Berlin- Setlist Party

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Tonight's Setlist: 18 July 2009 Berlin 1

1. Breathe
4. Magnificent
5. Beautiful Day (with Here Comes The Sun snippet)
6. Mysterious Ways
7. ISHFWILF (w/ Moving On Up snippet)
8. Angel of Harlem
9. Stay
10. Unknown Caller
11. TUF
12. COBL
13. Vertigo
14. Crazy Tonight (remix)

I think it's done through a phone. You have to set up an account and then you broadcast with your phone. So it depends whether you use inclusive free minutes or you pay by the minute. Not sure :hmm:

If it involves inclusive minutes, then I could broadcast the entire Sheffield show :shifty:

There's that and I doubt Mike is FROM any of the countries he's broadcasting from so where he's prob getting raped is on ROAMING.
THATS what always kills me.

Even if you get an incoming call on a cell I think you still have to pay for roaming.
ok, I'm gonna ask a stupid question !!:reject:
Why do think Bono singing a snippet of Moving on Up?
As in "moving on up to the eastside, to a DEEEEEE luxe apartment in the skyyyyyy...ect.... We finally got a piece of the pie.. " The theme to the Jefferson's?? If so that' s funny..:lol:
Do you think that is in reference to President Obama ? I do!!:hyper: :reject:

it's a song by primal it

it was the last song prior to the intro remix during the 1st leg of the elevation tour

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