Invisible - Reactions Thread (Do not post song requests - Discussion only!)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Thought the minority of people who dislike the song have been pretty damn vocal.
That's kind of the point I was making - if the ratio is 50 or 60 to one, and the platform for dislike and like seem about equal, the dislikers are probably stretching the friendship a bit. Yeah, I went too far in pointing it out, but this is a U2 fan forum after all, and we did just hear a new U2 song. It's a time to enjoy, sure be reflective, cast a critical eye etc, but remember that there are a lot of people here who are enjoying the moment.
I’ve enjoyed reading all the reactions, the positives and negatives. And some of the negative ones bring up some pretty compelling points about the song’s weaknesses. For example I find myself agreeing with almost every word Axver has written but still come away with an overall better impression of the song and lyrics than he does. I think ozeeko has also made some pretty cogent points, as have others. And I don't care if their views are outnumbered by the majority 50 to 1 or 100 to 1...they deserve to be heard and I for one want to hear them.

Thanks for the nice comments - and in general I think this was a really cogent post. You and I have come around to a fair bit of agreement lately. I'd also like to say that I just played the song again (fifth? sixth? time) and my overall impression is also positive. You may indeed come away with a better impression of the lyrics than I do, but we are perhaps not too far apart in overall impression of the song. It is by no means bad whatsoever, and I've just made a couple of posts around the place in the song's favour that I hope more clearly show where I stand.

I've also appreciated ozeeko's posts. I haven't read all of them, or even all of this thread (to tell the truth I think I only read three or four pages before my initial post), but his posts that I've seen have been good.

This said...

I did clarify later, and it probably was a bit OTT, but it is quite frustrating to see people beating negative opinions into other's by repeating the same opinions until someone changes their mind. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, or say that they can't dislike the song - just trying to point out that those who have these negative opinions don't need to repeat them 50 times until we all agree, because that does seem to be the purpose of it.

...I do agree with Dan that there have been some people who've been posting the same thing over and over again to the point of tedium, though this is true of both hyper-positive and bilious posters. Moreover, some of those people have engaged in entirely repetitive discussions that have just gone around in circles because it seems neither is willing to let the other have the "final word" (in such a quick-moving thread that any word will be quickly lost), so they've just kept pointlessly repeating themselves. I'm not really implying anyone specifically here, so don't think I'm targeting anyone; it's just a general impression I've got from parts of this and other threads.
It's actually "we don't like how much you want to say the same fucking thing" democracy is a funny thing, because to have true democracy you have to place limits on its use, or people with one track, crackpot ideas like the tea party overrun the lives of others thus diminishing the democratic experience for them. Your tiresome, repetitive drivel is diminishing the democratic experience for the rest if us. You are the equivalent if the tea party in the U2 world

Fascists usually have the tendency to paint on the others what they really are, to avoid the masses to think that.
Your narrow minded reading didn't see that I wrote different things in most comments over the last 24h. Censorship commitees usually have that problem - to read only what they want.
I do not admit, whether from you or any other user, to say the "shut the f*** up, because we're tired of your dissident comments" thing, ok? Kisses.
Fascists usually have the tendency to paint on the others what they really are, to avoid the masses to think that.
Your narrow minded reading didn't see that I wrote different things in most comments over the last 24h. Censorship commitees usually have that problem - to read only what they want.

Aaaaand we're back :wave:

Apparently I'm a fascist now? Ax, I'll have to start supporting Tony Abbott. I know how much this will disappoint you.
Fascists usually have the tendency to paint on the others what they really are, to avoid the masses to think that.
Your narrow minded reading didn't see that I wrote different things in most comments over the last 24h. Censorship commitees usually have that problem - to read only what they want.
I do not admit, whether from you or any other user, to say the "shut the f*** up, because we're tired of your dissident comments" thing, ok? Kisses.

Fascist? Um no.

Your credibility? Gone.
If people being critical of the song bothers you, just ignore them...don't let them spoil your moment, it's not worth it.

I'm not, but others have since spoken up about how ridiculous the discussion was getting, I suppose I'm just the guy that cracked first. I will still enjoy the song immensely and feel sorry for those who aren't 'getting it'
Aaaaand we're back :wave:

Apparently I'm a fascist now? Ax, I'll have to start supporting Tony Abbott. I know how much this will disappoint you.

