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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jun 8, 2004
There is a guy on message board who claims he has heard the whole album plus b-sides last weeks in Eze. He has some descriptions of the songs, but the translator program is awful on this matter. So, anyone who speaks Italian, please translate this!
This could all be fake, but, since it is slow week...
This is possibly the least helpful google translation ever.

I do not take absolutely for the culo... altrimenti why nn I would have written in the forum for approximately one week?
they have been 1 week with my girl to sbafo to house of friends of family to nizza and obviously of it we have been useful in order to go 3 days to the sea to eze

previous mine post it was therefore frettoloso why I was in an Internet caf? in those of ventimiglia

reassumed of the surveillances...

1? giorno:... un insufficient P?... seen the morning jordan in beach in topless... niente badly said.....a lunch edge, wings and a tide of children... ma the thing remains caught a glimpse them... giusto

2? day: here it is clou... a a sure point we see edge and dave stewart that they are based on of the deckchairs to ridosso of the railing (therefore to 3 meters practically from we that we were giu in beach... who has been to eze knows a P? that vicinity is between the terrace and spiaggia)... chiacchierano... and to a sure point stereo to ball... parte a trace with bono that says something in Spanish and leaves the first beautiful and rockeggiante song indeed... questa a much... merita casino... con edge that ago its part from lion... la second trace... molto blues... ce n' is third where just mimo of the guitar... dopo a TEN of song... pausa lunch... after to have stoppato the stereo edge a moment shows oneself... gli urlo "well done edge!" and it makes
"thanks!! but it is not that you have of the microphones under the swimsuits "
they are edge, morleigh, dave stewart and, perhaps, its tipa... dopo lunch still a trace... in general line the tradition is that one of atyclb... dopo others 3-4 songs arrives also Adam and larry... larry practically it escapes in the house of edge... Adam it chats and it has in hand a cd with a cover in.bianco and black... a moment shows oneself... makes hello with the hand (hatred alone the hysterias) and it shoots a smile to 60mila teeth before being based... edge relights the stereo and replaces the same traces before more someone new... some has more than a version and probably they discuss on which to insert...
after a pair of hours they exit from the gate of the beach edge, morleigh, dave stewart, its tipa and that one that would be the tipa of Adam (has arrived with he... nn knows if it has sisters but nn s' they resembled minimamente)... edge black custom... ci watches... we we give again and enough and we make it hello with the small hand... nn we go towards of he why we have lasciamoli fear to turn out invading... insomma... living a P?... edge ficca mask and fins and swims until wide... the others enter in water for little meters... dopo one half scant hour all within

yesterday the last day of only caught a glimpse surveillances... edge, Adam (perhaps) and morleigh... e jordan in topless....
there was a large one via you go of movements of valige from the house of bono to that one of edge... forse cleared a room why in evening the owner of house would have arrived ... goodness knows....

cmq I have listened to a 1?na of songs... molte will probably make from b-sides.....una me is piaciuta a casino... you would give 9 to them (that one with bono that that one attacks counting in spagnolo)... un' other 7 (blues)... il rest the sufficienza... but only why they are they

ah... ce n' it was also that it was a compound between the playboy mansion and if you wear....
I can make out some of it, but there isn't anything substantive there.

Bono sings something in Spanish, he heard 15 tracks, one sounded similar to ATYCLB, one sounde dlike a big rock song, one sounded bluesy.
DaveC said:

Dude, she's 14.

I don't think I've even seen a picture of her. I just assumed she was a little kid and the guy was making a joke about seeing her topless, but I had no idea she was as old as 14. Those silly Europeans!
dude, is this guy saying that Jordan (bono's 15 year old daughter) was caught topless on the beach? That is ridiculous for someone that young to be doing something like that!
P.S. Any chance of some pics? :wink:
ZigZag said:

I don't think I've even seen a picture of her. I just assumed she was a little kid and the guy was making a joke about seeing her topless, but I had no idea she was as old as 14. Those silly Europeans!

*sigh* why bother? :sigh:
The bluesy song reminds him of "When Love Comes To Town"...
Ok, I will try to translate the more interesting parts.

"... a un certo punto stereo a palla....parte una traccia con bono che dice qualcosa in spagnolo e parte la prima canzone....questa molto bella e rockeggiante....merita davvero un casino....con edge che fa la sua parte da seconda traccia....molto blues....ce n'? una terza dove nel ritornello bono credo canti qualcosa tipo cool love....c'? poi all because of you..."

Suddenly the stereo plays out loud, the first track starts with Bono saying something in spanish, it sounds very good and rock, really beautiful, with the Edge in great shape ... the second track is a blues song ... in the third one I guess Bono sings something like "cool love", and then there was "all because of you"

"cmq ho ascoltato una 15ina di canzoni....molte faranno da b-sides probabilmente.....una mi ? piaciuta un casino...le darei 9 (quella con bono che attacca contando in spagnolo)....un'altra un 7 (quella blues) resto la solo perch? sono loro"

Anyway I heard about 15 songs, probably some of them will be b-sides ... one of them (the one with spanish-intro) really hit me and I give it 9/10, 7/10 to the blues one and 6/10 to all the rest,
but only cause I am a fan of U2.

"ah...ce n'era una anche che era un misto tra the playboy mansion e if you wear.... "

By the way, there was also a song that was a mix between "the playboy mansion" and "if you wear ..."
Wow one song out of 15 songs is a 9/10. One song is 7/10... the rest are 6/10. LOL.... so the person saying the album as whole is realtively average to slightly above average. So when he says he only gives these scores b/c he's a fan of U2 does that mean they would be scored much lower if he wasn't a fan?
Flying FuManchu said:
Wow one song out of 15 songs is a 9/10. One song is 7/10... the rest are 6/10. LOL.... so the person saying the album as whole is realtively average to slightly above average. So when he says he only gives these scores b/c he's a fan of U2 does that mean they would be scored much lower if he wasn't a fan?

yeah he doesn't sound overly impressed does he? hopefully his low ratings were for the b-sides and not the album cuts.
though it usually takes a long time for me to get into a new U2 record, so maybe this dude is the same.
Dorian Gray said:

yeah he doesn't sound overly impressed does he? hopefully his low ratings were for the b-sides and not the album cuts.
though it usually takes a long time for me to get into a new U2 record, so maybe this dude is the same.

Regardless of whether this report is true or not, I can believe a U2 fan giving an album low scores at first. How many times have we heard a U2 song and NOT been excited by it? But then, as we hear it a few more times, suddenly it becomes a fantastic song - one for the ages! U2's music has always been something that grows on people, which is a good thing because this type of music lasts. It's the type of music that endures for decades. In contrast, music that people instantly like often is forgettable.
i've read the thread linked above and actually the author has been a little disappointed with new songs: he says that the sound is similar to ATYCLB and that with the exception of 2 or 3 tunes it's a slow and soft rock album (imagine something in the middle of stuck and walk on)...

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