Bastard Township Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Fuck coming up with demotivational poster ideas. It's too tough at this hour. What hour is it, anyw- oh holy shit. I should be off, too.

Have a good night guys. :wave:
You're not on Easter holidays, Bonnie? That's rough.

It's quiet here now. :sad:
Yeah, now you're just behind on the postwhoring. Epic phail there, LM.
But hey, time to be a hypocrite and to be weak and to go get some sleep myself. Keep this show alive, folks. :wave:
Ok so this is a little late but.

mysterious_jen said:

i hope sicy isnt watching :uhoh:

Please do not use this thread to make fun of other members and / or plan to troll other people's forums. It's not cool at all, and actually against the rules.

Hola Bastards :wave:

My professor spent the first few minutes of class today quoting the Godfather and concluded by saying he should teach a course on it :lol:

This was my Religion and Politics professor.

Though when I listen to Sound and Vision off of Low, I can't help but dance...which is dangerous because my dancing tends to scare people away, but Bowie's beats are so infectious I can't help it.
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