Be Honest, Who Wishes...

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I don't wish for them to retire. I've still been very pleased with their output. Even if someday I find that I'm not...well, if they want to keep going, they should.
Jeannieco said:

:lol: I can see it now, Bono doing wheel-eys around the stage!!

"Walk on, walk on! And I know it aches, and my leg it breaks, and I can only stand so much ..."
^ :lol:

I don't want them to retire.... not for a long, long, long time. Until then, I'm sure they have plenty of good music left in them, collectively.
As long as they're still putting together real music that matters to them (whether people nitpick it to death around here or not) and can put on great live shows, I'll be there.

As others have said I do not want them turing into no new material, super extended Greatest Hits/Farewell touring foggies like the Stones.
They need to worry less about being the greatest band in the world, it has compromised their artistic side, making strides made in their career up until the late 90's feel almost pointless.
unico said:
U2 won't "retire", but rather, they will convert to pure energy where they will become part of the force, the energy field that surrounds us, penetrates us, and brings the galazy together. they'll be able to read minds and still communicate with people. in short, they will become more powerful than we can possibly imagine.

Love it - I'm with you!
I don't want them to retire, but also don't want to see them as greybeards on stage
If they just stayed the same with each album, THEN, I may think it's time to retire, but they're not stagnating, they're changing just as every good musician/band does. I've heard musicians whose music sounds the same from album to album. They wash away like writing in the sand.
U2lunatic said:
I don't want them to retire, but also don't want to see them as greybeards on stage

Why not? Why can't you share your musical talents once you get gray or, as you put it, have gray beards? It makes no sense at all. They earned their right to be there moreso than the Britney Spears have.
BONO'ppetit said:

Why not? Why can't you share your musical talents once you get gray or, as you put it, have gray beards? It makes no sense at all. They earned their right to be there moreso than the Britney Spears have.

You don't want them embarrassing themselves as your last memory of them. If they still have it when they have gray beards, then yeah thats fine, but if they've lost it, then they'd just be tainting their legacy by continuing. Like Mohammed Ali at the end of his career, or Jordan coming back to play for the Wizards.
Dusty Bottoms said:

You don't want them embarrassing themselves as your last memory of them. If they still have it when they have gray beards, then yeah thats fine, but if they've lost it, then they'd just be tainting their legacy by continuing. Like Mohammed Ali at the end of his career, or Jordan coming back to play for the Wizards.

NONsense! Who cares if you can dance, dance your arse off! Who cares if you can or can't sing? Sing as loud as you can! You're never too old to live and show you love it. And you're never too young to make a fool of yourself--a right of passage not bestowed only upon the aging. Just look at Hollywood today if you don't believe me. :wink:
Everybody says they don't want U2 to be still going when they're the same age as the Stones are now. Mick and Keith are 63, Charlie is 66 and Ronnie is 60... which is up there, but I know plenty of men that age still in good physical shape that still work full time jobs. The point is, age has nothing to do with it. The Stones have gotten lazy and for the last 10 years have been nothing more than a touring money making machine.

U2 have a little too much integrity to let themselves become a nostalgia act like the Stones. I'm sure all 4 members of U2 take better care of themselves than the 4 members of the Rolling Stones. I seriously doubt any member of U2 will look half as bad as Keith Richards does at 63.

Hopefully they keep going until they feel their musical journey has come to an end. That is my hope for U2. I think that U2 have at the least 10 more years to offer us, but hopefully more. Eventually they will stop having hits... eventually people will just be coming to their concerts to hear the classics... and eventually, no matter how good their new material is, nobody will give it a chance because it's "the new stuff". It's unavoidable. But if it keeps them interested, it's not going to be bullshit for us. What's Spanish for bullshit?
U2 is certainly smart enough to know when to retire...personally, I hope they keep making music for many, many years to come. I think the Eno/Lanois thing is a good thing. I may be out of the loop here (with summer and kids home from school, etc.) but I didn't know they are set to work with Eno/Lanois again on the new album. Thought that honor was going to a different producer.
No spoken words said:
You should agree with Tripe for the Plebian Masses members, FYI.

well you agreed with axver and so did i :wink:

U2 will retire when the time is right

or, their brains will be transplanted into robot bodies and they will live forever! MWHAHAHAHAHAH!!
U2isthebest said:

I have this little room off of mine that's like a little secret passage way! We could put them there!:hyper:

:shifty: Jimmy Hoffa's in there too.

:applaud: That reply made my night :lol:
I don't get it. Why do we need them to retire? It is one thing that people want them to stop making music once they start sucking, but why not tour any more if they are that good and people are willing to see them.
Now when you say retire, do you mean retire like normal people? Where in they stop making new music, stop touring and open an antique shop somewhere in Florida?

Or do you mean retire as in the way KISS and Ozzy retire, wherein they don't tour for a year or so, then have a "reunion" tour, and charge 3 times the normal ticket price because it is somehow more special?

Tough choice.
I just wish they'd start making interesting music again. People pull the "but they're in their 40s" card all the time. So? Musicians can release interesting stuff when they're old too. David Byrne's music is getting better with each release and he's in his mid 50s. Peter Gabriel's last album was more adventurous than anything he'd made in almost twenty years and it was really good.

Hopefully they don't end up like The Who or The Rolling Stones and have their last few albums be crap.
It's not like The Who stopped being The Who after 2 of their 4 members died or anything.
Nooooo! I don't want U2 to retire yet. They're finally making some really good music again and they recovered from the whole Pop fiasco to get back at the top of their game. I hope they keep on keepin' on.
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