PGP: Fishing for a new thread title

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I've got a movie list for her a mile long :wink: And yes she is definitely turning into a huge fangirl :D

I'm the assistant volunteer coordinator. I work for Volunteer Thunder Bay which partners with over 70 organizations in Thunder Bay. We're basically the middle man for the non profits and charities. We recruit volunteers for their events and we also coordinator different volunteer challenges through the city. I'm recruiting for a youth challenge in the schools right now. It's a great job.

That sounds great, so happy for you! :)

MTE, you should post your cute kitty pics here for VP. :heart:

Plz? :hyper:

:hug: ZU :hug: What a fucking sunk into a funk (not the cool music funk type) that is; lossing your day-off!!! :angry:
Who do we need to send a PGP Posse to? :fist: :madwife:


Yeah... and then I was going to take Monday the 20th off, but I can't do that either. But that week is only a 3 day week. And on the long weekend, I've got a date night with Mr.Z, a huge 40th Birthday party for Mr.Z and my BFF (their birthdays are 6 days apart) and a really fun bike scavenger hunt called the Urban Assault. Should be a good weekend.

Today I ate so much I thought I was going to barf ... and this was two hours after having eaten so much.

It wasn't the BBQ itself (which was tasty), it was the sides. Oh my god. Oh my god. Better than imaginary sex with rock stars.

Four words: Sweet potato tater tots.

They were worth feeling sick over.

Those sound delicious. :tongue:
If you guys use that, you have to make the text of the last two panels into tags - two separate tags.

Zooey!! :love: Poor dear. You really need to skip out on something, and come over and we'll have a girls night and drink wine and rum and do nothing except watch dvds and talk about hot guys.

Eta - I saw the pics of Mr Z's Coldplay experience. You're an awesome wife. :)
Angela, not really, I've got a ton of housework to do, and the weather is supposed to be crappy this weekend, so I probably won't go too far. Which is kind of crazy. We got a light dusting of snow today, and we're supposed to get up to 5 inches this weekend. Horror! By now we should be thigh deep, and we've become soft, and a little bit freaks us out. :lol:

Oooh, housework, fun, fun!

If you guys don't want that snow, feel free to send it here. It's cold again, but that's it. Just cold. All our snow's been melting lately. Sigh.

I fully agree with you as well, Zu definitely needs a few days off for fun and relaxation :yes:. The date night, birthday celebration, and bike scavenger hunt sound like a great start to that sort of thing, though, zu :).

Kristen, glad to hear your mom's doing good and the job's going well. Sounds like a pretty important position. I bet coordinating the volunteer challenges can be quite fun! And you're helping out charities and such along the way as well, so woo :up:.

Your mom's becoming a fangirl? Of what :D?

Also, I LOVE the hippo title. Definitely agree with that as the title for the next thread.
If you guys use that, you have to make the text of the last two panels into tags - two separate tags.

Zooey!! :love: Poor dear. You really need to skip out on something, and come over and we'll have a girls night and drink wine and rum and do nothing except watch dvds and talk about hot guys.

Eta - I saw the pics of Mr Z's Coldplay experience. You're an awesome wife. :)

That sounds like so much fun, VP. I wish we were closer.

I actually just bought plane tickets to SoCal for something exactly like that - I'm taking a weekend next month to go out and see some girlfriends (many of whom I met in PLEBA or on Interference). I'm getting a suite for the Saturday night and we're gonna watch U2 videos and drink and paint our nails and such :love:

I also just bought tickets to see 4 MLS teams play at an exhibition tournament here in Tucson :hyper:
That sounds like so much fun, VP. I wish we were closer.

I actually just bought plane tickets to SoCal for something exactly like that - I'm taking a weekend next month to go out and see some girlfriends (many of whom I met in PLEBA or on Interference). I'm getting a suite for the Saturday night and we're gonna watch U2 videos and drink and paint our nails and such :love:

I also just bought tickets to see 4 MLS teams play at an exhibition tournament here in Tucson :hyper:

Oh cool, who's going? It's a long way off, but at least you have that to look forward to. :)

I don't know how you working moms of children do it. I can barely keep it together with a job, cats and an adult kid. :huh:
I completely forgot about that being on tonight :doh:!

I have the DVD, though. I'll watch that at some point, then.

Zu, that sounds like a great way to spend a weekend!

UGH. Why are ALL my U2 friends either on the other side of the pond or country.



I KNOW! I was just thinking that myself. I feel all alone out here :(.
UGH. Why are ALL my U2 friends either on the other side of the pond or country.



I know what you mean. I'm lucky to be 6 hours from a few of them, and still a little jealous of them for being so close to one another.

Oh cool, who's going? It's a long way off, but at least you have that to look forward to. :)

I don't know how you working moms of children do it. I can barely keep it together with a job, cats and an adult kid. :huh:

Well, hopefully Comet will be there (and maybe her daughters?) and then I've talked to Nic and Dev and Kathie (RedKat) and Lila and Diana (TrojanChick) and a few others - not everyone is the uber planner that I am though, and several of them are up in the air still.

The night before I'll prob have dinner with a few friends too (one who lives in Australia and will be traveling thru LA at the same time).
I know what you mean. I'm lucky to be 6 hours from a few of them, and still a little jealous of them for being so close to one another.

Well, hopefully Comet will be there (and maybe her daughters?) and then I've talked to Nic and Dev and Kathie (RedKat) and Lila and Diana (TrojanChick) and a few others - not everyone is the uber planner that I am though, and several of them are up in the air still.

The night before I'll prob have dinner with a few friends too (one who lives in Australia and will be traveling thru LA at the same time).

Aw, if you see/talk to Kathie, tell her I miss her. :hug: Haven't talked to Lila in a while, either.
Parents weekend nnnfghhhhh going to have to tolerate suitemates' parents while cramming in last minute homework doing.

On the subject of unexpected U2, Bono's name popped up twice when I was watching 30 Rock. What.
Bono was mentioned on 30 Rock? What? :ohmy:

1. Jack's family's Irish, getting into a drunk fistfight and naming their fists Irish stuff. 2nd guy fighting calls his fists Bono and Sinéad O'Connor

2. Democratic political lady who's Jack's girlfriend is getting him fired from a job he doesn't want, and tells him she had to miss meeting Bono to do that least it's better than the mention in Misfits :/

As for the homework, I've been putting it off for the sake of sanity. Which I realized is totally beside the point bc doing it all this weekend is insane (but necessary)
Weird like Adam Clayton's butt? That happened to me. :crack:

Random image time! This amuses me

1. Jack's family's Irish, getting into a drunk fistfight and naming their fists Irish stuff. 2nd guy fighting calls his fists Bono and Sinéad O'Connor

2. Democratic political lady who's Jack's girlfriend is getting him fired from a job he doesn't want, and tells him she had to miss meeting Bono to do that least it's better than the mention in Misfits :/

As for the homework, I've been putting it off for the sake of sanity. Which I realized is totally beside the point bc doing it all this weekend is insane (but necessary)

That clip was... no. :no:
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