Anyone else not stand Gwen Stefani's new song??

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 18, 2001
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
I don't know about you but that whole "What you waiting for?" crap got old - fast.

I can't stand it. She was trying to be different and eccentric and ended up being dumb. :madspit:
i like it... and the whole album... :reject:

"Bubble Pop Electric" is smoking hot. Gwen singing about going to the backseat... ah...

Oh, um, ahem. So is "Harajinku girls," good song. I can see why WYWF could bug ya, though.
Tell me about it. Calling it a "song" is pretty generous if you ask me. The whole composition is just a mess! :yuck:
It's okay. Very 80s-ish, which imo doesn't hurt. My only real complaint with it is that it does get played a lot...but that's radio and TV's fault, not Gwen's.

The video is weird. I really think music directors must be sitting there going, "You know, the 'Alice In Wonderland' story isn't bizarre enough-let's make it even weirder!". First Tom Petty does a take on the story, and now Gwen, and both versions were indeed :coocoo:.

I'm wondering how many people would still like this album if it was some new person's first album, as opposed to a Gwen Stefani solo album.
Bonochick said:
I'm wondering how many people would still like this album if it was some new person's first album, as opposed to a Gwen Stefani solo album.

Everyone will say they like it now and one year later they will say how much they dislike it. :|
Come on, I like Aqua. I liked them in 1997, i like them 8 years later. So, given my affinity for weirdness, I think I'll probably still enjoy it in a year. I like quirky pop. :shrug:
lol. wasn't referring to you specifically. you've got good taste. :up:

i haven't heard the song in question to be honest, but i do like a bit of no doubt. fun band to listen to, which i guess is the whole point.
BrownEyedBoy said:

I can't stand it. She was trying to be different and eccentric and ended up being dumb. :madspit:

I hate it when good artists feel the need to do this :tsk:
I don't know how the whole album is...but What You Waiting For is kindy catchy. It's one of those tunes that easily gets stuck in your head.

I can see how it could get old REAL fast though.
the song drives me up the wall. the fact that it's being played to death only makes it worse.

*edit to add: thanks. now it's stuck in my head and i haven't even heard it yet today.

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well the video is just plain stupid... but we're discussing the song, so ef the video.

i didn't like it at first... but it's catchy as all hell, and ya find yourself humming along to it even though you think you don't like it.
As a longtime fan of No Doubt and Gwen, I was somewhat excited to hear that Gwen was going to try her hand at a solo album - and boy was I shocked at what we got. She's never made a secret of loving 80's tinged music (the weak cover of It's My Life, etc) but WYWF is the very definition of pop music - catchy as hell and forgettable.

I'll agree and say the composition of the song is a mess. The lyrics are horrible. Just like Madonna's awful "American Life" song where she "raps" about what she has, I really don't need a song about Gwen psyching herself up to record her solo album and her "million dollar contract." I realize there is a bit of "you go girl!" about the song, but to refer to oneself as a "stupid ho" is not something I find remotely cute from the girl who sang "Just a Girl."

And I won't even get started on the self-indulgent wreck of a video. I dunno - Gwen's entire image has changed for me. She's become more J.Lo-ish instead of my hot and kooky Gwennie.
HelloAngel said:
I really don't need a song about Gwen psyching herself up to record her solo album and her "million dollar contract." I realize there is a bit of "you go girl!" about the song, but to refer to oneself as a "stupid ho" is not something I find remotely cute from the girl who sang "Just a Girl."

Couldn't agree more. The more I hear this song and read interviews with her, the more the entire thing grates on me.
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

Couldn't agree more. The more I hear this song and read interviews with her, the more the entire thing grates on me.

I hated this song with a passion when it came out but with time, its kind of grown on me. I still think the lyrics are horrible and the video is just as Carrie described it...a self indulgent train wreck.

I also agree with April about the interviews I've seen lately. Shallow and self-absored are the first words that come to mind.

I was always really proud of the fact that no matter how big No Doubt became, she still seemed like the cool Anaheim chick I knew back in the day but now...not so much :down:
UnforgettableLemon said:
Come on, I like Aqua. I liked them in 1997, i like them 8 years later. So, given my affinity for weirdness, I think I'll probably still enjoy it in a year. I like quirky pop. :shrug:

As I said in that other thread, I own an Aqua disc as well. :wink:

Yeah, my comment wasn't directed at you either, I'm sure there are some people who genuinely like the song. Frankly though, I was disappointed by it. Do I like it? Well, it's catchy...gets stuck in my head...but it just seems so...throwaway. I was hoping for something a little more solid from Gwen. Ah, well.
Just so UL and a few others don't feel alone, I really like this song. It's really grown on me a lot. I bought the album and think it's fun, not brilliant or life-altering, but just a great piece of bubble gum dance to put on when I need a boost. "Rich Girl" (the new single) is totally great but I think my favorite song is "Cool," very Belinda Carlisle-esque.

Anyway, I don't think Gwen is selling out or pandering by making this album and these videos. She's more than 10 years older than she was when No Doubt was making "Tragic Kingdom." Her life has changed in so many ways that it would be ridiculous for her to go on like it hadn't. She likes dance music and designer clothes and all that so took this opportunity to be a dance hall glamazon because she'd never have that opportunity in No Doubt.

Do I like "Love Angel Music Baby" as much as I did "Rock Steady"? No way, but I dig it for what it is--fun.
I CAN'T STAND IT! Esp,. the line "A female b***." The only thing I like is "You got some wicked style." I repect her but I think sadly, the media wants to make her another Britney Spears. She is very talented, she is unique with a great voice. But sadly, the madia is prone to take advantage of solo female artists more.
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