Survivor 42

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 16, 2000
Blue State of Mind
And just like that, it's another season of Survivor. The 2 hour season premiere is tonight. 42 seasons! How 'bout that shit?
That dude is a beast. A lot going on in the premiere. I'm really pissed at MSN. They're my homepage and they spoiled Jackson getting removed from the game. He barely spoke or was focused on until his "fire story". Then, BAM, he's out. That sucked. He seemed to have an interesting backstory. Good first episode, though.
Are we getting a new Survivor cliche? Tell a heart wrenching story to your tribemates and then exit the game. :wink:

I think you pretty much have to have a heart wrenching story to get cast on the show these days, seems every contestant has something the past several seasons.

Marya's was particularly heart wrenching especially when this was filmed (I assume it was like a year ago at this point), the distinction of being the first Covid casualty as a health care worker really has to hit home for folks.

But as Matuszak said, it's still a game. When a tribe has 5 people it often has to be someone everybody likes getting axed.
Right. I think the only thing that I didn't like about Marya was the way she spelled her name. :wink: I've never seen it that way before.

But the real question is: Can a dude like Matuszak be a sole Survivor?
Daniel is a total flake. I'd get him out ASAP if I were in that tribe.

And Matuszak is a friggin' beast.

Yes, I think he's definitely an All-Star flake. They should be gunning for him next. He's not loyal to anyone.

Matuszak's performance during the challenge was incredible. Everyone else couldn't do shit.

The TC at the end was awesome. Who doesn't love some drama? :wink:
Wow. That was a nice vote out. Didn't realize Swati was that annoying until the editors pointed it out. Lol!

Matuszak's tribe made the other tribes look silly in the challenges. He just has to polish his social game a little.
Matuszak definitely has a target on his back from the other 2 tribes. He's in big trouble once they merge. Shame because I love watching him blast through the challenges. Hasn't been anyone that dominant since Ozzy. And he could snap Ozzy like a twig.
Yes, the dude would blow Ozzy away. Right now, he's the most entertaining person on the show simply as a result of his challenge prowess. I don't really have favorite yet for the season. Maybe Mike just based off the fact that he's from Jersey and my closest friend used to live in Hoboken. :wink:
Maryanne is an instant All Star. Tori has that Eliza Orlins thing going on where she’s both a savvy player and constantly getting herself into trouble. So I think they’ll both be back with the aforementioned Jonathan.

Dreading the return of bitter Ricard and grifting Shan from last season but it’s inevitable. The latter has now decided to leave traditional preaching for people to just give her money on Patreon. She’s disgusting.

Really like the overall cast and episodes so far, much more than last year. That idol twist is still really fucking stupid.
But the real question is: Can a dude like Matuszak be a sole Survivor?

We technically do have a winner in that mold via Mike so it happened once and happens more if people like Brad and Colby had made the right decision at the end. Depending on how his puzzle skills are (if they’re at least adequate) he really could win a lot of individual immunity challenges with considerable ease because this cast just ain’t very physical.

However, he presumably does have a white penis and that was Xander’s big strategic mistake last season. And these people don’t know a woman just won so there’s going to inevitably be some on that jury stressing about that. Got an epic rant about that over in the other thread if you want to read it/add to it.
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Well, they finally got rid of Daniel. He was tits on a bull. Sitting out every challenge will get you voted out in a hurry. Chanelle was a dumbass for placing a vote for Mike. Her days are numbered. 2 hour episode next week. They'll be dropping their buffs.
Oh, I forgot to add that Maryanne is fucking annoying. If someone is swinging a machete, you don't walk near them.
Well, they finally got rid of Daniel. He was tits on a bull. Sitting out every challenge will get you voted out in a hurry. Chanelle was a dumbass for placing a vote for Mike. Her days are numbered. 2 hour episode next week. They'll be dropping their buffs.

