Bono on O'Reilly Factor?

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Jamila said:
I LOVED this interview - it was more than I ever thought possible!:up:

I KNEW that Bono would hold his own "against" O'Reilly - he has YEARS of experience dealing with very conservative people in his advocacy for Africa. Bono knew perfectly well what sort of interference he could come up against in this interview - and he was ready for O'Reilly!:applaud:

But what most struck me was what seemed to be O'Reilly's softening attitude about Bono's message about the AIDS pandemic.

Several times he said he admired Bono's advocacy and wished him well - that's BIG STUFF coming from Bill O'Reilly! :ohmy:

The IMPORTANCE OF THIS INTERVIEW CAN'T BE UNDERSTATED. To continue to be effective in getting Congress to fully fund the Global AIDS and anti-poverty measures SO ESSENTIAL TO AFRICA'S FUTURE, Bono (and DATA) must continue to build a nonpartisan coalition in Congress and gather new supporters from the ranks of people such as those who watch Bill O'Reilly.

Bono made a TREMENDOUS LEAP FORWARD TONIGHT in promoting Global AIDS and anti-poverty programs for Africa and for that, BONO SHOULD BE PROUD OF HIMSELF! :angel:

I have more Respect for the man right now than I ever thought possible...:bono: :heart: :heart: ;)

Amen Jamila! :wink:
starsgoblue said:

I agree but a the same time I did read something that O'Reily had written in the past that seemed to belittle what Bono has been trying to do with the crisis in Africa. (Maybe he's changed his mind...he seemed willing to change his mind in the interview from what I saw)

I read that too and it's really pretty condescending. It did make me a little leery of the interview, much more so than any "left-wing hype". :| Good to see that he seems to feel differently now though, it was a great interview.

Hopefully I'll be able to upload the file shortly, I'm trying to shrink the file size a bit first.'s 4AM here so "shortly" would be tomorrow. :wink:
What can I say that everyone else hasn't already said? Bono was great! And O'Reiley was actually civil. I don't mind at all that he asked tough questions - it just made the B-man look better because he was able to answer them. All the interrupting O'Reiley did at the beginning pissed me off, but maybe that's just a bad habit he has developed over the years.

I never knew the Pope gave Bono that rosary he always wears! I knew about Bono giving him a pair of his sunglasses, but I didn't know it was a trade. :laugh:
O'REILLY: OK. I like that. Because that, at least, gives you a chance. You know, your friend, Bob Geldof you know.

BONO: Yes.

O'REILLY: Remember, he raised all that money with the Live Aid he did.

I laughed out loud when I saw that on the telly, apparently O'Reiley knows alot about Bonos career ;)
I watch O'Reilly often and he has a tough interview style for both liberals and conservatives. I mean if Pres. Bush was on he probable would ask some pretty tough questions. He will come down on conservatives and liberals not just liberals. He isn't too fond of the Swift Boat Veterans group I can tell you that. He is not afraid to criticize either side and he does this frequently. I agree with Bono about the AIDS situation, but that does not mean a blank check should be presented. When one is dealing with a crisis like this the fawning of most interviewers should be cast aside.
sue4u2 I think that Bono can stand up on his own and be part of the spotlight.

DID anyone tape it 'cause I missed it. PM me and will work something out with you.
Thank you, starsgoblue, for your positive feedback. :wink:

The REAL winners last night were the People in Africa whose lives have a BRIGHTER FUTURE due to this most MAGNIFICENT human being, who we simply know as Bono.

Bono went into the lion's den last night and came out triumphantly!:yes:

Anyone who has seen his transformative effect on hearts and minds regarding the AIDS pandemic in Africa can attest that we see before us ONE EXTRAORDINARY HUMAN SPIRIT in Bono. :hug:

GRACE FINDS BEAUTY IN EVERYTHING....:bono: :heart: :heart: ;)
I thought the interview went great. I've always wanted to see Bono on O'Reilly for since those two have strong beliefs and opinions and are willing to discuss (or rather, debate and even argue) about them. Bono dealt with O'Reilly's questions, and those were the kind that many people ask about the AIDS crisis, such as how can we give money to African countries when some are controlled by dictators who would keep the money for themselves, etc.

The O'Reilly Factor is a debate show, and naturally its going to get heated and there would be some interruptions, like any other debate. I'm really glad O'Reilly gave Bono so much airspace, and I thought it was funny when it was over and Bono had shook O'Reilly's hand, he seemed so pissed, like he was puffing steam.

Anyway, I'm just glad this debate finally took place.

