Additional info about One needed

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Vincent Vega

Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jul 19, 2005

I'm currently writing a term paper about the One campaign.
Therefore I need a source of the date, or at least the year or the event when it was founded.
On the One website there is only a picture with the text given, "The campaign was launched at a rally in Philadelphia with the help of U2's Bono". But that's not enough I'm afraid.

So if anyone could give me a source I could use I would be extremely grateful. :)
Thank you, that helps. :wave:

Looks like I should be more creative in looking for dates and information.

I didn't know that the campiagn was launched that early in 2004.
You're welcome. I actually got asked this question last week, so knew where to go! :wink: I guess this is what they're calling the "official" launch, so that date ought to do! Or just say "May of..."
Yes, I put it very general.

Would be an idea, maybe I send them a mail, to provide some more of those information in the FAQ or somewhere in the About sector, so that it's easier when you are writing a thesis to give some sources for such information. :)
This is an excerpt from an article I wrote to announce ONE's unveiling back in May 2004:

On 16 May 2004, Bono will be among a variety of speakers in Philadelphia (including DATA, World Vision, Bread for the World, Agnes Nyamayarwo and Dikembe Mutombo) active in the struggle for Africa's Future. The free rally will take place in Independence Park at 1:30pm (more info can be found at The significance of the name of the park and Philadelphia's historical role in the beginnings of U.S. independence, justice and self-determination undoubtedly will not be lost to the speakers as they will make the linkeage to Africa's right to a Future of Justice, self-determination and independence from AIDS, hunger and poverty - ALL of which are being magnified in their effects on Africa by unfair trade restrictions and unjust debt burdens still imposed on African countries by the developed world.

I hope this gives you a better understanding WHY Philly was chosen to be the launch city for ONE. :wink:

Thanks for your interest in ONE, Vincent Vega. ;)
Yes it's true that the official launch of ONE was in May 2004 but Bono and Bobby Shriver started work on the campaign before this date. I have my feelers out to see if I can find some more info about the exact start up date. :wink:

On a another subject (and yet the same!) I just found this video of Bono's acceptance speech for the TED Prize....<strong>TED</strong>Prize%20-%20<strong>Bono</strong>&flashEnabled=1

....could some one post a downloadable version of this video coz it keeps on 'buffering' every few seconds when I try and watch it! :eyebrow:
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Of course, they did, hcbiggs - but Vincent Vega asked about the beginnings of the ONE Campaign - which I provided additional information for.

I was answering his question.:hi5:

Bono started with his RECENT African advocacy back in 1998 when he joinred Ann Pettifor, Jaime Drummond and Lucy Mathew (the last two became leaders of DATA) in the Drop the Debt movement. Booby Shriver helped to introduce Bono to Prof. Jeffrey Sachs (then of Harvard U) and Prof. Sachs helped Bono learn the particulars of the economics that B would need to be as effective as he has been for Africa.

That movement evolved into DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa) in 2002 and was helped founded by Bob geldof, Bobby Shriver, Bill Gates and George Soros. While DATA was announced as an idea at the WEF in Feb. 2002, DATA's first official event was on the "Heart of America" tour in Lincoln Nebraska on 1 December 2002 (World AIDS Day).

An event that I attended. Feel free to ask if anybody needs further info on this topic. :bonodrum:
Yes, thank you. The date when it was launched is very good. It's more of a general information I wanted to put into my introduction of the paper.

It's hard to back up some information with sources.
For example, as far as I got it the 'explosion' of members was not until about one year later, when the Vertigo tour started, and especially at the Live 8 concerts.
But if I said that the campaign gathered widespread knowledge only in Spring of 2005 I have to back it up with some sources.
That will be hard.
It's really tough since I can write very much, but to find liable sources is very difficult.

Thanks for every piece of information to all, and it's not bad at all if you find some information bout the groundwork of the campaign, hcbiggs :)
I will just leave it with basic information, that it was founded in 2004 by more than 70 aid groups, Bobby Shriver and Bono, reason was that there was no progress in meeting the Millennium Goals visible, and then I will go into the work of the campaign, how it works, what has happened, and as my teacher wanted, question whether the cause justifies the methods, i.e. if it's the right thing to put pressure on politicians to increase federal spending on that cause.

That's basically it.
I will upload the work when it's done :)

Thank you all for your help :)
Another question: Is there any source I could provide clearly stating that Bono and Bobby Shriver did the groundwork and finally established the One campaign?
All I can find is on the One page that it was founded by the eleven aid campaigns, but I couldn't find any liable source I could provide pointing out that the organization was founded by Bono and Shriver.
I can't find one either. All I can find are numerous sources stating Bono and Bobby as co-founders of DATA, which is a founder of ONE, so I guess it's just a logical assumption.
Yes, that's also the only thing I can find.

To avoid any problems I just wrote this:
Corruption still takes place in many countries all over the world, holding back many people from supporting such campaigns or aid groups as they are concerned their money would rather be used to funding corrupt leaders of these nations. Hence, the One campaign is closely connected to DATA, an organization co-founded by Bono and Bobby Shriver, an US attorney and philantropist.

And left out that they started the One campaign. When I can't cite any source for things I claim I better leave them out, so my teacher can't say I made something up.
I couldn't tell him that it is something I know, but have no sources for, and sadly I can't give the people here as my source, although I value your knowledge very much. It's just that my teacher might think differently. :wink:
Thank you for your interest and concern for ONE, Vincent Vega.

I hope that you do well with your paper and if you're interested in the global campaign to make extreme poverty history, please check out .

Their website is the master website for ONE, Make Poverty History and other organizations around the world. This organization is GCAP - the Global Call to Action Against Poverty.

Also, have you checked out this page on the ONE site:

Please let us know how your paper progresses.:up:
I'm done Hausarbeit/

Yes, I'm not totally new to the One campaign, and even signed up for more than two years.
Sadly, I can't write or sign any of the letters since I don't have a Representative :wink:

The German campaign, Your Voice Against Poverty, is not nearly as active. I didn't get any email from them since I'm signed.
But I will take a look at the pages because I'm interested to go to the G8 meeting here in Germany in May. Just don't want to end up anywhere near those Attac id****s.
So I'm interested if there are any possibilities to go there and show my interest.

It should just be a short paper about the issue. I already held a presentation about the campaign which went pretty well.

Tomorrow I have to hand in the term paper.

And then get rid of the shitty cold again :(

Thanks for your support, Jamila, and all the others who've helped. :hug:
If anyone is interested, I got a 1.1 for the presentation and term paper, so nearly perfect. :)
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