cartoon bono in HMTMKMKM video?

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The Fly
Aug 21, 2002
middle of nowhere
Hey, I have been dying to get a tattoo of cartoon Bono (as the Fly) in the HMTMKMKM video, but the only printout I can find is a thumbnail that is only most of his face. Does anyone know where I can get a full photo or computer printout?

Thanks for any info.

I'm going to move this to PLEBA because I'm sure the girls can find you that pic.

Here's one I found.

wow sicy, that's an old vh1 logo in the corner of that? :laugh: sorry, i couldn't help it...

since you're looking at this pic (or something similar as a tattoo) i have to warn you to be weary of the colours white and yellow in your tattoo. instead of white, it's probably better to use no colour, and while many say yellow fades quickly, a tattoo of mine with lots of yellow (and orange, which is supposedly another bad one) looks like new still after a year.

but anyway, cool idea! :D
I've got the whole video in stills...if I could just figure out how to get into my damn snapfish account...

Although you'd be surprised...the full body shots of Bono from that video look hideous...animated he looks fine, but the stills look goofy and not much like Bono at all...MacPhisto looks good...but he always looks good...


I would go with the face shot...but I can post the full body shots I do have...if I can ever get into snapfish...
ITA, I don't know why they made Bono look so goofy. I know the song was for the Batman Forever SDRK, but why did they make Bono look so scary? LOL

Anyway, cool tatoo idea, hope it turns out the way you like!





This one is just freaky!



ah know you said bono but if mackie tempts you you could do the mackiesignal
that I have no picture of

it's on my floor! *digs up floor shots*

I can't believe it! You people rock! I'm just a newbie here, but this is the coolest place I have ever been online!

Yeah, the tattoo will probably be black ink only, like the rest of mine, but thanks for the tip on color. And THANK YOU all of you for all the pix! I clearly have to decide what I want to do about which image I want! My lover's an artist, maybe she can touch up one of the pix. I'll definitely keep everyone posted.


:bono: :larry: :adam: :edge: :mac:
I met that MacPhisto tattoo guy at a concert. his name is Zach and he's very cool. of my all time fave songs!!! The video is great too...I have The Fly crawling up my math note book. I :heart: looking at it everyday!

Here are a few screen captures I have. They are somewhat tiny though:




and one of the MacPhisto signal:


good luck with the tattoo...I'd love to get one...if my parents wouldn't dis-own me! :)

guys and gals that's a magic video and for magic song, maybe the best they've ever done. It's a good choice for a tattoo :)

IMO, this video sums up what U2 in the 1990s was all about...

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