you lift up the bottom and it automatically sifts through? Not one of the automated ones that clean, one you do yourself but I guess it has a strainer-like piece that sits under the litter so you can clean it in one swoop?

I admit I hate doing the litter.

With my 4, I scoop every other day. Throw out the used litter every 2 weeks or so, and wash out the boxes. Depends on if the litter is still clumping ok.
I would love anything that would sift through and make it more convenient.
I found a natural litter at Big Lots for $4.00, for 14pounds. It really clumps good and keeps any odor down. One of the kittens, Max is still obsessed with litter. He'll throw litter to the corner of the box untill it's all on one side. Drives me crazy. He'll stop when I clap my hands and tell him to move on - but I'm not here all day.
I'll eventually go to a self cleaning box. This scooping thing is getting, has gotten - old. :wink:
14 lbs would last about 5 minutes at my house, lol. I buy 40 pound boxes, and go through one about every two weeks.

I bet you do..:eek:
I should say that's 14lbs is per litter box and I have 3.
But I do let them out some in the evenings and when I'm home during the day. They don't go far. When someone starts up a car or walks up the side walk, they all run in. Going outside saves on litter. :up:
He was happy but I guess it was getting a wee bit too personal. :lol:

I just love the cat - he's so cool, he's just like, 'wtf?'

"I think she's watching us..."


"...hehehe she can't see me"
Sorry these are so big. I wanted one of Abby talking, which she does constantly when she's awake.

And Zoe, being her usual freaky self. She's getting so old now. :(
Sorry these are so big. I wanted one of Abby talking, which she does constantly when she's awake.


Our Lily talks constantly in afternoon. It's really cute if she and my sister's boyfriend are in the kitchen together. He will talk to her and then she talks back. The more he talks, the more she talks. She'll even do this if he's on the phone. :cute:

Speaking of Lily, she has a cold :sad: poor baby. My sister said she's had a few colds in the past so she's not worried about it, plus Lily has her annual check up in a few weeks. But I just feel so bad for her. She's eating and playing like always but she's still moving a little slow and she keeps sneezing. Plus she sounds like Darth Vader at night. My sister says she's fine so I won't worry about her.
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