Chicago September 12th Setlist Party Thread #2

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Thanks to everyone for an awesome evening!!:applaud:..time for my bed I hear a pillow calling me and some tylenol my head hurts..:)

I will be here tomorrow before, OMG i head off to TO!! on Tuesday :combust:
Night everyone!!!:wave::applaud:
See you guys tomorrow, I simply love setlist parties, it's a whole new experience here. :)
I hope the @u2 will be generous with the audio again. And many thanks to ramblinrose. :heart:

Kisses & :hug: to you all.

I'm off to bed, it's 5:50 AM. :D
I'm going to bed, it almost midnight and I have to get up for work at 8 tomorrow morning :wave:
atu2Okay, I'm an idiot. Our live audio is coming from Marylinn, not Michelle. D'oh! I'm firing myself.

:lol: . . .Michelle is gonna wonder why she just got an email from me :laugh:

Thank so much to ramblinrose & @u2 for their audio links tonight :bow: :applaud: I hope they may do so again tomorrow night.

Thanks for posting the setlist laura.

Been a blast everyone. :wave:

This, this and this

Thanks everyone for a gorgeous set list party - I had a blast

Alrighty, gang. I'm out of here. Too much sound
going on & now my head is pounding. See everyone
tomorrow :wave:


I won't be around tomorrow so hope its a cracker and fingers crossed I'll get to catch up with you all again soon

:hug: :kiss: :hug:
Thanks for making my virgin set list party a blast. Except for the Stoli out the nose part it was great!

I'll see y'all tomorrow unless my fever spikes and I'm not able to be upright. The flu sucks!
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