NFL part 4

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It's a bit of a surprise, too. Obviously, he wasn't exacly spectacular last year. But the reports from recent weeks suggested he was in amazing shape and excited to play this season. I guess the offers just weren't there once the Jets opted for Plaxico.
Weren't those reports from his agent? I don't remember hearing any unbiased sources say this, correct me if I'm wrong though.
Anyone actually think he's gonna stay retired though?

I think there's a decent chance. He doesn't particularly strike me as the type who's obsessed with winning a championship, and he has various other ventures going on.

I was hoping that he'd sign a one-year contract with the Patriots for dog food (indeed, Cris Carter has suggested that the Patriots made such an offer).
Weren't those reports from his agent? I don't remember hearing any unbiased sources say this, correct me if I'm wrong though.

Now that you mention it, that's probably true - though it seems like a couple sports writers may have run with it as though it was a fact.
I wanted to watch some in-game highlights on youtube, but all I found was Police Academy clips and beer commercials.

RIP to whom I can only assume was an awesome player.
Since when were Brett Favre's interests important? The Dolphins shouldn't be interested in Brett Favre. Nobody should, bottom line. I'd rather have Chad Henne, and even that thought makes me shudder.


The guy just looks pathetic at this point. Everyone's saying,"Oh they're just rumors." Fine - but how many times have the Favre rumors been wrong over the past few years?

Here's a brief history of the past few years:

*Early 2008: Tearfully retires after shitting his pants in the playoffs again. Still, his larger than life legacy in Wisconsin is fully intact.

*Spring 2008: Tells team he's considering coming out of retirement, then changes his mind again.

*Summer 2008: Having found an effective way to ditch training camp, Favre unretires, expecting his old job to be waiting for him. Demands his release after being told he'd have to compete for the starting job. Is instead traded to the Jets. His rock solid legacy is damaged, but not beyond repair.

*Winter/Spring 2009: Proclaims once again he's retired.

*Summer 2009: Successfully ditches training camp again. This time he signs with the Vikings to avenge the fact that Thompson and McCarthy no longer felt like letting him do whatever he wanted and had found a better QB. Legacy amongst Packer fans is in ruins and will never be fully repaired.

*Winter 2010: Favre does all Packer fans one last favor and rips the heart out of all Vikings fans with his selfish playing style. Pretends like he's mulling over retiring again. Successfully finds a way out of training camp for the third straight year.

*Summer/Fall 2010: Shows up at Minneapolis at the 11th hour and takes his job back. Plays horribly, now that he doesn't have a minute and a half to throw on every snap. Jen Sterger scandal emerges, but Goodell doesn't have the balls to suspend this "legend."

*Present: Favre realizes he can't do anything but play football until he drops dead. Somebody will take him . . . anybody . . .
Re: Favre, I don't think I CAN move on until I know for sure he's retired.
Cause it's fun to rant :D

Besides, you're always the first one to whine about us ripping on him, so whatever.

Is it really fun to act like a jilted suitor because he had the audacity to play elsewhere after he "retired"/was fired from Green Bay? Had he died in Green Bay after that loss to NYG in the NFC Championship, you all would have erected a 1000 foot statue of him and made every day a holiday in his honor. The fact that he left and then went on to play elsewhere (especially a division rival) and beat Green Bay twice that year is salt in your wounds. Crying out that he "tried to hurt us" is :sexywink:

Whatever the case, he did have a great year with Minnesota in 2009 and was only one dumb decision from making it to the Super Bowl. He took one hell of a beating in that game against New Orleans and yet somehow was able to keep getting up and giving it his all. I'm not a Favre fan by any means but i gotta respect what he did there and in Green Bay. Also im not exactly a GB fan (though i rooted for them in this last Super Bowl) but i admire what the team was able to do and their legendary history.

That said, i do think it was a mistake for him to come back last year, and it would also be a mistake for him to play this year. He should just go away and the media should stop bringing him up.

Had he died in Green Bay after that loss to NYG in the NFC Championship, you all would have erected a 1000 foot statue of him and made every day a holiday in his honor.

We almost did so anyway, at least before that following summer . . . :wink:

You're right to a certain extent - Favre's history in Green Bay and the present situation is far more exciting than the erratic behavior of our past hero. I'm still elated about the Packers' incredible post-season run and will be for some time.

That being said, any shit Favre gets is well-deserved at this point. I have no problem picking apart players for extreme douchebaggery.
I guess I haven't seen enough of Henne for a thorough analysis. I suppose if we haven't seen him break out as a starter yet under Sporano, this probably won't be the year either. Aren't there other options other than Orton, though? Actually, going back to Denver, maybe even Brady Quinn would be an idea worth looking at. He wasn't great in Cleveland, but who is?
There really isn't any other options than Orton from what I know.

And Henne is as bad as everyone from Miami says he is. He's an idiot. He clearly didn't learn anything from Chad Pennington, who was one of the smartest, most accurate QBs I've ever seen take the field.

Henne can't do shit. He's got a bomb for an arm, but he can't control the power lever on it. He can't throw accurate passes. He isn't very fast. But then again, he does have one of the worst offensive coordinators in the league pulling his strings. The only thing he has running for him is Davone Bess, who can catch just about anything thrown within a 20 foot diameter :lol:
He's an idiot, but at least Rex has balls. If we go with John Beck, Shanahan will use him as a host body for his John Elway cloning experiments.
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