Batman, Turkey Superthread

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She's a beauty, a one in a million girl.

But the other Moto BLUR phone they advertised during the super bowl was ugly as sin.

it's the first remotely attractive motorola i've seen. my sister had a razr, it looked okay but was a pain in the ass.

apart from my phone (and the dream, to avoid a slap), i think the other htc phones are a bit fugly :shh:
But the other Moto BLUR phone they advertised during the super bowl was ugly as sin.
boo, i hardly got to see any of the super bowl commercials, i was working. and i use the term very loosely. i did at least happen to be paying attention every time a touchdown was made.

one time on the gold coast i had west australian plates. we drove like we were guiltless.
when we went to the gold coast, we had victorian plates. i blamed any mishaps (which was really just possibly cutting off a couple people) on them thinking i was a victard. uh, i mean...hi cin!


nah I don't mind at all. Just knock my state and my phone, I'll be fine. Next you'll be telling me that the giant penis drawn on my back is immature and silly.
it's the first remotely attractive motorola i've seen. my sister had a razr, it looked okay but was a pain in the ass.

apart from my phone (and the dream, to avoid a slap), i think the other htc phones are a bit fugly :shh:

I've loved every motorola phone I've owned, personally. They've done me good.

agreed :shh:

boo, i hardly got to see any of the super bowl commercials, i was working. and i use the term very loosely. i did at least happen to be paying attention every time a touchdown was made.

Oh man, SOME of the killed me, but this just took the cake, and the pie:

YouTube - Violin Beavers Commercial 2010 Superbowl 44
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