Daddy Larry?

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I had such high hopes for this thread when I started it. Couple of pictures maybe, everyone saying, "Aww, aren't they cute!" and "Wow, they really look like their father."

Where did it all go wrong?
(secretly blames beli:wink: )
To be honest, I wasn't sure what to make of this thread, as Larry's very protective of his family, to the point where some people don't even know he has kids.

If Larry has it his way, we'll find out the name of Adam's first child before we see lots of pics of Larry's. Not that Adam wouldn't be protective of his family, but not to the degree of Larry.
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Meghan said:
I had such high hopes for this thread when I started it. Couple of pictures maybe, everyone saying, "Aww, aren't they cute!" and "Wow, they really look like their father."

Where did it all go wrong?
(secretly blames beli:wink: )

Hey, don't worry! I knew when I saw the title of this thread that
there were no pics included or would be! At least we had fun,
Come on! I would LOVE to see pics of the Mullen children, but is is just not possible at this time.

I have imagined Arron looking a lot like daddy and I can certainly picture them blonde, blue eyed cuties!:wink:

Plus I still think his youngest is Anya, but then is'nt that a girls name?..I 've read his third is a boy!:shrug:
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BonoFox1 said:

Plus I still think his youngest is Anya, but then is'nt that a girls name?..I 've read his third is a boy!:shrug:

Me too!! That's why I'm a little confused about everything.
It's a boy, then it's a girl,
It's name's Anya, then it's name's Boris, Buffy, Boom-Cha, Bubbles, Bert, Buell, etc.

Meghan said:

Me too!! That's why I'm a little confused about everything.
It's a boy, then it's a girl,
It's name's Anya, then it's name's Boris, Buffy, Boom-Cha, Bubbles, Bert, Buell, etc.


LOL,its okies they say not knowing is bliss or is that our boys of U2 hmmmmm:drool:
This would be a good opportunity to congratulate Larry -- I mean, Bono couldn't go on vacation without photos of his bare butt hitting the front pages, look at what Edge has been dealing with recently, and Our Adam -- don't get me started! Yet Larry decides that not only will no one ever see a photo of his kids unless he takes it out of his wallet, but that a child who is born right before a major tour when the press is really on them shall remain completely anonymous, and that's what happens! Even with the Internet, and the child being born in Dublin, where someone sneezes on the northside and someone says bless you on the south, no one even knows if the kid is a boy or a girl. Handling both press scrutiny and garden-variety gossip and winning -- no small accomplishment. Not just another pretty face, I reckon!
Good point feelinnumb, it is amazing and to his credit. I don't know how he has done it, unless he keeps them in the basement or something :wink:

Seriously, he must be such a good and protective Father.
:lol: His kids must hate him right now for protecting them so well.
BonoFox1 said:
At least he doesnt cover their faces with scarves "a la MJ"!!

Well at least I hope he doesnt!!:ohmy:

I nearly just peed in my pants! Thanks for the laugh!:lmao:
At least he doesnt cover their faces with scarves "a la MJ"!!

Didn't MJ call that poor kid "Blanket"?

Hey ... I think we found the mystery kid's name that starts with B!


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