Albums: Year By Year

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A Headache In A Suitcase I imagine? I must say, your list Lazarus makes for excellent reading. 1973, 1975, 1986, and 1987 were disturbingly good years for music. I was torn trying to pick just one album as at least 2-3 other stellar releases could have been chosen. Cheers.

Yeah. Just to dig a little deeper here in terms of my contenders that might have won in alternate years:

Led Zeppelin - Houses Of The Holy (my favorite Zeppelin)
The Who - Quadrophenia (2nd favorite Who)
Bruce Springsteen -The Wild, The Innocent... (2nd favorite Bruce)

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (favorite Floyd)
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti (2nd favorite Zeppelin)
Patti Smith - Horses
Elton John - Captain Fantastic... (2nd favorite Elton)
Joni Mitchell - The Hissing Of Summer Lawns (favorite Joni)
Steely Dan - Katy Lied
Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run
Bob Dylan & The Band - The Basement Tapes

The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead (favorite Smiths)
R.E.M. - Lifes Rich Pageant (in my top 10-15 of all time)

The Replacements - Pleased To Meet Me (in my top 10-15 of all time)
The Cure - Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me (favorite Cure)
Prince - Sign O' The Times (favorite Prince)
R.E.M. - Document
1995: Radiohead - The Bends
1996: R.E.M. - New Adventures in Hi-Fi
1997: U2 - Pop
1998: Madonna - Ray of Light
1999: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
2000: U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind
2001: Muse - Origin of Symmetry
2002: Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head
2003: Madonna - American Life
2004: The Killers - Hot Fuss
2005: Madonna - Confessions on a Dance Floor
2006: Keane - Under the Iron Sea
2007: Radiohead - In Rainbows
2008: Coldplay - Death and All His Friends
2009: Florence + The Machine - Lungs
2010: Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist History
2011: Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
2012: The Killers - Battle Born
2013: Arcade Fire - Reflektor
2014: U2 - Songs of Innocence

At least we agree on 2002 and 2014.

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1969 and 1971 are better than any of the years Laz listed and he didn't even bother with them.

Kids these days.
Metallica - Death Magnetic was a stellar record and I was thrilled to see it on your list. :heart: 2004 was a toss up for me between The Killers - Hot Fuss and Green Day - American Idiot. In the end, Mr. Brightside tipped the scales in favor of Hot Fuss. Thanks for your contribution.

Death Magnetic was a fantastic record, the only problem is the production, but that's been talked about to death. For me in 2004, it was either Green Day or Kanye; Green Day got it because I loved that record as a kid so I have some nostalgic attachment to it, even though a lot of the subject matter went right over my head at 10 years old.

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1990 - The 12th Man - The 12th Man Again
1991 - U2 - Achtung Baby
1992 - Dr Dre - The Chronic
1993 - Wu-Tang Clan - 36 Chambers
1994 - Nas - Illmatic
1995 - GZA - Liquid Swords
1996 - DJ Shadow - Endtroducing.....
1997 - Radiohead - OK Computer
1998 - Outkast - Aquemini
1999 - The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin
2000 - The Avalanches - Since I Left You
2001 - Something for Kate - Echolalia
2002 - Broken Social Scene - You Forgot it in People
2003 - Outkast - Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
2004 - Madvillain - Madvillainy
2005 - Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
2006 - Hot Chip - The Warning
2007 - Radiohead - In Rainbows
2008 - Coldplay - Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends//Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours
2009 - The Flaming Lips - Embryonic//Paul Dempsey - Everything is True
2010 - Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
2011 - Destroyer - Kaputt
2012 - Tame Impala - Lonerism
2013 - The National - Trouble Will Find Me (holy fucking shit this was a good year for music)
2014 - Flying Lotus - You're Dead!//Sun Kil Moon - Benji
Different strokes for different folks. Don't like it, don't listen to it, but you are missing out.

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We need a PSA about the dangers of inside jokes, I tells ya.

1973 Steely Dan - Countdown To Ecstasy (this year is disturbingly good)
1978 Tom Waits - Blue Valentine (comparatively weak year)
1981 Iron Maiden - Killers
1982 Lou Reed - The Blue Mask
1990 Happy Mondays - Pills 'n' Thrills & Bellyaches
1994 Liz Phair - Whip-Smart
1995 Pavement - Wowee Zowee
1996 Afghan Whigs - Black Love
1997 Pavement - Brighten The Corners
1998 Madonna - Ray Of Light
2001 Radiohead - Amnesiac
2002 Sleater-Kinney - One Beat
2003 My Morning Jacket - It Still Moves
2004 Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Abattoir Blues/The Lyre Of Orpheus

1998: Madonna - Ray of Light
2003: Madonna - American Life
2005: Madonna - Confessions on a Dance Floor
2009: Florence + The Machine - Lungs
2011: Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds

For me since 2000:
2001: The White Stripes, White Blood Cells

I'll go 1960-2014.

