MANDATORY health insurance, part 2

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I'm getting all giddy about this vote! I'm so happy for Americans without good health insurance.

Thanks, I have insurance, I pay $6000 a year and then the first $3500
so I pay $9500 a year before I get any benefit.

Ok, here we go

First of three votes.

1. HR 3590 is the Senate Bill. If that passes

2. motion to recommit - the GOP gets to try and kill 'reconciliation'
if they can't then

3. the vote to pass 'the reconciliation bill'.
HR 3590 passes - hit the 216

and closes with 219.

Some Dems, lacked courage.

Politico says Stupak now on board,
Whitehouse will issue Executive Order - no fed funds for abortion.
Stupak votes 95% with Dems, it would have been really odd having him vote against Health Care.

If this is true, it could push it close to 220 votes?
Wow, a landside for President Obama. :up:
The pricetag on Hope&change just went up another trillion dollars.

The only thing bipartisan in the vote was the opposition. Landmark indeed.
How absolutely phony these GOP look going on about the lives of 'unborn' children, and in the same breath saying we can't afford health care for the borned.
The pricetag on Hope&change just went up another trillion dollars.

The only thing bipartisan in the vote was the opposition. Landmark indeed.

It's hard to be bipartisan when the opposition doesn't want to work with you at all, when all they want to do is sit cross-armed and say 'no' over and over again.

Besides, no opposition that wants to let greed-motivated insurance companies continue to tell people to go fuck themselves because they have pre-existing conditions is an opposition that should be listened to. For God's sake, last year (or was it a two years ago?), an insurance company tried to deny a little baby coverage because the baby was fat. Of course they eventually caved because the media hit them pretty hard. Because of this bill, that's now(or will soon be) illegal. And you're upset.

I'd hate to think how upset you'd be if the single-payer system that millions of us are in favor of, or even just the public option that millions upon millions of us want, went through.
Tomorrow we will see how many states rev up legislation to exempt themselves from federal mandates.

Tomorrow we find out how many state attorney generals will explore filing lawsuits over sweetheart deals.

Tomorrow we see how Wall St. reacts.

Tomorrow we will see if Rush Limbaugh will spontaneously combust on the air.
1.Tomorrow we will see how many states rev up legislation to exempt themselves from federal mandates.

2. Tomorrow we find out how many state attorney generals will explore filing lawsuits over sweetheart deals.

3. Tomorrow we see how Wall St. reacts.

4. Tomorrow we will see if Rush Limbaugh will spontaneously combust on the air.

1. will this mostly be partisan pandering?

2. could this not be done over any and all ear marks?

3. What do you predict, should I get buy orders in for Health Ins and Phama stocks?

4. Beck might be more fun to tune in to. i will try and catch a little of both.
Hannity was not complete bonkers on Fox tonight, he seemed a bit muted.
Maybe Rush is firin' up the private jet for Costa Rica as we speak.

as Frum pointed out, Rush is thrilled. more anger! let's focus all our rage at those faggots and n*ggers in Congress!

very good for his bottom line. maybe he won't have to sell that tacky apartment after all.

on a serious note, never, ever doubt the persistence and tenacity of the Big O. you can disagree all you want, and that's fine, but he's made of steel, all professorial affects aside.
Rush + viagra + young Costa Rican girls (or boys?) = the good life.

viagra + young Costa Rican girls (or boys) should not be a privilege. It should be a right. Social justice now.

If I knew how the markets would react I'd be on the phone with my portfolio manager first thing in the morning. And no, I'm not filthy rich, I just take personal responsibility for my own retirement. I don't trust Social Security to provide for me anymore than I will Obamacare.
What really happened here today?

Some Dems grew a pair. The GOP have been given way too wide a berth.

For a party out of power, they have been controlling quite a bit.

Obama and the Dems should toughen up and move some damn legislation and lead.
Does anyone think that a year or two from now,
when someone opens their mail and their Health Insurance premium goes up from $400 a month to $635 a month.

They will call or write their Congressman and demand that something be done, because they now see a government connection?
Except that he vowed a "laser-like focus on jobs" back in January. :shrug:

he can multitask.

and the economy is going to be better in November.

first, he prevents a second Great Depression with the stimulus, and also manages to pull it back from the brink.

then, he extends health care to 32 million Americans despite the most rabid opposition since ... civil rights? (no surprise there)

as ever: what can't O do?

Does anyone think that a year or two from now,
when someone opens their mail and their Health Insurance premium goes up from $400 a month to $635 a month.

They will call or write their Congressman and demand that something be done, because they now see a government connection?

my premiums have been going up an average of 33% a year without any government help.

thankfully, i had my accident after i became a paying member of BCBS, otherwise, i might be uninsurable.
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