Barak's annoucement theme song today!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Feb 7, 2006
If the moonlight caught you crying on Killiney Bay
Did anybody catch the live feed of Barak Obama's inspiring speech today kicking off his official presidental campaign?!!!
I love the man, and his speech was so inspiring, but to kick it off guess what song he came on stage to? YEP!!! It had to be a U2 song, COBL!!! They played most of the song before he started his speech. The first verse and chorus anyway!! COOL!!
I am so excited for this man. IMO I really think he is going to change our country for the better and pray that God protects him and guides him.
Go BARAK!!:heart: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :dancing: :cool:
ozeeko said:

He ain't got my vote!

Maybe if he picked Mofo...

:laugh: :laugh:
I was kinda surprised by the choice of song, but I guess it's a good send off....

"I'm getting ready to leave the ground....."

Anybody have any other choice campaign songs? I know Beautiful Day has been used to death in the past, but maybe Steets would have been a good one huh?
"I wanna run....."
nothing can top Schwarzenger's WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT :rockon:

(Obama should've used MIAMI or SCARLET :grumpy: )
One word: Romney

Honestly, I dont think Obama has much of a chance. He wont be able to ride the young, black ticket forever.
Isnt he involved with islam and the middle eastern affairs? be very careful what you wish for people. I for one think he is ultimately against us and hes suckering people in with his act.
I have nothing really constructive to add, except that this needs to be in this thread:

DreamOutLoud13 said:
I have nothing really constructive to add, except that this needs to be in this thread:


Barak: You know, are a very handsome man. :D

Bono: I'm on to you. :wink:
t8thgr8 said:
Isnt he involved with islam and the middle eastern affairs? be very careful what you wish for people. I for one think he is ultimately against us and hes suckering people in with his act.

It's exactly this kind of thinking that breeds hate and fear.
Enough already.

Involved with middle eastern affairs? OMG, He must be a terrorist because he is advising our worthless president that diplomacy is the way to peace in the world not bomb dropping. He is not a terrorist for God's sake. Get real.
You are definitely drinking the kool-aid my friend.
Jeannieco said:
Love it! Thanks for that picture!! :drool:

Hey where/when was that taken??
I gotta believe that Bono quietly will support this man. :applaud: :D
National Prayer Breakfast, last year. Bono gave a wonderful speech. And he's not really tickling Bono's nose with a feather, it's just a fern in the background and fortunate photography, but it's still the best thing ever :cute:
DreamOutLoud13 said:

National Prayer Breakfast, last year. Bono gave a wonderful speech. And he's not really tickling Bono's nose with a feather, it's just a fern in the background and fortunate photography, but it's still the best thing ever :cute:

Awesome! Thank you!! I definitely be saving this one! :)

My two favorite men! It would have been even better if Bobby Shriver was in that picture too! :giggle: :hyper: :hyper:
I'll be voting for him. And not just because of COBL... though it helps. :wink:
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