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  1. elevation2u

    Review The Movie You Viewed Part VIII: Lance's Mom Takes Manhattan

    I sorta wanted to go watch that last night, I'll wait to rent it :wink:
  2. elevation2u

    Springsteen VI ~ A Dream Awaits in Aisle Two

    I got major springsteen concert withdrawl dammitttt
  3. elevation2u

    Springsteen VI ~ A Dream Awaits in Aisle Two

    pretty pretty pretty pretty good! damn, hope he comes back to the west coast this tour :angry:
  4. elevation2u

    For Dog Lovers.... Part 3

    My latest addition ... Lenny...a half Brussels Griffon 5 month old puppy!
  5. elevation2u

    For Dog Lovers.... Part 3

    Benjamin's all grown up!
  6. elevation2u

    Anyway to delete old posts? If not, how do I delete my account??!?!

    thankkkssssssss... There's apparently A LOT....which is why I resorted to look for the 'delete account' button. Lesson learned :angry:
  7. elevation2u

    Anyway to delete old posts? If not, how do I delete my account??!?!

    I am asking because if I google my email address it leads to my username/posts here, and though I don't have anything to really worry about it still bothers me. I was hoping to delete/edit my old posts in which I included my email address and if there wasn't a way, I was hoping to delete my...
  8. elevation2u

    New Bob Dylan album! Together Through Life

    I wouldn't know, haven't been on the internet so much with finals soon approaching but hopefully it's been a little more productive than discussing Mellencamp. SO, new Dylan album out on tuesday? Hope it's as good or better than Modern Times, looking forward to a handful of releases coming up...
  9. elevation2u

    New Bob Dylan album! Together Through Life

    still talking about Mellencamp? :|
  10. elevation2u

    Springsteen V ~ Super Bowl Party

    snot rockets lol, I didn't see so many this time around and Patti wasn't there.. however I remember them flying left and right at the Magic show I went to and at one point Bruce used his foot to wipe the floor with a towel and when he was done he used it to dry his face.. that was pretty gross...
  11. elevation2u

    Springsteen V ~ Super Bowl Party

    ok, after a long attempt at the torrent thing, i give up. i downloaded the program and the torrent file but now the "flac" documents won't open. :angry: anybody have a link to the mp3 file?
  12. elevation2u

    Springsteen V ~ Super Bowl Party

    oh my, i'm a bit late but i am still high from the amazing LA 1 show...jesus I didn;t think the band could blow me away that much and manage to put on a more intense, high-energy tour than the Magic tour show I went to in 07. I'm going down, spirit in the night, racing in the street, rosalita...
  13. elevation2u

    Springsteen V ~ Super Bowl Party

    Racing in the Street is depressingly awesome, you're all crazy!
  14. elevation2u

    Oscar Nominations & Awards Show

    well i found one picture where penn is smiling
  15. elevation2u

    Oscar Nominations & Awards Show

    yay, i was rooting for both kate and sean and was happy they won. i didnt care much for slumdog millionaire so their awards got annoyinn, sorry. surprisingly ben stiller was pretty funny, otherwise nothing really stands out...except james franco looked dapper as usual. :love:
  16. elevation2u

    Springsteen V ~ Super Bowl Party

    i have never been able to like glory days or cover me, it's painful to hear Springsteen be so sucky.
  17. elevation2u

    Springsteen V ~ Super Bowl Party

    seeing the band perform No Surrender and Workin on the Highway made me enjoy Born in the USA, before then I couldnt stand to listen to the album. but now I can enjoy Downbound Train, Goin Down, I'm on Fire..
  18. elevation2u

    Springsteen V ~ Super Bowl Party

    i don't "get" that song, ....i like it and all but i don't understand what's is sooo great about it... as in...why is he always playing it everywhere? seriously, is there some heavy meaning behind it that i'm not grasping? my city of ruins, empty sky, into the fire, nothing man, further up the...
  19. elevation2u

    The appreciation thread for Tom Waits, genius.

    love, love, love Tom Waits one of my favorite artists ever along with Springsteen. true genius songwriter and even more amazing in concert. Lately Mule Variations has been my favorite album of his, but it constantly changes. I always wondered why he wasn't more famous, he definitely has the...
  20. elevation2u

    Ryan Adams - Easy Tiger, Cardinology, Etc.

    Pneumonia is my least favorite WT album! Some songs sound awkwardly cheery. I personally love Faithless Streeet and Strangers Almanac is a close second.
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