California Meet Up

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yeah, we will just sneak up in front like we did last time :yes:
The dance floor is a little small, but it always works out in the end...
I would be happy to meet up with you all before 9 and start the drinkin' then :hyper:
Sicy maybe I will give you a call this week and then I can give you my cell number too so we can all figure out an exact plan... I think I still have your cell # I have to look .... or else I will pm ya :)
Mike that is soooo cool that you guys are gonna be on Lamont and Tonelli!! :up:
Keep me posted so I can listen in!!! :yes:
I hate it too Sicy. Last time a cop stopped me for a no left turn and I was like but officer I have never driven in the city, and he was like well Im pretty damn sure they have no left turns in San Jose too :|
He was cool though, a little flirting and he let me go :D
U2SJ said:
I hate it too Sicy. Last time a cop stopped me for a no left turn and I was like but officer I have never driven in the city, and he was like well Im pretty damn sure they have no left turns in San Jose too :|
He was cool though, a little flirting and he let me go :D

Well, I hope that works for me too! :sexywink:
CHRIS YOU HAVE TO COME!!! How long have I been begging you to come to one of these?!?!?! COME!! You will have so much fun and I would love to see you again! :hyper:
I forgot to say how excited I am for this Saturday night guys! Cant wait to hang out with all of you!!! :dance:
And cant wait to see ZooStation again!!! :hyper:
Headache in a Suitcase said:
some of you californians wanna move on over to the east coast? this thread has 9 pages... my new york gathering thread doesn't even have 1 yet...

we suck.

i wish i could go. next time there's a cali meet up in LA proper, or even the OC, I really really will try and make it.

cuz I heart LA.
I'm SO happy....woohoo...:dance: I wonder if anyone going to have sign to meet everyone in one place at the pub?I Think it would be easy to find other Interferencers.
Most of our pics are in the big pic thread in Lemonade Stand :wink:

BAWs you are responsible for calling me as soon as you get here :hyper:
For those that are interested: RadioSweetheart and her gang aka sister and hubby and baby are going to get some food @ the Embassy Suites on Friday around 8pm.

Otherwise, We shall see everyone on Sat day or evening :wink:
Sicy said:

BAWs you are responsible for calling me as soon as you get here :hyper:

:D :hyper: :yes:

you need to PM me your home number...I think I only have your cell

and I'm still debating those lessons :hmm: :laugh:
RadioSweetheart said:
For those that are interested: RadioSweetheart and her gang aka sister and hubby and baby are going to get some food @ the Embassy Suites on Friday around 8pm.

Otherwise, We shall see everyone on Sat day or evening :wink:

We'll probably see you Saturday morning, for breakfast maybe? :D We're kind of tossing around the idea of going to Berkeley Sat. morning too if anyone is interested :wink:

We were gonna do the touristy San Francisco things but realized we'd have to drive into the city twice in one day...yuck :down:
AdamsPoptart said:
I'm SO happy....woohoo...:dance: I wonder if anyone going to have sign to meet everyone in one place at the pub?I Think it would be easy to find other Interferencers.

Mr. BAW and I will be there early for dinner so if anyone else wants to come early, you're more than welcome to join us! Maybe I should make a big blue sign "TABLE RESERVED FOR INTERLANDER'S!" :laugh:
Bono's American Wife said:

We'll probably see you Saturday morning, for breakfast maybe? :D We're kind of tossing around the idea of going to Berkeley Sat. morning too if anyone is interested :wink:

We were gonna do the touristy San Francisco things but realized we'd have to drive into the city twice in one day...yuck :down:

We will definately meet up for breakfast!!

I was suggesting the 8pm meet up on Friday bc I thought it would be a good way for people to just meet up and plan Saturday day, we could even just meet up for some drinks not food or whatever,

btw BAW our hotels are a mile a way from each other :wink:
just ignore my last 2 post, I am such a moron!!! :rolleyes:

Okay just did some talking with my sister,

We are going to try to leave in the early afternoon on Friday for SF so we *might* be able to meet up for a early dinner but that is not for certain. There is talk between my sister and hubby about not going to SF until Sat morning, meeting everyone for breakfast. We could just do our own thing afterwards then just meeting up at the show again, but mostly likely we will be there after 8pm on Friday
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I just spoke to my aunt from the Bay area... she says it's hot up there just like LA.
Yes the weather here has been fabulous! Springtime weather! :)

Guys, so we will be at Johnny Foleys at around 830-9 on Saturday night, I will look for you all there! Baws a sign might be a good idea! I will recognize Sicy I think, and you all will probably recognize me since my pic is to the left of this post :D

Its gonna be a blast guys!!! :hyper:
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