Now who else hasn't interviewed Bono? O'Reilly seemed to be the last one who hadn't
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Jamila said:
I LOVED this interview - it was more than I ever thought possible!:up:

I KNEW that Bono would hold his own "against" O'Reilly - he has YEARS of experience dealing with very conservative people in his advocacy for Africa. Bono knew perfectly well what sort of interference he could come up against in this interview - and he was ready for O'Reilly!:applaud:

But what most struck me was what seemed to be O'Reilly's softening attitude about Bono's message about the AIDS pandemic.

Several times he said he admired Bono's advocacy and wished him well - that's BIG STUFF coming from Bill O'Reilly! :ohmy:

The IMPORTANCE OF THIS INTERVIEW CAN'T BE UNDERSTATED. To continue to be effective in getting Congress to fully fund the Global AIDS and anti-poverty measures SO ESSENTIAL TO AFRICA'S FUTURE, Bono (and DATA) must continue to build a nonpartisan coalition in Congress and gather new supporters from the ranks of people such as those who watch Bill O'Reilly.

Bono made a TREMENDOUS LEAP FORWARD TONIGHT in promoting Global AIDS and anti-poverty programs for Africa and for that, BONO SHOULD BE PROUD OF HIMSELF! :angel:

I have more Respect for the man right now than I ever thought possible...:bono: :heart: :heart: ;)

I couldn't agree with you more Jamila. I found myself saying over and over again, "God, I love this man..." I was also impressed with Bill's behavior. He asked some very good questions which Bono answered both eloquently and directly. He makes me proud of being a U2 fan. :)
Judging from Bill O'Reilly's complements to Bono at the end, I wonder if this interview was meant to be a good cop, bad cop type interview - with Bill O'Reilly fully agreeing with Bono right from the beginning but allowing Bono to argue points that have to be argued.
BostonAnne said:
Judging from Bill O'Reilly's complements to Bono at the end, I wonder if this interview was meant to be a good cop, bad cop type interview - with Bill O'Reilly fully agreeing with Bono right from the beginning but allowing Bono to argue points that have to be argued.

I wondered about that myself. I doubt if even Bono, persuasive as he is, could make someone change their mind within one 15-minute conversation.
o'reilly said tonight in his viewer e-mail section that he got so many e-mails about the bono interview that his e-mail server crashed

and martha really... from bill o'reilly to chris matthews to david letterman... what talk show host, short of oprah, lets their guests finish their sentances? yes... o'reilly interrupts. who doesn't?
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I have to admit that all I know about this O'Reilly has come from this interview. I also have to admit I could only read the transcript of the interview as it was not shown over here, and that I haven't really had the chance to look over this thread and see others' comments. But, having said all that, in my humble opinion Bill O'Reilly did manage to talk a whole load of shit during that interview. I'm not going to analyze the whole interview or anything (sighs of relief), but here's a couple of choice morsels of what he said:

"We liberated Iraq from a terrible dictator, Saddam Hussein. And the polls show that most Iraqis don't appreciate America's sacrifice in doing that."

Oh, how heroic! One teensy problem with this - If I remember rightly, the whole world was assured repeatedly by the USA (and Britain, lest we forget) that the reason we were going to war with Iraq was the mistaken assumption that Iraq had the ability to start spewing missiles at everyone within 45 minutes, although the country was of course doomed from the moment the twin towers came down. 'Regime Change' was a phrase that only started turning up in speeches by Rumsfeld and co. as the WMD evaporated.
Also, correct me if i'm wrong but I don't recall any polls being carried out by eager officials ringing on Iraqi doorbells and asking them if they'd be so kind as to help them with their statistics by telling us if you appreciate our sacrifice in liberating you from oppression? I'm sure the vast majority of ordinary Iraqis would hugely appreciate the removal of Saddam, who has ordered some of the worst atrocities in living memory, but I can't think of anyone except perhaps the looters of Iraqi shops and hospitals who would appreciate the chaos and disorder that the country is instead suffering at the moment thanks to those heroic 'liberating' armies. And if you're going to use polls as an argument, I don't suppose anyone thought to poll those same Iraqis beforehand either to ask whether they in fact wanted this liberation...?

Or how about:

BONO: ...But they're not talking. It's not on the news. It's not on the agenda here. It's the greatest health crisis in 600 years but it's not on the news.

O'REILLY: But it's not their fault when you've got the war on terror so intense and so -- look, if 9/11 didn't happen, you would have a much easier time with your crusade.