1960 - Charles Mingus - Blues & Roots
1962 - Ray Charles - Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music
1964 - The Ronettes - Presenting the Fabulous Ronettes Featuring Veronica
1972 - Todd Rundgren - Something / Anything?
1981 - Motörhead - No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith
2006 - Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Flood

1990 - The 12th Man - The 12th Man Again
1995 - GZA - Liquid Swords
2000 - The Avalanches - Since I Left You
2001 - Something for Kate - Echolalia
2004 - Madvillain - Madvillainy

I was going to post some favorites from the lists, but I just picked albums I hadn't heard instead. I thought you all might like to know.
I would fucking pay you to listen to The 12th Man.

Also Since I Left You is an absolute masterpiece, and beat out the likes of Stankonia and Parachutes.
1987 doesn't rank highly for me, most of the genres represented that year aren't among my favorites, but I will say that Joshua Tree vs. Sign O The Times was the hardest decision I had to make. Both are top 20 tier albums.
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but I will say that Joshua Tree vs. Sign O The Times was the hardest decision I had to make. Both are top 20 tier albums.

For me, the toughest was 1997: Homogenic vs OK Computer.

Also, 2000: Kid A vs De Stijl. Two very different but equally excellent records.
I actually already have this list compiled from when Zoots did a similar thread way back when, and it's hilariously inaccurate now. Strikethroughs indicate changes. Unfortunate that the year of my birth precludes me from including my favorite year of music:

1987 - The Joshua Tree - U2
1988 - The Land Before Time OST - James Horner
1989 - Disintegration - The Cure

1990 - Heaven or Las Vegas - Cocteau Twins House of Love - House of Love
1991 - Achtung Baby - U2
1992 - Automatic For the People - R.E.M.
1993 - Together Alone - Crowded House
1994 - Wildflowers - Tom Petty
1995 - The Bends - Radiohead Pulp - Different Class
1996 - Crash - Dave Matthews Band
1997 - Pop - U2 Spirtualized - Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space
1998 - The Story of the Ghost - Phish Lucinda Williams - Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
1999 - Rainbow - Mariah Carey Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs

2000 - Spiritual Machines - Our Lady Peace Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven!
2001 - The National - The National The Dismemberment Plan - Change
2002 - The Rising - Bruce Springsteen
2003 - The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place - Explosions in the Sky
2004 - Hot Fuss - The Killers
2005 - The Sunset Tree - The Mountain Goats (but damn, this year is deep)
2006 - Eyes Open - Snow Patrol
2007 - Boxer - The National
2008 - For Emma, Forever Ago - Bon Iver
2009 - It's Blitz - Yeah Yeah Yeahs

And that's the end of the original list

2010 - Wild Nothing - Gemini
2011 -
M83 - Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
2012 - Wild Nothing - Nocturne
2013 - Charli XCX - True Romance
2014 - War on Drugs - Lost in the Dream
2015 - Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly

My favorite year in music is 1985:,ss.rd/1985
I would fucking pay you to listen to The 12th Man.

Also Since I Left You is an absolute masterpiece, and beat out the likes of Stankonia and Parachutes.

I can't remember if I've heard Since I Left You :reject:
1987 doesn't rank highly for me, most of the genres represented that year aren't among my favorites, but I will say that Joshua Tree vs. Sign O The Times was the hardest decision I had to make. Both are top 20 tier albums.

On another day I might have put down Pleased To Meet Me instead of The Joshua Tree. The latter is a better album, but I reach for the former more often.

And while Document isn't at the top of my R.E.M. list like it was when I first became a fan, that is one damned great album.
Ah what the fuck, I'm an attention whore, let's go:

1960 - John Coltrane - Giant Steps (I didn't have anything here before)
1961 - Elvis Presley - Blue Hawaii
1962 - Ray Charles - Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music (I didn't have anything here before)
1963 - The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan Charles Mingus - The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
1964 - A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles
1965 - Highway 61 Revisited - Bob Dylan Bob Dylan - Bringing It All Back Home
1966 - Revolver - The Beatles
1967 - Surrealistic Pillow - Jefferson Airplane The Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request
1968 - Beggar's Banquet - The Rolling Stones Small Faces - Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake
1969 - The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground

