Bono + The Edge luv thread #5

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Freefall said:
Nothing, but nothing is as beautiful as Bono and the Edge together!





oh, baby- so true

:rockon: :reject:
Hi Zuropa_fit !

I did the AIDS Walk in NY yesterday and thousands of people were wearing their Inspi(red) shirts !!!! It was so beautiful.
I've got a little story too about the Inspi(red) t-shirts... :giggle:

One night... I was in a bar with some friends having a couple of beers... and I was wearing my Inspi(red) t-shirt... A friend of mine brought it for me from NY, since here in Spain there ain't any GAP stores....

Well, you know what happens with too many beers.. so I went to the bathroom... and when I came out... a guy was wearing the exact same t-shirt... a red Inspi(red) but the male one (I've got the women one, of course.. :giggle: )

We looked at each other amazed... he asked me how I knew those t-shirts.. and I told him I bought it because of Bono and his cause... And he told me he had been working in Seattle and bought it there...

And finally I told him goodbye, just after telling him that he had a really good taste... :lol: :lol:

The thing is that I never thought of finding a t-shirt like that in Spain... :lol: :lol:
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No pictures, sorry. They were scattered all throughout the 1/2 million people who walked, but we marched down Central Park West and hopefully word will get back to Bono how much he's loved!
BonoFox1 You have some arsenal of pictures. No matter the thread, you've got a deliriously wonderful addition :yippie::hug::bow:

Where are those above ^^^^ from??
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