The Video Game Thread PEW PEW!

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You guys have seen the ad I'm talking about though, right?

The Sith Lord Vader crashes backwards through a bunch of walls, gets up, busts out his lightsaber, and then some fucker with blue hands stares him down and fires up double lightsabers.

It's dope.

The other one is better. when they fight in the woods and he does the force blast thingy that vapourizes the stormtroopers
I hadn't seen any of these ads for Force Unleashed II yet, and now I'm actively avoiding them because they sound awesome. Force Unleashed is hands down by far the most disappointing video game of all time for me personally, and I don't want to fall for it again :(.
NSW and Scumby, I read that Undead Nightmare goes up for everyone at midnight EST tonight. So I'll probably snag it at 11 and goof off for a while. Might be able to get some zombie killin' in after dinner with the lady tomorrow too.

It's on, bitches.
Downloaded Undead Nightmares this morning. It's a big download, 1.5 gigs. Even had it been up last night, we'd have been downloading for a while.
Yeah, I got it going before I left for work too. Hopefully we can get it together tonight.
Will the 4 horses of the Apocalypse be ridden into a horde of zombies tonight? Yes, or yes?
Vincent Price Jr. wouldn't have been impressed with our performance either way. And who could blame him? We've got a long way to go, possemate.
I played the first hour or so of the Undead Nightmare campaign after we finished. You were right, it's awesome.
If you have Xbox Live, there's a new mandatory update for the 360 interface today. ESPN is now one of the free video services. You can stream past games on demand, and a bunch of other stuff. Looked at it for a few minutes this morning, seemed pretty sweet!

COD: Black Ops is only a week away!
I'm still playing and enjoying Modern Warfare 2 but yeah Black Ops looks grat. I'm really looking forward to the wager matches.
Has anyone else picked up New Vegas? Got it today, and enjoy it but the load times and the times I have to restart the system completely because of it locking up are horrendous. I hope they're working on a patch for this.
I was letdown when the Doc didn't do the head twisting thing in my game lol. Hilarious glitches, I can live with. It's the freezing that requires a hard boot of the system that gets on my nerves

Ah bugs
So, I'm making a call for Rock Band 3 as greatest video game...of all time.
New Vegas' bugs... bug me. I'd definitely buy it if it only consisted of hilarious non-gamebreaking glitches like, say, RDR - but from the sounds of things it's pretty messy. Guess I'll wait for a patch.
Because I Told You So: Yes, I Am The First Moron To Break His TV With Kinect

A public service announcement: Do not under any circumstances play Kinect Sports Volleyball at 1:30 a.m. while standing under a ceiling fan with a dangling chain for a light switch. You could conceivably spike it into your year-old amazing TV, causing it to die with a rainbow LCD teardrop dripping down from the impact wound.

Plus you'll lose the match by forfeit.

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