Barcelona II Setlist Party

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Sorry for ruining the fun GG

Still having strange associations with the word glockenspiel :hmm:
whats the link i stick in my media player url for it to play the thousand mikes feed?
What if this happens tonight?

And Adam Clayton on bass:

well we know that the song was rehearsed...maybe they would attach it (move it) during the show
Aww... this thread gains two pages every time I type out one post.

tell me about it.

this is my first setlist party actually (woohoo!). I was holding up well for a little while but got distracted searching for an ice sheet in the kitchen—a man needs a few rocks in his whiskey on a hot day like this, right?—and returned to find I was wayyyyy behind. :sad:
No glockenspile... :angry:

I gotta go, guys. I'll be back in half and hour to an hour or so.
tell me about it.

this is my first setlist party actually (woohoo!). I was holding up well for a little while but got distracted searching for an ice sheet in the kitchen—a man needs a few rocks in his whiskey on a hot day like this, right?—and returned to find I was wayyyyy behind. :sad:

Opening night was my first setlist party...I barely kept up. Does wonders for the post counts though. :lol::lol:
We wanted to do GA on Vertigo, but I found out I was pregnant right at the start of the tour...we ended up doing seats in Pittsburgh. I was 8 1/2 months along and it was my first U2 show. Talk about an experience.:lol:

Wow, the baby could probably hear the gig at that point, outstanding.
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