Bono injured in cycling accident

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I have this image of Bono giving a painkiller-fueled word salad and his assistant or someone translating it to finish the article.
I find it hard to believe he even worked on the article this army of assistants and publicists probably finished it and there was that brief blurb about the accident. Don't read too much into it.
I find it hard to believe he even worked on the article this army of assistants and publicists probably finished it and there was that brief blurb about the accident. Don't read too much into it.

Yeah, I agree. I can't imagine he's strong enough or focused enough or even awake enough to write something like that today BUT STILL I say it's a good sign he at least says: Hi, I'm alive and my state is far from being life-threatening, that's good to know.
I, too, find it hard to believe that Bono would be lucid enough right now to write an article.

I have been a professional journalist for 35 years. I make my living by writing every day, and I've done it plenty of times under adverse circumstances. But I can't imagine writing about Ebola while I'm lying in a hospital bed with 18 metal pins in my arm.

I would have assumed Bono was still on so much pain medication that he's speaking in Bongolese rather than English.
Again, speaking from my own personal experience, three days after a surgery, if someone was writing it for me, I think I could've dictated the remainder of an article to someone.
Bear in mind he said he'd started it some time ago, and was just now finishing it. who knows how much of it was just now written/polished, other than the obvious paragraph about lying in a hospital bed.
The way some of you are acting, Bono has ebola and the epidemic victims in Africa just have a few broken bones.
The posts I keep reading make it seem like people assume that if you're in the hospital, they keep you in a constant chemically-induced coma.
I don't think that, I promise.

However ... I've never had surgery, so I honestly have no idea how long the drugged-up post-op/painkiller state lasts, whether it's for a small procedure or large.

I just like to think that Bono's in a happy fog, not in pain and still too out of it to really be frustrated about his situation.
I was in the hospital for a week in March of 1992 after being hit by a car. My left femur broke. I was 14 at the time so I pretty much bounced back quickly and my father opted to have a steel rod inserted into the bone marrow to fuse the broken femur back in place. It was that or a full lower body cast which would have made my and everyone's lives hell for two months. So yeah. That week was interesting. Kind of painful but I was being pumped with morphine sometimes and that was awesome. My dad recalls bringing me a video game magazine to read and that night when I was given morphine was so out of it that I was quoting parts of the magazine very very out of context.

So anyway like Bono I too am part machine.
Back on Interference just in time to chime in. Broke my ankle in 4 places, 7 screws, 1 plate and LOTS of Vicodin after. I have a pretty high pain threshold but that was really bad and the Vicodin only took the edge off. It took a year of therapy to walk pain-free. Obviously everyone is different but the first few month really sucked. Hope Bono bounces back quickly.

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