Barcelona II Setlist Party

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ehh my german not that good anymore but doesn't "U2tour Das electrical Storm Glockenspiel hängt bisher nicht an Larrys Schlagzeug
1 minute ago from Tweetie" not mean the glockenspiel is NOT there
I'm getting really excited, though... I think ES is a great rocker that not everyone knows, but that a lot of causal fans will like when they hear. Kind of like how I took a few friends to see U23D, and none of them had heard The Fly in their lives before, but they all came out thinking that it was amazing.

True. I was once watching U2 DVDs with my friend who has little to no interest in the band, but when she saw the video for ES, she thought it was an absolutely incredible song.

There is absolutely no reason for them not to play it! :up:
ehh my german not that good anymore but doesn't "U2tour Das electrical Storm Glockenspiel hängt bisher nicht an Larrys Schlagzeug
1 minute ago from Tweetie" not mean the glockenspiel is NOT there


YOu are right.

I am sorry guys, I fucked up royally in my excitement I didn't see the bisher nicht part. It means thusfar not. :doh:
I would rather Adam wore nothing at all than that monstrosity from the first night! (And no, I'm not an Adam girl, I have no interest in seeing him shirtless :wink: )
Awesome! My first GA was last tour @ Croke and it was fantastic...before that I'd always had nosebleeds, it was a whole new experience.

We wanted to do GA on Vertigo, but I found out I was pregnant right at the start of the tour...we ended up doing seats in Pittsburgh. I was 8 1/2 months along and it was my first U2 show. Talk about an experience.:lol:
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