*Exklusive* The Edge & U2 Interview - where has it gone?

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Ah, ok, i got it. I was right....it was a fake.
Thx for clarification! Thx interference.com!
What the hell? I never heard about this!
Anyway, after reading this, Interference is not giving enough details, in other words they are most likely covering alot up. What were the steps taken to officially confirm it was Edge from U2?
Interference needs a new server anyone :eyebrow: ?????
This is my opinion, but I think this was a big scam from Interference to attract many more people to the site to raise funds. That is the only logical explanation, or all the staff are mentally handicapped as they don't even confirm it was in fact somebody relating to U2 posting.
Scam, plain and simple in my mind.
Didn't you blame me as well?`
I'm not sure - but someone said he's lucky that he's from Australia and not Austria.

Anyway, i think you got the point.
Many new fans visited the forum since then - and many, many paid the "premium membership" i guess. And some more donaitons needed...sure....gimme that money.

Woah, i get sick of this!
i love how competing webmasters of other u2 sites like to kick dirt on the graves... aren't we all in it for the love of u2? do we really need to shoot each other down all the time?
nope, i don't like to do this either!
But i was blamed, derided and somehow banned.

I know many u2websites, many webmasters and noone of them is trying to collect money like this site does. And that makes me suscpicious.

We all do it for fun, i (for my old site) and we never have raised money for anything - always paid this out of our pockets and affiliate links. That's it.
We did and still do it for love - other for money?
AussieU2fanman said:
What the hell? I never heard about this!
Anyway, after reading this, Interference is not giving enough details, in other words they are most likely covering alot up. What were the steps taken to officially confirm it was Edge from U2?
Interference needs a new server anyone :eyebrow: ?????
This is my opinion, but I think this was a big scam from Interference to attract many more people to the site to raise funds. That is the only logical explanation, or all the staff are mentally handicapped as they don't even confirm it was in fact somebody relating to U2 posting.
Scam, plain and simple in my mind.

This is exaclty why I suggested to Elvis that a post about this fiasco goes on the front page.....
Elvis should have calculated this stunt better. He got too greedy in the end and it all blew up in his face. He's not sorry for the actual incident, he's just sorry he got caught out. (He should have known this couldn't go on forever!)

*counts minutes before thread is closed*

whatever dude....everyone should've know it wasn't really the edge when "he" made that terrorist remark towards jick.
even I must admit that was WAY over the line.
I was extremely suspcious the whole time and everyone treated me like a idiotic non believer about it.

Take that!!! I was right all along.
JOFO said:

*counts minutes before thread is closed*

whatever dude....everyone should've know it wasn't really the edge when "he" made that terrorist remark towards jick.
even I must admit that was WAY over the line.

yeah... it was kind of like something Bush would say... and we all know Edge is supporting the "better side" (Q postcard)
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