US Politics XIV: Vote for Pedro

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Newest Iowa poll has Warren in the lead (20), followed by Harris (18) and Biden (17).

So trump is now saying he wants the citizen question on the census. the presses already started rolling on Mon printing the census forms without it. Rachel M read a transcript arguing the case from earlier today. the ?asst AG is arguing for Trump, RM pointed out that he watched his former boss AG Sessions - be driven driven out for "failing" to carry out Trump's demands. So he is following Trumps latest demands.

Headache, Irving you "getting outta town" for The Fourth?

Trump's latest egobo "_____ to America" "parade" later today. :|

Fly overs... ok. But....
Fucking TANKS??!!!

there was a film pre-9-11 staring Tony Shaloub and ? Catherine Zeta-Jones, who are FBI agents in NYC. Bruce Willis is part of the Armed Forces. There's a terrorist attack. Eventually to hunt down suspects in Brooklyn in particular troops and tanks are sent in. Having seen Tianemin Sq in real time (approximently)as well before this film, and news reels of like Soviet Union military parades.... this is creeping the hell outta me! :(

I have no problem say with Fleet Week here in NYC. I've gone down to see the Naval Ships, though we got there too late to actually visit one. But that is a Holiday designated to celebrate our AF. The 4th is supposed to be more of a non-partisan Celebration of America ( even with all our faults). It's been more like that, than not. On Public Radio they mentioned that Nixon injected much more partisanship. I don't remember one way or another. there are people in the Military that are feeling uncomfortable about being possibly pulled into a partisan political event.

Trump could end up giving a partisan speech (I'll be surprised if he doesn't). And he/RNC have been giving out tickets to a VIP section that's part of it. So add in taxpayer monies that may end up funding a political campaign style event - which shouldn't happen. there are people coming to protest this event as well.

I do not understand Sanders voters flocking to Warren. She believes in capitalism. That she's the best of the rest (every other candidate) is no consolation when every single thing happening around us screams in full voice that capitalism has not only failed, but is actively leading us to destruction. I do wonder if the discourse has discouraged people from understanding what a primary is actually supposed to be accomplishing. But, alas. I am not in Iowa.
I do not understand Sanders voters flocking to Warren. She believes in capitalism. That she's the best of the rest (every other candidate) is no consolation when every single thing happening around us screams in full voice that capitalism has not only failed, but is actively leading us to destruction. I do wonder if the discourse has discouraged people from understanding what a primary is actually supposed to be accomplishing. But, alas. I am not in Iowa.

Probably because the conscience of the left right now is about where she is. Left of the classical democrat but right of Sanders.

Bigger missing point also is that many of Sanders supporters were populists. You see those populists sort of being spread between Biden, Warren, and Sanders now. Many of them don’t have skin in the ideological game.

I hate our primary system though. It should be a single day event. Why the fuck does Iowa/New Hampshire etc. get to set the tone?
Reality/actuality. He uses a blue collar appeal in a yeehaw America China tookerjerbs West Virginia fashion, and in today’s day and age, “appearing as” and “being” are one in the same.
I was so tired last I forgot to mention that trump said he was now going ahead (we won't know until it actually happens) with those pre-dawn raids on undocumented immigrants this weekend. :crack:

I sure as hell hope this doesn't happen! This man's cruelty practically knows no bounds. :sad:
Its hot as fuck in DC. Thunderstorms predicted for later.

If you pray, pray for a deluge right as Tiny Rocketman tries to make it all about himself.

Am hearing stories about arguments and hostile words between regular people and the MAGA-hatted assholes who are in town for the day.

If you wear an MAGA hat, you are by definition an asshole.
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If you pray, pray for a deluge right as Tiny Rocketman tries to make it all about himself.

I thought about this, but then it would give him an obvious excuse for the small crowd size.

So now I hope that a bird shits on his head instead.
I just listened to a loud Australian on the DC metro talking about how immigrants in Australia are lazy and take money from the government. He was here for the Trump parade.
I just listened to a loud Australian on the DC metro talking about how immigrants in Australia are lazy and take money from the government. He was here for the Trump parade.

