Best Film Sountrack of all time?

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War Child
Mar 20, 2001
London, UK

Im just wondering if you can tell me your favourite film soundtracks of all time.....

My top 5 film soundtracks of all time would be like this:

1. Trainspotting - listen to the awesome "Born Slippy" by Underworld, amazing Iggy Pop's "Lust for Life". It has the likes of Blur, Pulp and many more. Truly the one to listen to!

2. Heat - That soundtrack with over 74 mins worth of music is truly diverse from the likes of Kronos Quartet, Passengers, Moby among others. Best tracks? Moby's two songs "New Dawn Fades" and "God Moving over the Face of the Waters" has to be listened to. The latter is really so so so cool! (Actually, "New Dawn Fades" is an old Joy Division song that was edited by Moby.)

3. 2001: A Space Odyssey - unforgettable sounds especially Also Sprach Zarathrustra.....

4. Close Encounters of The Third Kind by John Williams

5. Braveheart - well, I might be a bit biased on this choice as Im a Scotsman :D but man, its really beautiful!

My favorites I can think of are,
Pulp Fiction
Vanilla Sky
O Brother Where art thou
Last of the Mohicans and Braveheart (both great film scores)
In the name of the father
Trainspotting is indeed excellent. I especially like "For What You Dream Of" and "Born Slippy." And you can never go wrong with Pulp. :up:

I also love:

Rattle and Hum :wink:
Selmasongs (from Dancer in the Dark)
Beloved (although it's pretty heavy and doesn't lend itself to repeated listening, the music is painfully beautiful)

Forrest Gump and Pulp Fiction also had some great tunes.

I'm sure there are more, but the ol' brain is a little fuzzy today.
I'm not sure if it's the Best Anything of All Time, but I got the Dead Man Walking soundtrack for the two Eddie Vedder tracks and was very pleasantly surprised that the rest was quite good too. It holds together well as a coherent album. I'm a fan of most of the artists represented on it now.
Million Dollar Hotel is a favortie of mine

Royal tenenbaums is very very awesome
City Of angels & About a boy.

I havent heard many soundtrack cds I only hear snippets of songs in a movie really.
*Definately the Royal Tenenbaums (also Rushmore)
*Pulp Fiction
*Dazed and Confused (well I was raised on that stuff)
*Ditto with Almost Famous!
*24 Hour Party People
*American Grafitti
*The Graduate
*Pretty in Pink:sexywink:
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I've noticed that a lot of soundtracks U2 have contributed exclusive tracks too are great! :up:
- Until The End Of The World
- Faraway, So Close!
- Heat (indeed a great soundtrack)
- The End Of Violence (don't know the score CD by Ry Cooder but his sole track on this one is great)
- Paris, Texas by Ry Cooder
- Pulp Fiction
- Jackie Brown (Quentin Tarantino does have a good nose for compiling a great soundtrack)

I'm gonna think of some more... :hmm:

C ya!

the DD soundtrack is scary to listen to in the dark

I highly recommend it!
Trainspotting 1 and 2 are my favorites

others i like
vanilla sky
i am sam

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou is pretty good

I do not have Donnie Darko soundtrack but it must be freaking awesome.
hmmm, you made some interesting choices here so far!!!

Some of you liked Royal Tenenbaums a lot and I havent got it so im wondering who plays on the soundtrack?

As for Donnie Darko, its the same but I have heard of the film and never seen it yet. I must try one day! However, I have heard that its a good soundtrack so who's on that?

Gah, I had forgotten about "Until the End of the World" and I thought I know everything about U2! :D Anyway thats a great soundtrack! Good choice, PopMartijn!


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