Berlin- Setlist Party

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Thanks for your company everyone. Mike's just mentioned that he'd be in Amsterdam too. Maybe I'll see him there:wave:

:wave: Have fun in Amsterdam.

Bye everyone leaving. Thanks for the company. :up:

I know, Jemma. Its so stupid for people to do crap
like that. The guy that threw it got jumped b/c
the show got cut short by something like 4 songs.

Spoiling it for others. :tsk: He deserved to get jumped. :wink:

:lmao: at the "magnificent bastard" part..:lmao:

That made me lol aswell. :lol:

Also Happy Birthday to Nelson Mandela.
Ya it was really sad. I feel for Madonna and her crew.

Thanks Mike!!!!!!!

Btw I agree about MOS not really being a closer...BUT I must say its REALLY improved since Barcelona! I really didn't like it when I heard the Barcelona shows...but loved tonights.
Yes, it's ashame about Madonna's crew.
her gig in Marseilles is cancelled..

i think there are even more ppl in hospital :sad:

so did anyone catch what exactly Bono said about it?? and when? during a song, before one?

Yeah i think quite a few are injured and in hospital. :sad: The familes of those poor guys. :(:hug:

I think it was during MOS at some point that he mentioned it Greety.
:wave: bye everyone ...I won't be here for the setlist parties during the week now because it's back to work for me on Monday:sad:..But I will check in when I come home.:)

Thats another reason why I can't wait for them to come back to NA..I can catch all the setlist parties :hyper:

Anyhoo I will catch you all next weekend if there is a show..can't wait :hyper:

Had a great time today!..was loads of fun..thank you everyone:applaud::up::heart:
Shut the F up!! Late to the party, as usual, and I just found out they played Stay, my all time favorite U2 song. AGHHHHH! Why am I not in Berlin? So, how was it, has anyone heard it yet??:drool:
Shut the F up!! Late to the party, as usual, and I just found out they played Stay, my all time favorite U2 song. AGHHHHH! Why am I not in Berlin? So, how was it, has anyone heard it yet??:drool:

Yes we had live Mikes for it :drool:

Cannot wait for this bootleg!
I love Stay. I only got to hear it live once in person on the Elevation Tour
I got done work 2 hours early, so that was good. I'm going to miss the party on Monday too.

I will see you in a week. Your first show and my birthday :hyper:
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