The Temple Bar - Counting Down 'til Summatime - UYMFA!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
We are pretty lucky! :lol: I always feel guilty when people talk about their student debt. :reject: If he hadn't paid for it, my debt would have been astronomical for sure.

See ya later! :hug:
Go Habs! :hi5:

I'll probably miss the majority of the game, but maybe I'll be able to catch some of the 3rd period, depending on when I get home. I have one last chiro appointment tonight before my big race on Sunday. I can't believe it's almost here. :crack: I'm super stressed out about it, but also totally excited as well. :lol:
That's really cool - I couldn't run around the block if my life depended on it :reject:

So I mistakenly thought Crosby did well in the Bell Centre but he hasn't scored a goal there since his FIRST season in 2006!!
Oh, if your life depended on it, I'm sure you could! :wink: It's taken a lot of time and dedication to get to this point. Even then, I'm not as motivated as a lot of the other people I run with are. :)

That's good that he hasn't scored there in years! :up: I'm sure the crowd will be amazing, as usual. That always helps!

You should hear the crowd at the Chicago arena. They just applaud and yell really loudly while their anthem is sung. It's nutty. I'm American, but it's just a little TOO overly patriotic for my liking. :lol: I guess that comes from living in Canada for most of my life, and being used to our indifference. :wink:
Btw, I was looking at the Canucks roster the other day, just for fun, and I realized that I'm older than the majority of the players on the team. :laugh: Way to make me feel old, Canucks!! It's great that the team is young, but I thought that a lot of them were older than they really are. :lol:
You should hear the crowd at the Chicago arena. They just applaud and yell really loudly while their anthem is sung. It's nutty. I'm American, but it's just a little TOO overly patriotic for my liking. :lol: I guess that comes from living in Canada for most of my life, and being used to our indifference. :wink:

I didn't know you were American - I thought maybe you had dual citizenship, though. So how come you cheered for Canada against the U.S. in the Olympics? I'm surprised they haven't disowned you :wink:

As for crowds, the Washington crowds were REALLY loud and the Pittsburg crowds seemed pretty docile in comparison.

Drea - where ya? You always drop in during games!
I should have been clearer - I'm a dualie. :) My mom's American and my dad's Canadian, so I got my American citizenship when I was 20. I consider myself more Canadian, though. :lol: I've lived most of my life here, and am just American whenever it's convenient. :wink:
Kristen, what time are you going into the line in Minneapolis? I'm trying to figure out a way to do both my 20th high school reunion (5pm-12am on the 26th, though I wouldn't be staying the whole night if I do this) and still be in the GA line really early in the morning...

(Which will mean flying out of Detroit, which I've never done before.)
Kristen, what time are you going into the line in Minneapolis? I'm trying to figure out a way to do both my 20th high school reunion (5pm-12am on the 26th, though I wouldn't be staying the whole night if I do this) and still be in the GA line really early in the morning...

(Which will mean flying out of Detroit, which I've never done before.)

I was planning on getting to the stadium for 6am. You still wanna be line buddies :hmm:
:lol: Yay! Gooood fooooood :drool: I'm making a new bisque tonight - Dublin Bay Prawn, apparently. :hmm: You can always pop by my place for a midnight snack..
Srsly. :drool: I ate so much good food this weekend too, which was filled with win. :drool:

Oooh - I'll definitely be stopping by later tonight! Sounds delish! :sexywink:
I saw the pics on FB - looked amazing! I had sushi and tea with a friend this past weekend. Always divine. I think this weekend we're trying a new wine and pizza place. :D
Ooh - sounds great! Pizza and wine, ftw! Which reminds me, I keep meaning to have a nice dinner party so that I have an excuse to open the fabulous bottles of red wine that are just waiting to be drunk.
Hmmm, food :drool:

It was sunny and 27 degrees here today so for lunch I sat on a patio on Queen St. W. with one of my favourite people in the world and ate Thai food :heaven:

By the way, for those of you doing the GA line in Toronto, I'll have a place downtown by then so you're all welcome to come freshen up, shower,etc at any time!
It was sunny and 27 degrees here today so for lunch I sat on a patio on Queen St. W. with one of my favourite people in the world and ate Thai food :heaven:
OMG, the jealousy is consuming me right now :scream: Hot sunny days.. Queen St W, friends, thai food... !!! :scream: :combust:

By the way, for those of you doing the GA line in Toronto, I'll have a place downtown by then so you're all welcome to come freshen up, shower,etc at any time!
Sweet! :kiss: Thankya.
OMG, the jealousy is consuming me right now :scream: Hot sunny days.. Queen St W, friends, thai food... !!! :scream: :combust:

I know! I saw the weather in Calgary on the news - wtf is up with that?!
They're expecting flurries for the next few days, too :crack:
And, btw, not just friends, but 'special' friends :wink: (yes, the one you met}
I know! I saw the weather in Calgary on the news - wtf is up with that?!
They're expecting flurries for the next few days, too :crack:
And, btw, not just friends, but 'special' friends :wink: (yes, the one you met}

The weather has been bipolar the last month. :| Every few days it alternates between gorgeous and spring-y and fucking WINTER. :lol: Usually around May - June it starts to even out and get warm.. usually.

And oohhhhhhhhh.. him. :shifty:
Hmmm, food :drool:

It was sunny and 27 degrees here today so for lunch I sat on a patio on Queen St. W. with one of my favourite people in the world and ate Thai food :heaven:

By the way, for those of you doing the GA line in Toronto, I'll have a place downtown by then so you're all welcome to come freshen up, shower,etc at any time!

That sounds lovely!! :love: It hasn't been that warm here yet, but that will come someday in the next few months, hopefully!

My lunch today was delicious! :drool: Now I have to figure out what to make for dinner. :hmm: Gotta be simple and quick, so it doesn't interfere with hockey. It will probably end up being pizza or something. :lol:
Seriously. :p You're still coming to Anaheim.. right.. right??

Anyway, I'm about to leave work and attempt to stay warm. TTYL! :wave: :hug:
Sharon - glad you enjoyed your birthday lunch. I'm assuming you mean ordering a pizza, rather than making one? Go Canucks!!

Kaf - hmm, not sure; I really want to go to NYC so I might just go there within the next few weeks instead. :shrug:
Have a great night!
No, I often buy frozen ones or make my own, because that way I can control the amount/kind of cheese on them, since I'm lactose intolerant. Plus, the delivery options where I live are virtually non-existent, unfortunately. I've decided on salad instead. Just about to chop some veggies, and I've got leftover chicken, so it will be tasty.

Hooray for hockey! :D
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