Shuttlecock XXV: Cool Hats Club

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Is it worth reading all the posts in the Sphere thread? I'm not sure I've got the energy anymore to scroll through five pages of pointless, circular debate. I assume it's all about Larry.
Is it worth reading all the posts in the Sphere thread? I'm not sure I've got the energy anymore to scroll through five pages of pointless, circular debate. I assume it's all about Larry.

here's a summary of the other place over the last 36 hours.

  • U2 are a legacy act because they're playing a show dedicated to old music, but aren't a legacy act because legacy acts are based on musical output, which is subjective, unless it isn't, because Radiohead.
  • anyone who even considers going to Las Vegas to see one of these shows is a bootlicking, morally corrupt rube.

that's it.
here's a summary of the other place over the last 36 hours.

  • U2 are a legacy act because they're playing a show dedicated to old music, but aren't a legacy act because legacy acts are based on musical output, which is subjective, unless it isn't, because Radiohead.
  • anyone who even considers going to Las Vegas to see one of these shows is a bootlicking, morally corrupt rube.

that's it.

Thank you for your service, headache.

And that baby photoshop is :applaud:
Don't know about anyone else but my gut tells me if your sub is active, and not expiring in the next 30 days... don't renew it/fuck with your account other than making sure your address is up to date and your facebook is linked properly. Mine expires March 31.. not touching it till after the Vegas ticket madness lol
here's a summary of the other place over the last 36 hours.

  • U2 are a legacy act because they're playing a show dedicated to old music, but aren't a legacy act because legacy acts are based on musical output, which is subjective, unless it isn't, because Radiohead.
  • anyone who even considers going to Las Vegas to see one of these shows is a bootlicking, morally corrupt rube.

that's it.

The whole legacy/Vegas thing that certain posters (especially your personal favorite) keep going on and on about is really ridiculous. Not sure why you continue to bother with them. It’s not worth it.
The whole legacy/Vegas thing that certain posters (especially your personal favorite) keep going on and on about is really ridiculous. Not sure why you continue to bother with them. It’s not worth it.

it's a very slow week at work and it made me giggle.

but i hit my wall last night and will now only respond to him with Joe Pesci GIFs
i'm still laughing at the insistence that Adele is suddenly an uncool washed up irrelevant legacy act purely because she's doing shows in Vegas
Don't know about anyone else but my gut tells me if your sub is active, and not expiring in the next 30 days... don't renew it/fuck with your account other than making sure your address is up to date and your facebook is linked properly. Mine expires March 31.. not touching it till after the Vegas ticket madness lol

I had the same thought and mine expires 3/1. Hope the presales happen in February.
I really don't think you can fault people for seeing a Vegas residency as a manifestation of U2's most garish impulses. But to take a few Vegas concerts as a personal affront is pretty stupid IMO.
but if you sign up for a Morally Corrupt Casino Club Card, you get $25 in free chips!

(DISCLAIMER: bono may have already eaten all the free chips)
I really don't think you can fault people for seeing a Vegas residency as a manifestation of U2's most garish impulses.

Fair, but what I do not understand is how people would rather have them release shit new music over this. I will take this residency over a new record promoted by three truly terrible singles that are the only songs that get played live eight days a week.
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