ahahah i got to make a new DESCRIBE thread!!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
^ its ok
they ask me to do things, i do them, and then they never talk to me again.

that's why i have a serious problem in trusting people :D
^ they are!!!

i like you lot though, you guys and gals are cool :up:

i've been spreading your name around the forum again :lol:
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^^ yeah, i've been spreading your name around the forum again this weekend. it even ended up in PGP :silent:
< I thought my Physics exam was going well today, then it turned out I had one long question left to do, which I didn't study, I guessed half of it :wink:
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Something about something

the answer to part 5 was 0.333 and if it wasn't then well ehhhh he(the teacher) got it wrong!!!!
My friend just texted me, saying that they are going up to Herbert Park and if I don't come I'm a disgrace to meself and everyone I know :ohmy:
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