You never fooled me, Dan. All those left wing causes you've championed? I saw through that smokescreen, you FASCIST.

(Seriously, what the FUCK? Just when I didn't think this forum could take any more bizarre twists...)
Invisible is one of the worst songs ever released by U2. The lyrics are atrocious and the melody is dull and bland.

Just trying to bait dan_smee :D
I will still enjoy the song immensely and feel sorry for those who aren't 'getting it'

Here's where I've got to disagree with you though. I think I know what you're getting at, but seems a tad patronising to say you "feel sorry" for people who don't share an opinion on a specific song. I'm sure some posters out there don't gush over ASOH. I may not entirely understand how they could think ASOH is anything less than the best studio recording of U2's career, but hey, taste's a funny individualistic thing. Some people will dig something; others won't. No need to feel any particular pity. Just enjoy what you enjoy. Which is why I'm listening to Gone right now.
You never fooled me, Dan. All those left wing causes you've championed? I saw through that smokescreen, you FASCIST.

(Seriously, what the FUCK? Just when I didn't think this forum could take any more bizarre twists...)

Just call me Generalissimo. :applaud:
Here's where I've got to disagree with you though. I think I know what you're getting at, but seems a tad patronising to say you "feel sorry" for people who don't share an opinion on a specific song. I'm sure some posters out there don't gush over ASOH. I may not entirely understand how they could think ASOH is anything less than the best studio recording of U2's career, but hey, taste's a funny individualistic thing. Some people will dig something; others won't. No need to feel any particular pity. Just enjoy what you enjoy. Which is why I'm listening to Gone right now.

I knew it was coming :p I feel sorry for you Ax.

The feel sorry bit is that I feel sorry that you aren;t enjoying the new U2 song as much as me. We all build these things up, and if you aren't enjoying it after all this wait, then I do feel sorry, because that totally sucks!
I knew it was coming :p I feel sorry for you Ax.

The feel sorry bit is that I feel sorry that you aren;t enjoying the new U2 song as much as me. We all build these things up, and if you aren't enjoying it after all this wait, then I do feel sorry, because that totally sucks!

To be honest I've got other musical interests now that I'm following far more closely than U2 and that mean a whole lot more to me in 2014. I was quite happy for U2 to stay quiet! Saves me having to make tough decisions about whether or not I still have time to work on U2gigs...
Fascists usually have the tendency to paint on the others what they really are, to avoid the masses to think that.
Your narrow minded reading didn't see that I wrote different things in most comments over the last 24h. Censorship commitees usually have that problem - to read only what they want.
I do not admit, whether from you or any other user, to say the "shut the f*** up, because we're tired of your dissident comments" thing, ok? Kisses.

I'm curious as to why you added the kisses bit Aygo? You know what us fascists think of that sort of business...

You are totally misquoting me btw - I never said 'shut the fuck up', nor did I call your comments 'dissident'. The word 'fuck' was used to emphasise the tediousness of the volume of posts making the same points. A smart person once told me that 'fascists usually have the tendency to paint on the others what they really are'. Wise words they were.
To be honest I've got other musical interests now that I'm following far more closely than U2 and that mean a whole lot more to me in 2014. I was quite happy for U2 to stay quiet! Saves me having to make tough decisions about whether or not I still have time to work on U2gigs...

If you'd like to sponsor me, I'd be happy to take some videos for you...
Chances are slim to none. Better? They never reached the highs of The Unforgettable Fire and The Joshua Tree. Achtung Baby was incredible and definitely a reinvention, but is not on the same par as the former two. Their post 2000 work is not that great, some good songs and I like 2/3 of NLOTH, so it's not realistic it's going to happen.

If Invisible is an indication for the next album, I'll be satisfied.

We're all entitled to our opinions, I don't agree with you in this case. Especially the comment about AB
Well, in fact ASOH is the best studio recording of U2's career. It may be the best studio recording by any band, well, ever.

Hard to argue with that logic.