Yes, cause I remember before 9/11 the news was stuffed chock full of stories about the AIDS epidemic, news agencies were clambering over each other to highlight the problems of this plague. Or were they just showing the same mindless crap about celebrity weddings and so on when there was no more exciting attention-grabbing news like a loose serial killer to splash over their front pages and news bulletins, and practically forgetting all about the problem, just like now? I think that was it, actually.

And just in case you're interested, here's a link to another shining piece of work from Mr O'Reilly, which I found through a direct link in a big red text box above the transcript under the tagline "Here's a bulletin for you Bush haters ...",2933,131259,00.html
Headache in a Suitcase said:

they were baisicly all about bono...

my favorite...

"bono used to be the only member of u2 who doesn't play an instrument. not anymore. last night he played you, bill, like a fiddle."

oh God. That is TERRIBLE. Could it be more obvious that one of BO's producers wrote that for airing.
That one gave me a laugh.

There was another letter where someone called Bono a "compassionate conservative" :huh: Clearly, that person doesn't know anything about Bono.
Headache in a Suitcase said:

and martha really... from bill o'reilly to chris matthews to david letterman... what talk show host, short of oprah, lets their guests finish their sentances? yes... o'reilly interrupts. who doesn't?

I don't know who Chris Matthews is, and David Letterman's on too late for me (I'll wait while you make fun of me for being too damn old), but it's still rude. I also didn't like the way BO made fun of Live Aid. I did appreciate Bono's impatient response to BO's inane comments about Live Aid.

Bono kicked Bill's ass. :up:
Pearl said:
That one gave me a laugh.

There was another letter where someone called Bono a "compassionate conservative" :huh: Clearly, that person doesn't know anything about Bono.

That's one neat thing about Bono being on that show. Exposure to a huge Republican audience. I had the TV set tuned to Fox for about an hour before Bono's interview. The official nomination of Bush was going on RIGHT before the interview. Bush was actually supposed to do a live telecast into the convention at that time (but it didn't pan out). O'Reilly's guest before Bono was former New York mayor Rudy Guiliani. Vice President Cheney was scheduled to speak later that evening.

What I'm getting at is that it was probably the best opportunity that Bono was going to get to get his message out to as many Republicans as possible. It would have been better to get on when Bush was actually there, but still, it was good timing. Bill O'Reilly's show is watched by millions of people, and I am sure more were 'tuning in' because of the RNC.

Great job for Bono just to be there. Yeah, it is hilarious to think of Bono as a 'compassionate conservative', but folks have been trying to pigeonhole him for years without much success. What's one more label? It gives people who are strongly conservative a reference they can understand.

Did no one besides me notice how O'Reilly mangled 'Geldof?' }: )~

Edit: Yeah, I just had to go to one of the other many threads on this interview.. thought I was hearing things!

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Headache in a Suitcase said:
o'reilly said tonight in his viewer e-mail section that he got so many e-mails about the bono interview that his e-mail server crashed

I think that is totally incredible!! Bono was so right when he said that Americans DO care passionatley about this emergency--as if we doubted :wink: Maybe this will make Big Pharma and Capitol Hill wake up and get off their duffs and tackle this little virus that has them running!
starsgoblue said:
On second thought....why don't we send emails to ol' Bill ourselves and tell him what we think (respectfully of course), but let's tell him this is something that we want to see on the news and this is something that is important to us. U2 fans unite! & is the email addresses :wink:

Come on peeps!! "We can be as one tonight!" Let's do it! They're currently running a poll on the Fox website about the interview...speak up! :wink:
starsgoblue said:

Come on peeps!! "We can be as one tonight!" Let's do it! They're currently running a poll on the Fox website about the interview...speak up! :wink:

I will send an e-mail to O'Reilly. :up: I'm a lazy bastard so show me a link to the poll and I'll vote.
starsgoblue said:

You made my night!!! :up:

Cool. :cool:

I voted (by the way I don?t think it?s looking good for Bono there :sad: ) and sent an e-mail, I know it won't be read, at least on the air, but I kinda liked it. Here's what I wrote: That interview with Bono was great!!! He gave some great answers; he truly knows what he is talking about. Bono answered every question with a great amount of knowledge and understanding about the subject. I also found his personal opinions really interesting and smart. His passion for the AIDS emergency, as he put it, is contagious and sincere, it truly comes from the heart and I hope America listen to what he is saying and don't ignore it. When a rock star has to put a suit on you know something is seriously wrong. That one is a man to follow. I will.

Cheesy but from the heart. Can you tell I'm a fan? :rolleyes:

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