Shuttlecock XVII - The Best Title That Ever Happened a Thread

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I don't know why people get annoyed at the "negativity" regarding the band. It's not like the people in this board are uninformed about the band, like most non-fan criticism of U2 tends to be these days. I am not sure why someone else's opinion should affect how much you enjoy the album. I, for one, like to read even negative criticism of music that I love as it somehow helps me put my own views in context or narrow down what I really like about a song. Frankly, saying "you guys are insufferable" is more insufferable than the criticism itself. /rant
Spot on, gump. It shits me up the fucking wall and has for a long time. We love the band as much and are well within our rights to express our frustration. And this is coming from someone who spent HOURS singing their praises after seeing the JT30 tour. I even felt some of that disheartenment at the criticism aimed at the tour; but I choose to just focus on my own thoughts rather than whinge about it. We're not doing it to be cool dicks, we're doing it because we genuinely don't like what U2 are doing. And there's nothing wrong with expressing that. Christ.

I just saw the Fallon performance of Best Thing on TV and it was fucking embarrassing. Aside from Edge closing it out (by a mile the best thing about the song) it was a fucking trainwreck and managed to be significantly worse than the single itself, which is saying something.
Just watched the Fallon performances too. That's one hell of a performance of Bullet. See, this is the sort of thing that gets me excited about U2.

And Best Thing still sucks, but it sounded better live without all the over-production if you ask me.
And I just watched the Bullet clip, and it paints my frustration clear as day. Absolutely fucking brilliant.

Why can't they draw inspiration from these old songs? Bono's so passionate in this performance, why not harness that? Draw on what Bullet brings out in him and write something in that vein? Instead they then play an embarrassingly bad version of a song that's not very good to begin with.
Why the fuck aren't they playing Bullet that way on the fucking tour, that's what I want to know.
Well I disagree with Axver re: Bullet. I didn't think Bono was at full power with the verses, and I thought it sounded better at the actual show.

As for Best Thing, it's not a bad song, but it came off really plodding here. This really falls on Larry. I don't know my musical terms, but I want to say he should be playing double time on the verses? Like more of a shuffle? It just sounds like bashing tom drums and fails the good groove that Adam is providing. As for Edge "saving" the song with his vocal part, it's nice but it also makes it sound even more like Coldplay.
I know it's not your point or intention, but it does at times feel like we're being scolded for not being sycophants.

There's a difference between "not being sycophants" and seeing people spend hundreds of posts tearing things to shreds over and over and over.
And I just watched the Bullet clip, and it paints my frustration clear as day. Absolutely fucking brilliant.

Why can't they draw inspiration from these old songs? Bono's so passionate in this performance, why not harness that? Draw on what Bullet brings out in him and write something in that vein? Instead they then play an embarrassingly bad version of a song that's not very good to begin with.
If that's your definition of brilliant and passionate, you've fallen a long way. That's pretty soft.
There's a difference between "not being sycophants" and seeing people spend hundreds of posts tearing things to shreds over and over and over.

No one in this thread has dedicated hundreds of posts to tearing the new songs apart. Maybe a dozen. :wink:

Best Thing sounded even worse than it did on the album IMO. Dragged terribly, Bono sounded awful, the guitar tone lacked the crunch of the studio take, etc. It was a mess. At least when they were awkwardly rolling out Sexy Boots, we had the let me in the sound portion to look forward to each time. I always thought that was cool. Every second of Best Thing sounds like lame dad rock.

Bullet, in contrast, oh my GOD. If they dropped that song this week, do you really think the consensus in here would be so mixed/negative? Fuck no. That's a song that sounds like it matters today. Relevant, scary, brilliant. Nobody in here is hating just to hate. U2 can still sound amazing in 2017, the new stuff just sucks because it's written poorly. Pretty sad to me how much less passionate they sound performing their newest material compared to something written 30 years ago, but that's what they've become and I hate it.
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I'm not so surprised they seemed more confident and passionate on Bullet. It's a song they've played night after night this year, and indeed for most of their tours since 1987. It's a song they know well. Best Thing, on the other hand, besides being new is one they've been tinkering with and aren't yet sure how to play live. They really needed to use those Detroit and Buffalo shows as practice, though.
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