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DB9-An Incorrigable BASTARD or NOT?

  • The guy is hopeless, pathetic..beyond redemption:mad:

    Votes: 23 29.1%
  • Diamond- Please go away. Not mad or sad..Just go away PULEEZ!

    Votes: 19 24.1%
  • I think DB9 toys with us..makes us think sometimes. Im ok with this -just barely;)

    Votes: 20 25.3%
  • Im ok w DB9 and look forward to what is up his sleeve:)

    Votes: 31 39.2%

  • Total voters
Miss MacPhisto said:
Plus, unlike some around here, he will still like you even if you have a disagreement with him....:eyebrow:

Now this I must agree with...despite what faults we may find in Diamond, he almost always fights fair and doesn't hold a grudge. Even when I think he's full of it, I can't really get mad at him...for very long anyway.
Its a sad day when voters are intimidated.:(
Some have FORGOTTEN who their DADDY is
:mac: :cool:
Re: Pssst-For a select few here-

diamond said:
Please see Luke 6:37.:idea:
Thank you.


I dunno diamond...I've been watching star wars all day and I can't find luke 6:37
Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

Please vote and post your views observations and critique.:)
Im never afraid of ppl's true feelings:)
thank you-

Are you serious or just delusional?
Re: Re: Pssst-For a select few here-

Stories for Boys said:

ok, i'll take your advice as long as you do too....

Oake dok:)
Maybe we can start a chain reaction:ohmy:?

Re: Re: DB9-Simply INCORRIGABLE? Please VOTE

deep in HELL said:
Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

Are you serious or just delusional?
Thank you for posting in my thread:)
Thank you for posting the scirpture:idea:
Thank you forgetting my birthday:ohmy:
Never had a problem w ppl's views or imput:idea:
Its the condemnation/unforgiveness, I have an issue w- as stated in the verse.:)
Sicy said:
Um yeah can you let this lame ass thread die now please. :yawn:
Will you post the 'real' results of the vote then?
Is that asking too much MORE than alot?:idea:

On the topic of diamond...
I remember the first time I saw one of his posts. I wanted to punch him. I think I said harsh words to him. I just didn't understand. I'm a full convert now. Sicy's constant yawning reveals her insane jealousy. Go diamond. Go.
Um excuse me?? What exactly am I jealous of?

The constant "How cool am I" ego threads posted by diamond on a daily basis?

The utter lameness of them all?

As you can see by the poll, I am not the only one that feels that way.
Spiral_Staircase said:
On the topic of diamond...
I remember the first time I saw one of his posts. I wanted to punch him. I think I said harsh words to him. I just didn't understand. I'm a full convert now. Sicy's constant yawning reveals her insane jealousy. Go diamond. Go.

Thanks Spiral.
Ppl that come to know me usually BUT not always change their thinking.:):idea:

Sicy is a decent person. I would of strangled me if I were her already;):yes:
She has done ALOT of NICE things for me in the past:)
Now if we can get her to delete the multiple handle-votes--ie it says 48..BUT when tallying up w/the bogus ones-its like 55.
48 is more the accurate #.

Last edited:
Go, go, go Diamond you know what they say!
Hang on now Diamond you'll make it some day!
Sha la la Diamond you're still in your prime!
You and your jeep are ahead of your time!
OOOO are you cheating on bono_man again! ??

Main Entry: in.cor.ri.gi.ble
Pronunciation: (")in-'kor-&-j&-b&l, -'k?r-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin incorrigibilis, from Latin in- + corrigere to correct -- more at CORRECT
Date: 14th century
: incapable of being corrected or amended: as a (1) : not reformable : DEPRAVED (2) : DELINQUENT b : not manageable : UNRULY c : UNALTERABLE, INVETERATE :shrug:

I too wanted to strangle diamond when I first joined interference, but I eventually discovered that hidden behind the antics and the compulsion to be the centre of attention at all times, he's actually OK. :yes:
diamond is oake dok in my book. He and I were GA line "enforcers" in Providence-I was the m.c. and he was the MUSCLE. Diamond has schtick, charisma, and style...and he's been on stage with B-man, so that counts for SOMETHING! It's true folks...diamond ROCKS!:cool:
I like Diamond.

I don't get his need to reply to every thread or every response regarding him, but I like him. He's ultimately fair, empathetic and considerate. Yes, he plays a buffoon here on Interference, but when life needs to be serious, he is.

Plus, he lives up the forums without intentionally insulting people. ;)

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