Yeah, don't get Chanelle's strategy voting for Mike. If she just voted for Daniel, he'd have lost 3-2 and there's no tie. Once there was a tie, she has put herself at risk unnecessarily. Stupid vote.
Thought Limu The Emu was going to lose the challenge for his tribe, every time the camera panned to him struggling to undo the ropes I said "what the hell is he doing?" Pathetic. Then when he finally finished and Matuszak stepped up to the slingshot, said to the wife, "watch he'll do it in 2 shots". Sure enough, bang and bang.
Hypothetically, if Matuszak won every freakin' challenge and made it to the Final 3, the jury would have no choice but to vote him the winner.
A nice little blindside. Thankfully, Jonathon survived. I'm rooting for him and Mike. Omar seems like a good dude. Couldn't care less about the others.
Yeah was worried for a bit Matuszak might get taken out.
Kind of surprised Hai ended up voting for Lydia.
As soon as the immunity challenge started, just knew Tori was going to win, whenever the edit the show to say what an easy vote they have coming up (Tori or Chanelle depending on whether Rocksroy switched the game up), that person always ends up safe.
I kind of called the racial thing as soon as the first tribal ended.
Siad to the wife, "if they vote Drea out now (which was being discussed) there'll be cries of racism as the first 3 jury members are all black". Didn't expect Drea and Maryann to do what they did. Craziness. They made a stand but now both have played their idols.
That 2nd TC was crazy. During this episode, Matuszak's social game took a hit. He's great at the challenges, but not at getting along with everyone. After this episode, it's tough to gauge who will win.
I think Limu the Emu is the sneaky favorite to win.
Nobody is gunning for him. He seems to be getting along with and aligned with pretty much everyone, He's also kind of pulling the strings on some moves behind the scenes.

Most everyone else left has baggage that will work against them.

Matuszak as you said really took a hit this week with how he interacted prior to tribal, not listening to Lindsay when discussing their options for voting Drea or Tori, and he definitely should have kept a little quieter during the racism discussion at TC. I get his point about not wanting to be painted a racist, but he should have just responded like Lindsayy did and shown nothing but empathy for Maryann and Drea.
Romeo has a ton of baggage, not a lot of trust in him.
Hai has been flip flopping on folks he is supposedly aligned with.
Maryann still has that lack of filter that will eventually catch up to her.
Drea is going to be a little too aggressive (Matuszak wasn't wrong, but should have kept it quiet), and that will work against her.
Mike takes things a little too personally when something shifts and I could see him blowing u at the wrong time.

Lindsay could be a Becky and someone that gets taken to the end as she has been pretty much in the background.
So right now I am putting Omar as the favorite.
I think Limu the Emu is the sneaky favorite to win.
Nobody is gunning for him. He seems to be getting along with and aligned with pretty much everyone, He's also kind of pulling the strings on some moves behind the scenes.

Most everyone else left has baggage that will work against them.

Matuszak as you said really took a hit this week with how he interacted prior to tribal, not listening to Lindsay when discussing their options for voting Drea or Tori, and he definitely should have kept a little quieter during the racism discussion at TC. I get his point about not wanting to be painted a racist, but he should have just responded like Lindsayy did and shown nothing but empathy for Maryann and Drea.
Romeo has a ton of baggage, not a lot of trust in him.
Hai has been flip flopping on folks he is supposedly aligned with.
Maryann still has that lack of filter that will eventually catch up to her.
Drea is going to be a little too aggressive (Matuszak wasn't wrong, but should have kept it quiet), and that will work against her.
Mike takes things a little too personally when something shifts and I could see him blowing u at the wrong time.

Lindsay could be a Becky and someone that gets taken to the end as she has been pretty much in the background.
So right now I am putting Omar as the favorite.

Nailed that shit!! :up:

I do like Omar. it would be cool if he won.
Attack of the Survivor cliche this week. A player is targeted and "must" be voted out. Then they win Immunity. Then the one that is doing the targeting gets voted out.

Best departure ever.
I was glad Lindsay won the do or die game. The rest of the schlubs sitting out and her being the only one to compete against Jonathan, she deserved to stay and one of the others deserved to go.
Also glad Matuszak beat her, cause that type of challenge isn't easy for a big dude with big feet. Thought it might be his death knell in the game.
Drea tried to blow up basically everyone's game on her way out. Think it was the first time anyone said anything negative towards Omar, she outed him as the one who obviously told Mike about her advantage. Will be interesting to see if that hurts him going forward, cause he was in full control without anyone even thinking he was a target up until that point.

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