1970 - Grateful Dead - Workingman's Dead Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cosmo's Factory
1971 - Who's Next - The Who
1972 - Lou Reed - Transformer
1973 - Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J. - Bruce Springsteen Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy
1974 - Court and Spark - Joni Mitchell Supertramp - Crime of the Century
1975 - Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen
1976 - Station to Station - David Bowie
1977 - Low - David Bowie Fleetwood Mac - Rumors
1978 - Darkness on the Edge of Town - Bruce Springsteen The Rolling Stones - Some Girls
1979 - The Wall - Pink Floyd

1980 - Peter Gabriel 3 - Peter Gabriel
1981 - Hard Promises - Tom Petty Icehouse - Icehouse
1982 - Peter Gabriel 4 - Peter Gabriel
1983 - The Hurting - Tears For Fears
1984 - The Unforgettable Fire - U2
1985 - The Head on the Door - The Cure
1986 - Invisible Touch - GenesisFelt - Forever Breathes the Lonely Word
No, I haven't. Every track I've heard from it I haven't liked, so I haven't really been jumping to hear it. I should, though, I know that.
1990 - Blue Sky Mining - Midnight Oil
1991 - Achtung Baby - U2
1992 -
1993 - Zooropa - U2
1994 - Snivilisation - Orbital
1995 - Maxinquaye - Tricky
1996 -
1997 - OK Computer - Radiohead
1998 - Mezzanine - Massive Attack
1999 -
2000 - Kid A - Radiohead
2001 - No More Shall We Part - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
2002 - The Private Press - DJ Shadow
2003 -
2004 - A Ghost Is Born - Wilco
2005 - The Woods - Sleater-Kinney
2006 -
2007 - Boxer - The National
2008 - Dig Lazarus Dig!! - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
2009 -
2010 -
2011 - Let England Shake - PJ Harvey
2012 -
2013 -
2014 -

For me there are years with a whole bunch of contenders, and years with fuckin nothing. I'll update if I think of something.
1990 - Blue Sky Mining - Midnight Oil
1991 - Achtung Baby - U2
1992 -
1993 - Zooropa - U2
1994 - Snivilisation - Orbital
1995 - Maxinquaye - Tricky
1996 -
1997 - OK Computer - Radiohead
1998 - Mezzanine - Massive Attack
1999 -
2000 - Kid A - Radiohead
2001 - No More Shall We Part - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
2002 - The Private Press - DJ Shadow
2003 -
2004 - A Ghost Is Born - Wilco
2005 - The Woods - Sleater-Kinney
2006 -
2007 - Boxer - The National
2008 - Dig Lazarus Dig!! - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
2009 -
2010 -
2011 - Let England Shake - PJ Harvey
2012 -
2013 -
2014 -

GAF's list has huge gaps of lost time too.
You're right.

1969 - Abbey Road
1975 - Born To Run
1997 - OK Computer
2001 - Is This It
2012 - RED
I like this game. Here it is, for all years of my life:

1981 - U2 - October (for lack of a better option)
1982 - Kate Bush - The Dreaming
1983 - REM - Murmur
1984 - U2 - The Unforgettable Fire
1985 - Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
1986 - The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead
1987 - U2 - The Joshua Tree (tied with Prince - Sign O The Times)
1988 - Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation
1989 - The Stone Roses - s/t
1990 - The Sundays - Reading, Writing, Arithmetic
1991 - Tough one. Will go with Achtung Baby, although Nevermind and Loveless are so strong)
1992 - REM - Automatic for the People
1993 - Yo La Tengo - Painful
1994 - Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
1995 - Bjork - Post
1996 - Belle and Sebastian - If You Are Feeling Sinister
1997 - Radiohead - OK Computer
1998 - Massive Attack - Mezzanine
1999 - The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin
2000 - Radiohead - Kid A
2001 - The Shins - Oh, Inverted World (Is This It? is a close second)
2002 - Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (You Forgot It In People close second)
2003 - M83 - Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts
2004 - Arcade Fire - Funeral
2005 - Sufjan Stevens - Illinois (Boxer up there too)
2006 - The Decembrists - The Crane Wife
2007 - Radiohead - In Rainbows
2008 - Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
2009 - I guess The XX - XX
2010 - Kanye - My Dark Twisted Fantast
2011 - St. Vincent - Strange Mercy
2012 - Frank Ocean - Channel Orange (or Bloom)
2013 - The National - Trouble Will Find Me
2014 - D’Angelo and the Vanguard - Black Messiah
2015 - Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell
^that, Packt and Pyramid Song are the only songs on Amnesiac that I really, really like. You and Whose Army spends too long getting to the crescendo, I Might Be Wrong has an awesome riff but a nothing vocal. That said, it's a fascinating front-to-back listen, quite enigmatic in a catalogue full of variety. But as we said the other day, its b-sides are top-notch.
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