TUF was one of the first full U2 albums I bought. We had Pop and the Best-of, I wasn't into Pop, but I loved some songs off the best of. I bought TUF because it was on sale, and loading it up, about 45 seconds in I said 'why the hell was this not on the best of?!??!'. Magic moment that can never be re-created.
If you'd like to sponsor me, I'd be happy to take some videos for you...

If we had enough money for sponsorships, being sure I'm still 100% committed wouldn't be such a tough call. :lol:

But when I'm working long days, usually through the weekend too, it's a tough call to stay up through the night to update setlists for a band whose material over the last fifteen years typically doesn't evoke incredible enthusiasm in me. I don't have the energy I did when I was a twenty year old fanboy! Of course I'd be suddenly very keen if they announced a Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein residency. :wink:
If we had enough money for sponsorships, being sure I'm still 100% committed wouldn't be such a tough call. :wink:

But when I'm working long days, usually through the weekend too, it's a tough call to stay up through the night to update setlists for a band whose material over the last fifteen years typically doesn't evoke incredible enthusiasm in me. I don't have the energy I did when I was a twenty year old fanboy! Of course I'd be suddenly very keen if they announced a Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein residency. :wink:

We'll have to pick a show and get the Aussie contingent together if they do come here next time out. I've seen 4 of the last 5 shows in Sydney, I'd love to see one somewhere else.
Well, in fact ASOH is the best studio recording of U2's career. It may be the best studio recording by any band, well, ever.

Whenever I wonder what I saw in this band back in the day, I then just put on ASOH, One Tree Hill, and Heartland, and it all makes sense.

Listening to Boy also really evokes that. What an album. Basically as good as UF if you ask me. I played it earlier while I was in the office and I was thiiiis close to making a scene dancing around singing my favourite songs.
Whenever I wonder what I saw in this band back in the day, I then just put on ASOH, One Tree Hill, and Heartland, and it all makes sense.

Listening to Boy also really evokes that. What an album. Basically as good as UF if you ask me. I played it earlier while I was in the office and I was thiiiis close to making a scene dancing around singing my favourite songs.

People have been looking at me funny at work because I've had every unique studio recorded song in order in a playlist for the past 2 weeks. I'll be writing something, and suddenly start playing drums on the desk. People think I'm weird.
We'll have to pick a show and get the Aussie contingent together if they do come here next time out. I've seen 4 of the last 5 shows in Sydney, I'd love to see one somewhere else.

To be honest, I'll probably only go to any Melbourne shows. It's going to have to be a really mindblowing set to convince me to travel, especially since nowadays I find 2,000 capacity theatres to be a bit too big for my liking. But I imagine most of the Aussie contingent will travel as much as usual.

Of all the cities to see them in Australia/New Zealand though, the one to do is Auckland. Three words: ONE. TREE. HILL.

(If they ever play Wellington, rest assured I will fucking be there, front row.)
To be honest, I'll probably only go to any Melbourne shows. It's going to have to be a really mindblowing set to convince me to travel, especially since nowadays I find 2,000 capacity theatres to be a bit too big for my liking. But I imagine most of the Aussie contingent will travel as much as usual.

Of all the cities to see them in Australia/New Zealand though, the one to do is Auckland. Three words: ONE. TREE. HILL.

(If they ever play Wellington, rest assured I will fucking be there, front row.)

I don't need much of an excuse to go to Melbourne. I'm there at least twice a year with work or other things. Also, I've never been to Wellington - maybe we could convince Een to join us?
I don't need much of an excuse to go to Melbourne. I'm there at least twice a year with work or other things. Also, I've never been to Wellington - maybe we could convince Een to join us?

You should let me know when you're next in Melbourne and we should have a beer.

Een hopefully wouldn't take too much convincing!

Anyway, I'm out for the night. Keep enjoying/hating/being indecisivie about/feeling indifferent to/listening to/fascisting Invisible, everyone!
You should let me know when you're next in Melbourne and we should have a beer.

Een hopefully wouldn't take too much convincing!

Anyway, I'm out for the night. Keep enjoying/hating/being indecisivie about/feeling indifferent to/listening to/fascisting Invisible, everyone!

My wife is shooting a wedding in April - I'll let you know when I've got dates.
PS Wellington fucking rules. Melbourne in miniature, with more hills. KAPITI COAST REPRESENT.
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