Can They Still Do It?

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War Child
Aug 24, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
I'm sure the album will be great, but what about the tour? I just saw the 46664 concert, and Bono is looking pretty old now. Can he still have the same energy?

I'm worried now :ohmy:
he might not run around the stage like axl any more but if he can hit some high notes(pride,shfwilf,wowu and many more)its fine with me. and edge is taking over u2 so he will be doing some big solos and this time people will look at edge and not just at bono.

and i think bono is working out to get in shape for the tour so things might change.

he is 42.(not old) if he works out and gets a bit fit or skinny he will be the rock star he was once.
fat elvis anyone hehehehehe.
Well, if you ask me, Bono's in much better form now than during the Popmart era, so yes, I think he's definitely still got it in him.
he's no axl... and thank god for that.

bono will be just fine... part of the prep for any tour is getting back into shape. and he's let his hair kinda come in in it's natural color, rather than dye it black like he normally would come new album time. plus if they go back to stadium tour/ giant multimedia extravaganza... he won't have to do as much runnin' around as he did on the heart.

he's 42... he ain't 62. if mick jagger, or excuse me, sir michael jagger, can still do it, i'm damn sure bono can too.
If he'd just shave that grey shit off his face, it'd take off ten years. He also might need some hair transplants. But I don't think he's too old. By the way, guys..........he's 43!!! hahaha

He'll be 44/45 on the next tour. Man.....time flies. Trust me, I think he'll be fine with a little assistance from the makeup crew and by working out some. Steven Tyler is in his 50s, and Mick Jagger is in his 60s, and they are still doing it. I think that early 40s isn't that bad. Bono doesn't look old.......just older.
Ofcourse he hasn't got the same energy as say 10 years ago... but he still can pull it off much better than most of the other 30 or 40 year olds!

So he's still worth my money!!:wink:
bono would find a way to be energetic and pump up the crowd even if he were in a wheelchair.

im not too worried about it
Bono's will be training very soon to get ready to run around like he used to. A guy I'd be worried about hitting the stage and hitting the notes is Vince Neil from Motley Crue. He's at least 2 or 3 years younger than Bono and he looks pretty bad. Bono can run rings around some of those singers from the 80's, that's for sure.
Alex, I agree Bono was looking old and flat on the 46664 concert. It looked like he hadnt rehearsed enough as he was reading the lyrics. Im hoping once hes back with his mates, playing songs he actually knows, then the old spark will be back. (just my $0.02 worth)
Watching the 46664 show and the Special Olympics opening ceremony, I saw how much Bono still has it. He gets on stage and grabs people, he's a star, there's no other word for it. And Edge, he's consistently amazing, plus from these last two performances I feel like he's enjoying himself so much more than he ever has before. Bono's said in interviews that Edge is coming more to terms with being a great guitarist and I'm really excited to see what that does for his live performances.

I'm not worried. I've seen the Stones twice and Aerosmith twice, both bands are much older than U2 and have lived much harder than U2, and both kick massive ass live. U2 can definitely still do it.
He's still got it.

U2 just get cooler and cooler as they get older. I am not worried at all.
dsmith2904 said:
Watching the 46664 show and the Special Olympics opening ceremony, I saw how much Bono still has it. He gets on stage and grabs people, he's a star, there's no other word for it. And Edge, he's consistently amazing, plus from these last two performances I feel like he's enjoying himself so much more than he ever has before. Bono's said in interviews that Edge is coming more to terms with being a great guitarist and I'm really excited to see what that does for his live performances.

I'm not worried. I've seen the Stones twice and Aerosmith twice, both bands are much older than U2 and have lived much harder than U2, and both kick massive ass live. U2 can definitely still do it.

:yes: to this whole post. :up:.

Bono will still have tons of energy when he's 95 years old. It's in his nature. :p.

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