Not remotely surprised.

We’ve been working on the house and will stay home tonight to make sure the dog doesn’t loose her mind with the fireworks. Not going anywhere near that mess.
Happy 4th all !

Its hot as fuck in DC. Thunderstorms predicted for later.

If you pray, pray for a deluge right as Tiny Rocketman tries to make it all about himself.

Am hearing stories about arguments and hostile words between regular people and the MAGA-hatted assholes who are in town for the day.

If you wear an MAGA hat, you are by definition an asshole.

Blarg. Sorry to hear about the heat. You know of course that NYC can get just as bad. Whenever I planned to visit I always kept an eye on predicted weather- trying to avoid anything above low-mid 80's. Course there was the time I was staying over night at someone's house in Georgetown, so didn't have to book a hotel (as I usually did); so I could see the Clinton's Xmas WH "Salute to American Crafters". I woke about 9am and my host said, "there's already 2 inches of snow on the ground :huh: (snowed all day, Feds sent home around 3PM) So think of that. :D
Today we actually lucked out! 83/real feel 84 - pretty dry.

I thought about this, but then it would give him an obvious excuse for the small crowd size.

So now I hope that a bird shits on his head instead.
A very valid point!

I will offer the Sci Fi version - a Mutated Giant Bald Eagle particularly disgusted with his views on climate change and thwarting the Constitution and Bill of Rights swoops him up, never to be heard from again. (Me likes!)

I just listened to a loud Australian on the DC metro talking about how immigrants in Australia are lazy and take money from the government. He was here for the Trump parade.
wow, Bleah!
Not remotely surprised.
We’ve been working on the house and will stay home tonight to make sure the dog doesn’t loose her mind with the fireworks. Not going anywhere near that mess.
I knew you guys were smart! Aw, poor doggie. Give her a scratch behind the ears from me.

I will watch the Brooklyn Bridge fireworks :love: on a big screen TV (house sitting before I head home), and find out about DC in dribs and drabs. Will not listen to his speech in real time.
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I just listened to a loud Australian on the DC metro talking about how immigrants in Australia are lazy and take money from the government. He was here for the Trump parade.

We have a lot of these types unfortunately.
When I was in Paris in Sept 2016 (through the graciousness of one my aunts) she, I and my cousin were having lunch outdoors. I got up to get something when I turned around to move and the person at the next table who to whom my back was turned (and visa versa he to me) was wearing a Fox News T-shirt. :|
The 3 of us had some serious conversations in our hotel - we're all more progressive. It was really annoying to see this while we were out having a really good time (my first trip to Europe!) and being reminded of the election back home.
at first glance on my local tv news trump made patriotic speech with out out going off script/political. no one mentioned any confrontations.

I guess we'll see.
and what he says about the crowd tomorrow etc. Plus about any of the Republican's who bought tickets etc.
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Sigh....don’t you know the American flag is a sign of racism, white supremacy, capitalism, and an offensive micro aggression in multiple intersectional ways?? ESPECIALLY in the U.S.A??

Sigh... don’t you know straw men built this country? Nuance, facts, and actual engagement is a sign of ignorance? Gzuz smites those that value truth, thank you for your devotion to the grift, we need more disciples like you.
The power of gzus compels you. Though I’m happy to announce my iPhone tries to change gzus to gays. Gays will always win [emoji41]

I just read that during Trump's speech he got something of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 mixed up :)reject: i admit, i might not have caught it had i heard it). However while he didn't end up making a political speech, he did say simething about the soldiers back then that they swarmed airports.

They swarmed airports! :gah: :gah: WTF!!??!

(How stupid does he think.....)

Unless it was to help distract from that tank(s?) sitting on the mall. I didn't watch any of it, just quick stuff on the 11pm news.
I looked at some of the photos today. And even with the tank(?s) just sitting there ; particularly the photo where it was in front with the Lincoln Memorial in tbe background - it was disturbing! :crack:
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