Best Song Survivor: Late 1980s Quarter Final Round II

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Please vote for your LEAST FAVOURITE song

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Vocal parasite
Jun 2, 2003
Please vote for your LEAST FAVOURITE song.

Welcome to the second late eighties quarter final in Best Song Survivor! The object of this game is to find Interference's favourite U2 song. To do so, songs will be eliminated album-by-album in 24 hour long rounds to leave the favourites to contest a final that will determine the very favourite. The top seven songs from the late eighties quarter final will proceed to the eighties semi-final and meet the top five early eighties songs. Only original U2 songs with official studio releases will compete. Due to dominating past tournaments and the inevitable likelihood that they will do the same this time, Where The Streets Have No Name and One are not in the tournament and can be assumed default equal #1 over and above the ultimate winner.

In the first quarter final, Love Comes Tumbling was eliminated, despite EYKIW's traditional preference for it over The Three Sunrises.

1. Out Of Control
2. The Electric Co.
3. Gloria
4. Sunday Bloody Sunday
5. New Year's Day

28 votes: Love Comes Tumbling
20: The Three Sunrises
18: Luminous Times
7: Heartland (wtf)
5: Pride, Spanish Eyes
2: One Tree Hill (wtf)
1: The Unforgettable Fire, Bad, Running To Stand Still, In God's Country
0: A Sort Of Homecoming, With Or Without You, All I Want Is You
(Total votes: 89)
13 great songs, all worthy of my U2 top 30. RTSS's intro bugs me a little though, so again, I'm going with it.

I was tempted to vote The Three Sunrises (in my top 20) to protect Luminous Times (in my top 10), but I'm resigned to the fact they're both doomed to miss the semi-finals and I'd rather not vote for it.
The Three Sunrises. You philistines haven't given me a choice. Its one of the better songs here, but I had to save Luminous Times.
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